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Bella Sant

SWOT Analysis

Strengths Weaknesses

Solo singing – I have been singing solo Organization – My organization skills are
both in shows and at independent quite poor so I have to plan ahead to
events since I was around 10 so I am make sure that I implement time to
comfortable performing on my own practice and learn my solo pieces.
when singing.
Perfectionist – I often have to do things
Characterization – Having a background until they are “perfect” so it takes a
in musical theatre training, when long time to rehearse as I put high
performing in song or in dance I always standards on myself.
tell a story with my face and think about
the background of the character and Pirouettes – I have improved but my
how my face should fit with the style of pirouettes are still inconsistent, which
dance. is something I am currently working on
in G17.
Good dance technique – I practice good
dance technique. I have good posture,
alignment, control and pick up skills.

Opportunities Threats

Creativity – I can show my creativity Solo Dance – I have never performed a

skills by using my imagination from the dance solo before so at first it might be
three stimuluses: growth, relationships, quite nerve racking for me to come to
and isolation. I can implement personal terms with at first.
experiences into one or more of these
categories to make an out of the box Choreography – I have never
performance. choreographed my own dance before so
it will be hard for me at first but I am
Feedback – Gaining constructive excited for where my mind can take me
feedback from a solo dance before and once I have gotten the hang of it at the
showing contrasting styles of dance such start.
as lyrical which we may not have
covered in dance before. Time – Other deadlines and outside
activities will make it hard for me to
Experience – This solo platform will practice but I will make time and
create and environment that could be perform to the best of my ability.
similar to an audition environment and
help me to be prepared for the next

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