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Cu trúc so sánh hn vi tính t và trng t ngn

S + V + (Adj/Adv) + “-er” + than


● Jennie’s grades are higher than her sister’s. (Điểm của Jennie cao hơn chị gái
của cô ấy.)
● Today is colder than yesterday. (Hôm nay lnh hn hôm qua.)
● My girlfriend came later than me. (Bạn gái tôi đến muộn hơn tôi.)
2. Cu trúc so sánh hn vi tính t và trng t dài

S + V + more + Adj/Adv + than


● He is a more professional soccer than me. (Anh ấy đá bóng chuyên nghiệp

hơn tôi.)
● He speaks Korean more fluently than

● She visits her family less frequently than I used to. (Cô ấy ít về thăm gia
đình hơn tôi trước đây.)
● This hat is more expensive than the others. (Chiếc mũ này đắt hơn những
chiếc khác.)
● My father drives more carefully than

Lu ý: Có thể thêm các trạng từ (far, much. a bit / a little, a lot) để bổ nghĩa cho
so sánh hơn.

E.g: Mike’s phone is much more expensive than mine. (Điện thoại của Mike đắt
hơn của tôi rất nhiều.)

3. Cấu trúc viết lời bình phẩm đối với so sánh hơn

S + have/ has + V3/ed + a/any + adj_ngắn-er + noun + than…

S + have/ has + V3/ed + a + more + adj_dài + noun + than…


● I’ve never seen a/any longer bridge than this one.

(Tôi cha bao gi nhìn thy cây cu nào dài hn cây cu
● I’ve never read a more interesting book than this one. (Tôi chưa bao giờ đọc
quyển sách nào thú vị hơn quyển sách này.)
Cấu trúc câu so sánh nhất trong tiếng Anh
1. Công thc so sánh hn vi tính t và trng t ngn

S + V + the + Adj/Adv + -est


● My brother is the tallest in our family. (Anh trai của tôi là người cao nhất
trong gia đình chúng tôi.)
● Sunday is the coldest day of the month so far. (Chủ nhật là ngày lạnh nhất
trong tháng cho đến nay.)
2. Công thức so sánh nhất với tính từ và trạng từ dài

S + V + the + most + Adj/Adv


● The most boring thing about English course is doing grammar exercises.
(Điều nhàm chán nhất của khóa học tiếng Anh là làm các bài tập ngữ pháp.)
● Lisa is the most careful

● Of all the students, she does the most quickly. (Trong tất cả các học sinh, cô
ấy làm nhanh nhất.)
● This is the most difficult case we have ever encountered. (Đây là trường
hợp khó nhất mà chúng tôi từng gặp.)
● Linda is the most intelligent student in my class. (Linda là học sinh thông
minh nhất trong lớp của tôi.)
Lu ý : Có thể thêm các trạng từ (very, by far, much, almost, quite) trước cụm từ
so sánh để mang ý nghĩa nhấn mạnh.

E.g: Here is the very latest news about the accident. (Đây là tin tức mới nhất về vụ
tai nạn.)

3. Cấu trúc viết lời bình phẩm đối với so sánh nhất

That’s/ it’s + the + adj_ngắn- est + noun + S + have/ has + ever + P2

That’s/ it’s + the + most + adj_dài + noun + S + have/ has + ever + P2


● That’s the most interesting book I’ve ever read. (Đó là quyển sách thú vị
nhất mà tôi từng đọc.)
● That’s the longest bridge I’ve ever seen. (Đó là cây cầu dài nhất mà tôi từng

● No one in my class is taller than Peter
● => Peter…is the tallest…student…in …my

Viết lại câu so sánh mà không làm thay đổi ý nghĩa của câu
1. I’ve never met any more handsome person than Tom.

⇒ Tom is most handsome person I have met…………………………

2. In my opinion, there is nobody as kind-hearted as my mother.

⇒ In my opinion, my mother is …the most kind- hearted person ………………

3. There is no more intelligent student in this school than Anna.

⇒ Anna is the most intelligent student in this school……………………………..

4. This is the most delicious hamburger I’ve ever eaten.

⇒ I’ve never eaten any more delicious hamburger than this


5. Have you got any boxes smaller than that one?

⇒ Is this the smallest box you have…………………………………?

6. No one in my class is taller than Peter

=> Peter…is the tallest student in my



1. This is the first time + S + have/has + V3/-ed

⇔ S + have/has + never (not) + V3/-ed + before

2. S + began / started + to V/ V-ing + time ago (nhận dạng cấu trúc: began/
started to V/ Ving: bắt đầu làm gì)

Viết lại thành: S + have/has + P2 / been Ving+ for / since ...

Ví dụ: She began to play the piano 5 years ago

=> She has played/ has been playing the piano for 5 years.

3. S + last + Ved + time+ ago: Lần cuối cùng làm gì

=> S + have/ has +not+ for + time

=> It’s + time+ since + S + last + Ved.

=> The last time + S + V ed+ was + time + ago.

Ví dụ: It last snowed 2 weeks ago.

=> It hasn’t snowed for 2 weeks

=> It’s 2 weeks since (Có chức năng như when: kể từ khi) it last snowed.
=> The last time it snowed was 2 weeks ago.

Bài 1:

1. This is the first time I have been abroad.

-> I haven’t…been abroad before…………………………………

2. This is the first time I have ever met a handsome boy.

-> I haven’t……met a handsome boy before……………………….

3. I have never read such a lovely story.

-> This is the first time ……………………………..

4. I’ve never met such a famous actor before.

->It is the first time I met such a famous actor………………………………………

5. She has never learnt playing violin before.

->It is the first time she has learnt playing

6. The first time I went to Ha Noi City was three months ago.
->It has …been 3 months since I went to ha noi city the first time

Bài tập 2: Viết lại câu

1. I have never seen a beautiful girl like her

It is the first time I have seen a beautiful girl like her

2. She has never learnt playing guitar before

it is the first time she has learnt playing guitar

3. My mother hasn’t driven a car before

It is the first time my mother has driven a car

4. She has not eaten Lobster before

it is the first time she has not eaten Lobster
5. This is the first time she has worked with customers
she has never worked with customers before

6. It is the first time I have sit on a plane

I’ve never sit on a plane before

Dạng viết đoạn văn:

Describe your school.

You can write about appearance, activities in school.

About 150 words

My school is Phan Đình Phùng secondary school. It’s located on Phan Đình
Phùng street ,Buôn Ma Thuột city. It is a big and beautiful school. There are
many things that I like about my school. My friends are kind and my teachers
are friendly that the thing I like best about my school. There is a big yard in
front of three buildings. I used to play games and gather with my friends in
playtime. My school is big enough to contain about 1000 students.It has 30
class rooms and 4 function room. My favorite room is library room where we
often read and discuss about books. My teachers teach me many useful lessons
that it help me with problems in my life. I often sit on the benches under the
trees to wait for my mother pick me up. Because my gate school is surrounded
by many big trees. My school is always in my heart and I love it so much.

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