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Dear Parents,

We’re excited to begin our show and tell next week! Students have been divided into two groups and
assigned a specific day. We will begin next week with group A and the groups presenting each week
will be announced on Class Dojo. Below are students’ assigned groups and general guidelines that will
help them to prepare for it. We will be giving them specific topics to talk about, they can bring in an
object or a picture as they talk about the specified topic. We hope this helps enhance their speaking and
listening skills!
Group A:
 Malika  Hamza  Aseel  Karma  Khadija
 Malek  Mahmoud  Tamara  Ali  tayem

Group B:
    
 Omar  Nilly  Lionel  Dema  Zain
 Gamila  Rasikh  Talia  Fyrouz  Zeyad
 Malek  Younis

1. Check the topic we'll be discussing in show and tell biweekly posted
on Class Dojo.
2. Prepare an object/picture that relates to this specified topic.
3. Think about why you chose this object. Why is it special?
4. Describe what it is and how it is used.
5. Practice your “show and tell” at home. Practice saying it to your family,
friends, or even in front of a mirror!
Remember: Confident speakers can be heard, look at their audience,
and speak clearly.
* Students should not bring toys to school except for on days of their show and

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