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Grade and Section: HUMSS 11 Date: March 01, 2024

Topic: Structural-Functionalism Time: 8:00 - 9:30 am


A. Content Standard

The learner will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the key concepts and approaches in
Social Sciences.

B. Performance Standard

The learner will be able to interpret personal and social experiences using relevant approaches in
Social Sciences.

C. Learning Competencies
infer literary meaning from
literal language based on
infer literary meaning from
literal language based on
infer literary meaning from
literal language based on
infer literary meaning from
literal language based on
a. Discuss Structuralism (HUMSS_DIS11-IIIe-f-1.1)
b. Determine manifest and latent functions and dysfunctions of sociocultural phenomena.

D. Lesson Objectives
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. discuss the basic concepts and functions of Structural Functionalism;
2. craft a graphic organizer to show understanding of the basic concepts of Structural
Functionalism; and,
3. recognize Structural- Functionalism as integral part of understanding the society.


Learning Resources

A. References
Capulong, N., Firmo, R, & Rubio, L. (2020). Structural - Functionalism and its importance in
examining socio - cultural, economic, and political conditions. Discipline and Ideas in the Social
Sciences Grade 11 Module 6. Department of Education, pages 5-6.

B. Other Learning Resources

Department of Education. (2020). Concepts and Principles of the Major Social Sciences
Theories: Structural – Functionalism, Marxism, and Symbolic Interactionism. Disciplines and Ideas
in the Social Sciences Module 5. DepEd Philippines, page 6.



i. Prayer

Kindly stand up everyone for our short prayer so that we

will have the guidance of our Almighty God in today’s
Marianne, please lead the prayer. Lord, as we begin this class, we seek your guidance
and wisdom. Grant us clear minds and open hearts to
absorb the knowledge before us. Bless us with
diligence and attentiveness in our studies. Amen
ii. Greetings

Good morning, class. Good morning, Ma’am.

Face your classmates and tell them “You look good “You look good today!”

Alright. I glad to see you today, looking ready to learn new


iii. Putting the Class in Order

Before you take your seat, kindly look around you and
pick up the pieces of litter, if there are any, and make sure
that your seats are properly aligned. (Students will pick-up the trash.)
(The teacher will roam around to check the orderliness of
the classroom.)

You may now take your seats. Thank you, Ma’am.

Class, just a few reminders. As we proceed with our Classroom Rules

discussion, please do not forget to follow these class rules.  Listen to the teacher attentively.
 Avoid talking with your seatmates; and
Understood?  Participate actively.
 Learn and have fun!
Yes, Ma’am!

Very good.

iv. Checking of Attendance

Ms. Class Secretary, is everybody present? Yes, Ma’am.

Excellent, it’s good to know that all of you are here, ready
and willing to learn new things today.

v. Checking of Assignment

Have you been given an assignment from your previous

No, Ma’am.

vi. Motivation

Before we proceed to a new topic, please stand up.

Let us do the “I’m alive, alert awake, enthusiastic” song in

a modernize version.

A. Reviewing previous lesson

Before moving on to the new topic, let us have a short
recap of what have been discussed last meeting.
Who among you could share what they learned from the
last lesson?
(Students will raise hand.)
Yes, John Harold?
Last time, we talked about the different disciplines
of social science.
Thank you. Can anyone give one discipline of social
science and explain it?
Ma’am, Sociology which refers to the study of
Yes, Kenan?
human societies and interactions.
Alright. Another one.
Economics which refers to the study of production,
Yes, Genesis?
distribution and consumption of goods and services
within societies.
Very well said. Do you have questions regarding the past
lesson? None.

I’m glad that you really understood our past lesson.

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson

For now, let me first present the objectives that we need to

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
achieve as we go through our lesson.
1. discuss the basic concepts and functions
of Structural Functionalism;
2. craft a graphic organizer to show
understanding of the basic concepts of Structural
Functionalism through differentiated tasks; and,
3. recognize Structural- Functionalism as
integral part of understanding the society.

Are you guys ready and willing to accomplish that?

Yes, Ma’am.

Very good!

C. Presenting examples/instances of the new lesson

To start our discussion, let us have another group activity.

