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Narrative Report: Division Sports Clinic and Accreditation of School Technical Officials in Coaching and Officiating

(Aurora Sports Complex-Reserva, Baler, Aurora)

January 12-14, 2024

Day 1: Lecture Session(January 12, 2024)

The seminar began with an engaging lecture by Sir Noel Berjay, covering wrestling fundamentals,
strategies, and mental preparation. Participants absorbed insights into techniques, stances, and match

Day 2: Practical Demonstration(January 13, 2024)

Transitioning to the mat, Sir Antigo Abidal and Sir Noel Berjay and his team demonstrated live wrestling
techniques. Participants observed, practiced, and received feedback, bridging theory with practical

Day 3: Skill Application and Recap(January 14, 2024)

The final day featured participant sparring, drills, and personalized feedback. A recap session highlighted
key takeaways, and certificates were awarded. The seminar concluded, leaving participants with
enhanced wrestling knowledge and a sense of community.

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