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Opposing team → The team you are competing against

Strike → Kick the ball

Scored → Get a point in a game
Analysed the data → Examined the information
Was held → Took place
Fixtures → Scheduled matches
Recreation → Enjoyment
Sportsmanship → Espíritu deportivo(deportividad
Cheer on → Animar a alguien
Reigning champion → Último en ganar (campeón actual)
First round → Primer parte
Replay → Repetición
Brainwave → Idea brillante
Ingenious → Ingeniosa
Prompted → Apuntar, rápido
Calculates → Calcular
Visible → Visible
Install → Instalar
Conceal → Ocultar
Point out → Mostrar
Set about → Comenzar
Obtain → Conseguir, obtener
Figure → Número, cantidad
Top priority → Máxima prioridad
Repeatedly → Repetidamente
Determine → Determinar, condicionar
Efficient → Eficiente
Take off → Sacarse, quitarse
Apparent → Evidente
Responsible → Resposable
Lap → Vuelta
Lead → Capitanear, primero
Tie → empate
Defeat → Derrota
Tournament → Campeonato
Court → Pista
Athletic performance → Rendimiento atlético
Spectator sports → Deportes para espectadores
Foul → Falta
Penalty → Penalti
Referees → Arbitrar
Umpires → Árbitro
Knock out → Dejar inconsciente
Save a goal → Parar un gol
Set a record → Establecer un récord
Hold the record → Mantener el récord
Getting a head → Salir adelante
Stand a chance → Tener posibilidad
Slow down → Desacelerar
Qualify for → Cumplir los requisitos
An edge over → Una ventaja sobre


Find out → Descobrir
Sign → contractar, fitxar
Youngster → Joves
Performance → Rendiment
Tackle → Treure la pilota
Throughout → Al llarg de
Equipment (or gear) → equipació
Focus on → Concentrar-se en
Field (or pitch) → Camp
Coach → Entrenador
Statistics and figures → Estadística i xifres
Training → Entrenament
Tool → Eina
Strengths and weaknesses → Fortaleses i debilitats
Be responsible for → Ser responsable de
Be left out → Fer fora / deixar de banda
Improve → Millorar
Facilities → Instal·lacions
Develop → Desenvolupar


Equip Equipment Equipped

Oppose Opposition/opponent Opposing

Weaken Weakness Weak

- Visibility (in) visible

Defend Defence/defender Defensive

- Sophistication Sophisticated

Identify Identity/identification Identifiable

Relax Relaxation Relaxed/relaxing

Strengths and weaknesses → Fortalezas y debilidades
Back and forth → De un lado para otro
Sooner or later → Tarde o temprano
Sick and tired → Cansarse de algo
Now and again → Cada tanto
Heads or tails → Cara o cruz
Far and wide → Por todas partes/ a lo largo y ancho
Safe and sound → Sano y salvo



Removed from → You complained about

the soup, so it's been taken off your bill
and you don't have to pay for it
Left → Susan was definitely here, but I
Taken off
don’t see her now. I guess she has taken
Succeeded → Jeef’s career has taken off
at last

Advanced → Thanks to the team’s win

yesterday, they moved up to the Premier
Move up League
Change your position → Excuse me, can
you move up a bit so I can sit down?

Leave → The police made everyone who

was standing around move on.
Move on Began something new → After retiring
from sport, he moved on and did charity

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