This is called “Build a Tower.”
1.With the same group, the students shall build a
tower or structure for 3 minutes using strips of
2. The group who builds the highest tower and
stands for at least 3 seconds will be declared as a
3. Once your group is done, just say the magic word

Alright. Are the instructions clear?
Yes, Ma’am.
Okay. Proceed to your groups.
(Students will do so.)

Your 3 minutes starts now.

(Students will build their towers based on the
(The teacher will monitor the activity to determine which
group finishes the task successfully.)

D. Analysis

So, those activities that you did has something in common.

They were able to touch a common concept that has
something to do with our new lesson.
Now, what do you think is the common concept of those
Yes, Julian?

Correct. Connection or Interconnectedness is the concept Ma’am, I think it’s about building a connection to
that has been touched by the two activities. form something.
In which part of the first activity can we find connection?
Yes, Kristelle?

Alright. How about in the second activity? Where is the When we hold each other’s hands to create the
connection there? Yes Kevin? human knot.

In the foundation of the tower, Ma’am.


A. Discussing New Concepts and Practicing New

Skills #1

Very good. Now, connection or interconnectedness is a

very important concept for our lesson for today which is,
please read everyone.
Thank you, HUMSS 11. Today, we are going to focus on
the basic concepts and principles of Structural-
Functionalism and how it is used to define the
relationships in the society.

Now, based on our previous activities, what is your insight

about the definition of Structural Functionalism?
Yes, Edcel? I think when we say structural functionalism, it has
something to do with the connections or relationship
of people in a society.
That’s right? Who else has an idea?
Yes, Van? For me, structural formalism means having a
connection to build a strong structure.
Okay, that is also correct. When we say structural
functionalism, it pertains to..., please read, Cris. Structural Functionalism is framework that sees
society a complex system whose parts works
together to promote solidarity and stability.

Based on what I read, structural functionalism is

Thank you. What have you understood with what you

used by the society to be stable.
Alright. So, in structural functionalism, society is
described as a system which has many parts. And these
parts are doing their jobs collaboratively to have a balance
in the society. In short, there is an interconnectedness in
the society. There is a connection among each part of the
And what do you think consists of the parts of a society?
Yes, Marian?
I think family, church, school and government are
the parts of a society.
Yes. Family, church or religion, school or education and
the government are considered the major institutions of the
society. And as part of the society, what are they doing to
show that they are interconnected? Or to help the society
be stable?
Yes, Mark Jhun? They work together, Ma’am. For example, in the
family, we are provided with values and skills to
help us interact with other people. Then in school,
you apply these values as we learn knowledge and
skills. Then the church taught us about morals that
can help us to socialize as well and the government
provides the law that maintains the order in the
Very well said. That is how they work together to achieve
a society that has balance, a society that is growing and a
society that is prosperous. Understood?

Alright. If structural functionalism says that society is Yes, Ma’am.

interconnected and is composed of parts working together,
can you think of something that you can compare the
society with?
Yes, Aleah?
Puzzle, Ma’am. Because a puzzle also has its parts
Okay, that is a nice idea. With structural functionalism, we that make the puzzle complete and stable.
can see the society as a puzzle, in which each puzzle
pieces represents the institutions (family, church, school)
who work together to maintain the society.

Now, take a look at this human body organ system. How

can you compare it with the concept of structural
functionalism? Yes, van?

Ma’am, I believe structural functionalism and our

body is the same in a way that each organ system or
every part of the body symbolizes the parts of the
society that do their jobs to help the body, which is
the society, to do its functions.

Exactly. The body or the society will grow and develop

because the organs or its parts are each of their roles. So

what will happen if each part does not perform their roles?
Yes, Chirstopher?

The body or the society will not function and

Very good. That is why it is important that each part of collapse.
the society, even us, to play their roles so that we can have
a better society. Understood?

B. Discussing New Concepts and Practicing Yes, Ma’am.

New Skills #2

Now, please study this information:

What can you infer from the given information? Yes,


Alright. Thank you very much, So, manifest and latent

functions are concepts under structural functionalism.
They happened when the parts or institutions in the society Ma’am, there are two types of functions which are
are doing their job. the manifest functions and Latent functions.
So, when we say manifest function, it means what? Yes,

Okay. And how about latent function? Genesis?

