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Weld County Department of Human Services

Family Engagement Meeting Summary

Family Name: Monuchan Meeting Date and Time: 3/8/2023 @ 9:00am
Facilitator: Devan Jacoby Caseworker: Jennifer Palmer
Supervisor: Anastasia Jaeb Case/Assessment ID: 1965314

Child Living
Child Name: DOB: Gender Mother’s Name: Father’s Name:
Urnin Kastor 09/20/14 Female Roxann Monuchan Foster Care

Meeting Type/Purpose of the Meeting:

ER-TDM CR-TDM PC-TDM FTM Reunification Case Closure ISST

Important Dates:
Date D/N Filed: 4/14/2022

Next Family Team Meeting: 5/31/2023 @ 9:00am

Next Court Hearing: 5/2/2023 @ 10:00am (Div. B)

Permanency Status:
Permanency Goal: Return Home
Concurrent Permanency Goal:
Permanency Rating (Met, Partially Met, Unmet): Unmet Barrier(s) to
Roxann remains out-of-state, located in Iowa. Interpreter availability for visitation and other case
needs remains a barrier as there are limited option for Chuukese interpreters accessible.

Original factor(s) that led to the Department’s involvement:

Abandonment of Urnin by Roxann
Weld County Department of Human Services
Family Engagement Meeting Summary

Meeting Summary

Reason for Referral; Cultural Considerations: Accommodations/Financial:

Danger/Harm: ICWA: Medicaid:
No new referrals If yes, membership in what
Tribe? Private Insurance:
Risk Statement(s):
Diligent Search: Roxann is reportedly employed
Urnin is unable to have her basic
Ketcy – Aunt at Dyson
needs met due to being
Kane Neor – Mat. Grandfather
abandoned by her mother
[Hawaii] Roxann’s boyfriend is reportedly

Complicating Factors/Child
Family is from Chuuk
Vulnerability: Islands
**Case has been open and speak
for approx. 11- Chuukese
months** Lauren reports Urnin is doing
+Urnin remains placed in really well; she is learning a lot
Foster Gray Areas/Questions/Ideas: in school and reading a lot more
Care Roxann reports she is wanting
+continued barriers help to get Urnin back Urnin is enjoying activities such
regarding as swimming and crafts
Roxann living in another ICPC Update?
state (Iowa) as well as Joel states Urnin is adjusting
language barriers for Roxann having in-person well socially and is doing well
contact/services contact with Urnin? overall

Kai states Roxann Joel/Lauren are working on

doesn’t fully understand How can Roxann have better getting Urnin’s immunizations
her case as there is not contact with her attorney when completed – the school needed
counsel for her to have she has another one? these and there was no record o
guidance +Roxann states its not that she Urnin having received any
doesn’t want to participate but the immunizations previously
Kai states an additional language barrier is a struggle for
barrier is the distance her to contact Roxann feels Urnin is receiving
with Roxann being in all of the necessary support
another state which is a from her team
barrier to working with
Roxann/Urnin in- DHS also observes Urnin to be
person doing very well and her
Next Steps: language acquisition is
Jenn will ask DHS legal if phenomenal
Roxann has had 2
Roxann is being assigned a new
Weld County Department of Human Services
Family Engagement Meeting Summary
attorney’s assigned attorney Urnin is having visits with a
through the life of this sister (virtual)
case but both have
due to lack of contact Services/Visitation:
from Roxann – Roxann Visits:
does NOT currently Goal Statement(s):
have an assigned Urnin will have stable housing and have her basic needs
attorney met.

Nicole reports there

have been times it was
difficult to get in touch
with Roxann because
has been in the hospital

Inconsistency with
visitation has gotten
better but continues to

an issue – time zones and +Supervised (Virtual) by FSVC

interpretation needs create +Roxann states they tell stories or
barriers to this they ask each other how they are
doing during their visitation time
**Language Line interpreter +Nicole reports Roxann is making
disconnected before the meeting progress with engagement and
could be completed. Facilitator finding different topics to discuss
attempted calling Language Line +There continue to be times where
getting an interpreter is difficult even
again but Child Welfare ID was
when scheduled they will be very
no longer active. Facilitator also
late or not be available at all
tried using Voiance but there
was no Chuukese interpreter Roxann:
available. The meeting had to be +Maintain contact with DHS;
ended due to no interpreter**
Weld County Department of Human Services
Family Engagement Meeting Summary
+Maintain stable housing and
finances to meet Urnin’s needs;
+Parenting Skills; Kai is helping
with this right now since Roxann is
not in her own individual therapy; Kai
reports her parenting skills are
getting better as are her
engagement skill during visitation;
Kai is helping to explain culture
differences during conversations
when needed

+Individual Therapy w/ Kai;
Therapy frequency was decreased
due to Urnin’s progress seeing her
1x every 3-4 weeks; are doing half
talk therapy and half play; Urnin is
able to identify her feelings very well
using pictures; play therapy topic is
usually focused on the positive
family interaction she is

+Urnin is very social in school and
doing great; she is learning English
rapidly which helps as she is very
+Enjoys swimming and got to do a
cheerleading clinic
+Urnin loves her hoverboard

DHS Recommendation:
The Department recommends Urnin remain in the current Weld County Foster Home.

Meeting Participants:
Jennifer Palmer – Caseworker
Weld County Department of Human Services
Family Engagement Meeting Summary
Nicole Steele – FSVC
Ting Kai Su – Therapist for Urnin
Lauren – Foster Mother
Tammy Ingraham – CASA Supervisor
Jennifer – CASA Volunteer
Alex Moran-Ayres – Foster Care Coordinator
Roxann Monuchan – Mother
Joel – Foster Father
Sara Tafoya – GAL
Maria – Language Line Interpreter

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