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The past year has been an exciting and eventful one for the Entertainment
Committee. As members of the committee, our primary goal was to enhance the
overall experience for our community members through a diverse range of
events. In this report, we will outline the various activities organised, evaluate
their success, and provide insights into the organisational aspects of each event.
First Event
The Outdoor Movie Night that took place in September, aimed to provide a
relaxed and enjoyable evening for the community. The event faced some
challenges due to unpredictable weather conditions, leading to a rescheduled
date. Despite this, it garnered positive feedback, emphasising the need for
contingency plans in future outdoor events.
Second Event
The year concluded with the Winter Ball, a formal event featuring live music,
elegant decor, and a festive atmosphere. Attendees praised the committee for
creating a memorable night, demonstrating our commitment to providing
diverse entertainment experiences. The event's success was attributed to
thorough planning, strong teamwork, and effective coordination with venue

The Entertainment Committee's efforts throughout the year have contributed

significantly to the overall vibrancy and sense of community. By learning from
both successes and challenges, we aim to continue improving our event
planning and execution in the coming year. We express our gratitude to the
committee members, volunteers, and sponsors whose dedication and support
made these events possible.

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