Alright. When we say manifest functions, they are the It means the intended social function of the
function or the job of an institution. Example, the school, institutions.
what is it made for?
The unintended function of the institution, Ma’am.
Okay. Providing education to the members of the society is
the manifest function of the school. In short, the institution
is serving its purpose.
For studying or education.
So, aside from studying or knowledge, what else do you
learn or do at school?

Okay. That is the latent function of the school, or the

hidden job. We all know that school is a place to gain
knowledge, but it is not the only think that we get here. We Interact with other people or joining club to enhance
can also enhance our skills and even build relationship our skills.
with other people here.


Do you have any question?

Yes, Ma’am.


A. Developing Mastery

Now, let us have this activity.

Kindly read the instruction, Marian.  In a 1 whole sheet of paper, complete the
graphic organizer showing the basic
concepts and functions of Structural
formalism. Eight minutes will be given to
finish the task.
 Provide a short explanation about structural
functionalism, definition of manifest and


latent function and examples for each

Thank you, Marian. Are the instructions clear? function.

Okay. Your 8 minutes starts now. Yes, Ma’am.

(After eight minutes, the teacher will call some students to

present their works and pass the papers afterwards.)


B. Making generalizations & abstractions about

the lesson

To test your learnings, kindly accomplish this task.

Activity: Hashtag of the day

DIRECTIONS: In a 1/4th sheet of paper, write a short but

creative hashtag to summarize your learnings from today’s
lesson. Then write a short explanation for your hashtag.


At the back of your paper, answer the question:

(Students will do so.)
“How Structural Functionalism helps in understanding the

(After the given time, the teacher will ask some students to
share their answers. The all papers will be passed
afterwards. None, Ma’am.
Do you have any question regarding our lesson?

C. Evaluating Learning
If none, let’s evaluate your learning.

Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. What is the main idea behind structural functionalism? Answer Key:

A. Society is a collection of individuals with no
overarching structure. 1. C
B. Society is a chaotic system with unpredictable 2. D
outcomes. 3. B
C. Society is a complex system of interconnected parts 4. A
working together. 5. B
D. Society is constantly changing and evolving with no set 6. A
structure. 7. C
8. B
2. Which of the following is NOT a key concept of
structural functionalism?
A. Manifest functions
B. Latent functions
C. Social stability
D. Individual choice

3. Manifest functions are the:

A. Unintended consequences of actions or systems.
B. Intended consequences of actions or systems.
C. Unforeseen changes within a social structure.
D. Negative outcomes of social interactions.

4. Latent functions are the:

A. Unintended consequences of actions or systems.
B. Intended consequences of actions or systems.
C. Unforeseen changes within a social structure.
D. Negative outcomes of social interactions.

5. An example of a latent function of school is:

A. Promoting critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
B. Providing a space for social interaction and relationship
C. Ensuring everyone receives the same level of education.
D. Creating competition and pressure among students.

6. Which of the following is NOT a discipline within the

social sciences?
A. Engineering
B. Sociology
C. Psychology
D. Economics

7. Which social science discipline primarily studies the

development, structure, and function of human societies?
A. Economics
B. History
C. Sociology
D. Political Science

8. Which social science discipline examines the

production, distribution, and consumption of goods and
services within societies?
A. Sociology

B. Economics
C. Psychology
D. Anthropology

9-10. What is the importance of learning the disciplines of

social science?

D. Additional activities for application or remedial

Write an 8-10 reflective journal about Structural

Functionalism. Do it in a ½ sheet of paper. Criteria:
Content- 10 points
Mechanics- 5 points
Organization- 5 points
Total: 20 points.
Are there still any questions, clarifications or concerns you
would like to raise?
None at all.
If there’s none, let’s call it a day.
A day!
Goodbye, class.

Goodbye, Ma’am. Thank you for teaching us.

A. No. of learners who earned 80p% in the evaluation: ________
B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation who score below 80%: ________
C. Did the remedial lesson work? No. of learners who caught up with the lesson: ______
D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation: ________
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did this work?
a. ________________________________________________________________________
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve?
a. ________________________________________________________________________
G. What innovation or localized materials did I use/ discover which I wish to share with other
a. ________________________________________________________________________



Pre-Service Teacher


Cooperating Teacher



Principal, Laboratory High School

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