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Ladies and gentlemen, Good Afternoon. In a few minutes, we shall already start
the Recognition Exercises. To maintain the solemnity of the ceremony, taking
pictures and videos within the area occupied by the students and near the stage is
strictly not allowed. There are assigned official photographers who are in charge of
the pictorial. We are also requesting everyone to please refrain from standing and
moving around the gym once the program has started. Let us all be guided
accordingly. Thank you very much.

Formation of Lines

May I ask all our Honor Students, together with their parents/guardians to please
assemble at the back for the processional.

Everyone is requested to settle down now as we are about to begin the recognition
exercises. Thank you very much.



Ladies and gentlemen, the Processional.

Order of the Processional:

Honor Students with their Parents/Guardian
Faculty & Staff

Fade Up Music for the Processional

Emcee: (Introduction)
Eugene Bertin once said: “Teaching is leaving a vestige of oneself in the
development of another. And surely, YOU my dear students are befitting banks
where we, your teachers, deposited our most precious treasures.”

To our ever-equal and supportive Schools Division Superintendent Sir

Virgilio BatanbJr, CESO VI, our dynamic Public School District Supervisor
Maam Mishel P. Batan, to our active School Principal Maam Ana Marie Kalang-
ad, and to our energetic Brgy. Captain Hon. Samuel Albay, to our profoundly
motivated Teaching and Non-Teaching Personnel; to the proud and loving
parents; visitors, friends, ladies and gentlemen, a PLEASANT MORNING.

On this 11t day of July in the year of our Lord, Two thousand and twenty
three, in the presence of our Honor Students, administrators, faculty and staff, dear
parents and guests, the 63rd Closing Exercises of Lindang Elementary School. are
hereby declared in session.

Emcee: To formally start this morning’s momentous event, let us all dispose of
ourselves for the singing of Philippine National Anthem and remain
standing for the opening prayer.
Philippine National Anthem

Emcee: Indeed, there are many things that we celebrate today:

So, without further ado, ladies and gentlemen, the Opening Remarks by Cristine
Susmena. Let us give her a round of applause.

Welcome Address

Thank you very much, Eojnette for welcoming everyone.

At this point in time, let us move on to the most awaited party of the ceremony.
The presentation of the Candidates for graduation by our very own school
principal Maam Ana Marie A. Kalang-ad. To be followed by the Certification
and Acceptance by our SDS Representative.



Now let us witness the giving of the Academic Awards and the Distribution of
Certificates by our School Principal to be assisted by our SDS representative and
our very own brgy. Captain Hon. Samuel Albay. May we request the parents to
accompany their child in receiving the awards and certificate on stage.



Congratulations for the job well done, our dear Students and proud


At this juncture, may I call on Mrs. Arlyn Mengullo, Teacher III to introduce
to us our guest speaker for today’s momentous event.



At this juncture, let us all welcome Miss Kizzle Kate A. Catiil to give us her words
of Gratitude. a Resounding applause, please.


And now may I call on stage Miss Cristine Jane Dinopol for the Pledge of
We’ve come to our last part of the program, let us listen to the graduation
song to be given to us by the graduates as they give tribute to their parents.

Emcee: We shall now welcome Chloe D. Dunggay for the closing remarks.
Resounding applause, please.



On this 11t day of July in the year of our Lord, Two thousand and twenty three, in
the presence of our Honor Students, administrators, faculty and staff, dear parents
and guests, the 63rd Closing Exercises of Lindang Elementary School a success.
Once again, THANK YOU SO MUCH!

Let us give one another a big round of applause.


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