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Dear [Organizer's Name],

I am writing to express my disappointment with the recent class trip that was organized by your
agency. Unfortunately, the trip did not meet the expectations of myself and my classmates, and I
would like to provide feedback on the areas that left us dissatisfied.

Firstly, the program of the trip did not live up to our expectations. The itinerary seemed rushed, and
we did not have enough time to fully appreciate and explore the attractions we visited. Additionally,
the activities planned were not engaging or well-organized, which left us feeling bored and
unenthusiastic about the trip.

Furthermore, the transportation provided for the trip was subpar. The bus was uncomfortable, and
the air conditioning was not working properly, making the journey uncomfortable and unpleasant for
everyone on board. This significantly impacted our overall experience.

In order to avoid similar problems in the future, I would like to suggest the following improvements
Careful planning of the itinerary to allow for sufficient time at each attraction and ensure that the
activities are engaging and well-organized.Ensuring that the transportation provided is in good
condition, comfortable, and equipped with functioning air conditioning.Seeking feedback from the
participants before finalizing the trip program to understand their interests and preferences.

I believe that implementing these suggestions will help in creating a more enjoyable and fulfilling
experience for future class trips organized by your agency.

I appreciate your attention to this matter and hope that you will take the necessary steps to address
these concerns. Thank you for considering my feedback, and I look forward to seeing positive
changes in the future.

Your faithfully

Truong Dung

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