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Quadrilaterals - 1

1 Quadrilaterals having one pair of opposite sides as parallel and the other pair of opposite sides as non-parallel are termed as trapezoids.

• ABCD is a trapezoid since BC || AD and AB is not parallel to CD.
• Note: If the non-parallel sides become equal, i.e., AB = CD, the trapezoid will be
h known as an isosceles trapezoid.
• The area of a trapezoid = × (sum of parallel sides) × height.
B C 1
o Area = × (BC + AD) × Height.

2 Quadrilaterals having both pairs of opposite sides as parallel are termed as parallelograms.

• AB || CD and AB = CD
• AD || BC and AD = BC
h1 • The area of a parallelogram = base × height.
o Area = BC × h1 = CD × h2.


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Quadrilaterals - 2

3 If all the sides of a parallelogram are equal, it is termed as a rhombus.

A D • AB || CD, AD || BC, and AB=BC=CD=DA

• Note: It is not necessary that all angles should be equal. If they are equal, it becomes a square.
• Area of a rhombus = × product of diagonals
o Area = × AC × BD.


Note: Diagonals of a rhombus are perpendicular to each other.

4 If all the angles of a parallelogram are equal to 90 degrees each, it is termed as a rectangle.

• AB || CD, AD || BC and angle A = angle B = angle C = angle D = 900.
• Note: All sides may or may not be equal to each other. If they are equal, it becomes a square.
• Area of a rectangle = length × width.
o Area = AB ×BC.

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Quadrilaterals - 3

5 In a parallelogram, if all the angles are equal to 90 degrees each and all sides are equal, it is termed as a square.

A D • AB || CD, AD || BC.
• angle A = angle B = angle C = angle D = 900.
• AB = BC = CD = DA.
• Note:
o A rhombus with all angles equal to 900 is termed as a square.
B C o A rectangle with all sides equal becomes a square.
• Area of a square = side2.
o Area = AB2.

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Quadrilaterals - 4

6 Parallelograms have the following properties.

A D • Each pair of opposite sides of a parallelogram are equal
o AB = CD, BC = AD.
• Opposite angles of a parallelogram are equal
E o Angle A = angle C, angle B = angle D.
• Diagonals of a parallelogram bisect each other
o AE = EC, BE = ED.
• Each diagonal divides a parallelogram into two congruent triangles
o Triangle ABC ≅ Triangle DAC.
o Triangle ADB ≅ Triangle BCD.

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Quadrilaterals - 5

7 Rectangles have the following properties.

A D • All angles of a rectangle are equal to 90 degrees.

o Angle A = angle B = angle C = angle D = 900.
• The two diagonals of a rectangle are equal and bisect each other.
E o AC = BD.
o AE = EC= BE = ED.
B C o The diagonals of a rectangle don't necessarily bisect each other at 900.
• Length of a diagonal = √(length2 + width2).
o AC = √(AB2 + BC2).
• Perimeter of a rectangle = 2 × (length + width).
o Perimeter = 2(AB + BC).
• Area of a rectangle = length × width.
o Area = AB × BC.

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Quadrilaterals - 6

8 Squares have the following properties.

• All four sides of a square are equal, and all its angles are equal to 90 degrees.
o Angle A = angle B = angle C = angle D = 900.
o AB = BC = CD = DA.
• The diagonals of a square are equal and bisect each other at 90 degrees.
o AC = BD.
o AE = EC= BE = ED.
o AC⊥BD.
• The diagonals of a square bisect the angles at the vertices.
o Angle ACB = angle ACD = angle CDB = angle ADB = 450.
• Length of a diagonal of a square = side√2.
o AC = 2√AB = BD.
• Perimeter of a square = 4 × side of a square.
o Perimeter = 4 × AB.
• Area of a square = square of the side.
o Area = AB2.

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