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Volunteer Report: Movie Screening of "Kappe Raaga"

Date: 16-03-2024

Event: Movie Screening of "Kappe Raaga"

Venue: Prestige Sri Hari Khoday Centre For Performing Arts.

The movie screening of "Kappe Raaga" was an intricately planned and executed event, aimed at
offering attendees an immersive cinematic experience. As one of the volunteers, we had the privilege
of being part of the dedicated team responsible for ensuring the seamless operation of the

Volunteer Responsibilities:
Our role as volunteers encompassed a wide range of responsibilities, all crucial for the success of the

Auditorium Management:
Our foremost task was to manage the auditorium, ensuring orderliness and discipline among the
attendees. To facilitate this, we were assigned the responsibility of guiding attendees to their
designated seats. Each attendee was provided with a ribbon tag indicating their seating section,
allowing for efficient navigation within the auditorium.

Distribution of Gift Bags:

As part of enhancing the attendee experience, we distributed gift bags to each individual upon their
arrival. These gift bags contained a variety of items, including snacks, promotional materials related
to the movie, and souvenirs. The distribution process was meticulously organised to ensure that
every attendee received their bag promptly.

Providing Water Bottles:

To ensure the comfort and well-being of the attendees throughout the screening, we were tasked
with distributing water bottles. Hydration is essential during prolonged periods of sitting, and
providing water bottles helped alleviate any discomfort or inconvenience for the audience.

Event Execution:
The execution of the event followed a well-defined plan, meticulously crafted by the organising
committee. The process unfolded as follows:

Attendee Arrival and Seating:

Attendees began arriving at the venue well before the scheduled start time of the screening. As
volunteers, we welcomed them warmly and guided them to the auditorium entrance. Each attendee
was then provided with a ribbon tag corresponding to their assigned seating section. Volunteers
stationed at various points within the auditorium assisted attendees in locating their seats, ensuring
a smooth and orderly entry process.

Distribution of Gift Bags:

Once seated, attendees were presented with gift bags containing an assortment of items. These bags
served not only as tokens of appreciation but also as a means of enhancing the overall viewing
experience. Attendees expressed delight and gratitude upon receiving their gift bags, further
contributing to the positive atmosphere of the event.
Screening of "Kappe Raaga":
The highlight of the event was, of course, the screening of "Kappe Raaga." The film, with its
captivating storyline and stunning visuals, captivated the audience from start to finish. Attendees
were fully immersed in the cinematic experience, experiencing a range of emotions as the narrative
unfolded on the screen.

Team Collaboration:
Collaboration among the team of volunteers was instrumental in ensuring the smooth operation of
the event. Effective communication and coordination were key factors contributing to our collective
success. Volunteers worked together seamlessly, assisting each other as needed and ensuring that all
tasks were completed efficiently and effectively.

Challenges and Solutions:

While the event ran smoothly overall, we encountered a few challenges along the way. One of the
main challenges was managing the flow of attendees entering the auditorium. To address this,
additional volunteers were stationed at key entry points to guide attendees and prevent congestion.

Another challenge arose during the distribution of gift bags, as ensuring that each attendee received
their bag in a timely manner required careful coordination. To overcome this challenge, volunteers
worked in teams, with each team responsible for distributing bags to a designated section of the
auditorium. This approach helped streamline the process and ensure that no attendee was

In conclusion, the movie screening of "Kappe Raaga" was a resounding success, thanks to the
dedication and hard work of the volunteer team. Attendees were treated to an unforgettable
cinematic experience, made possible by the collective efforts of all involved. It was truly a privilege to
be part of such a rewarding endeavour, and I am grateful for the opportunity to contribute to the
success of the event.

Special thanks are extended to the organisers and event coordinators, Sir Muthu for their meticulous
planning and guidance throughout the event. Additionally, gratitude is expressed to all volunteers for
their unwavering commitment and enthusiasm, without which the event would not have been

Report Compiled By:

Anushka Gupta 2223249

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