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Re: information of article sent in Open access or paid journal and some research doubts in PHD

1 message

Atul Kumar <> Mon, Jan 1, 2024 at 20:52

To: Gunjan Agarwal <>, Agam Tyagi <>

Very Respected Ma’am(H.O.D), I hope this mail finds you well. Ma’am, Dr. Sumita Dahiya is regularly attached with me by
telephone calls and Whatsapp chat(since November 2023 ), but I have not got her revert of my emails since 30 November 2023,
Also, I have sent so many mails regarding doubts such as spline interpolation, hermite interpolation and some other research
doubts during my tenure of Ph.D ( when time period of her supervision), she has not reverted of my emails of any doubts ever. I
still have been waiting revert of her emails regarding doubts of spline interpolation, hermite interpolation and other research
doubts so that I can work for my future finding/scope. I shared the file of my future finding/scope with my thesis on 22
December 2023. She is my Ex- supervisor and I have so many expectations of her help in my Ph.D and my Ph.D thesis. As
respected Dr. madhukant Sharma also suggested her to help me in my PhD and my PhD thesis. Ma’am, I have been facing so
many problems in my PhD for doubts. I have come to Dehli by confirming her as in her given schedule by WhatsApp message
and I stayed there 3 days to meet and clear my research doubts in article “Love dynamical system using piecewise derivative”
but meeting could not take place because she called me (when I was near NSUT, Dwarka, Dehli, in metro) and she told that she
suddenly got some work. She told me to send my doubts and I sent my doubts through WhatsApp to her. I also waited two days
to meet her and clear my doubts. And I told her that should I stay or leave delhi ? and she told me to go back home by
WhatsApp chat, then I came my home back. After some days, she told me to clear my doubts( what I sent to her by WhatsApp)
and also told me to send Googlemeet link to her and Dr. Madhukant Sharma. I sent the link her and Dr. Madhukant Sharma. I
waited her in Google meeting with Dr. Madhukant Sharma but she could not join that meeting due to some circumstances as
she always say. I tried to clear my doubts with Dr. Madhukant sharma in that Googlemeet/Virtual meet. As confidence of Dr.
Madhukant Sharma regarding the shared doubts in article “Stochastic Fractional love dynamical system”. I told to Respected Dr.
Emadifar to send article “Stochastic Fractional love dynamical system” in Respected Journal ”Alexandria Engineering Journal in
open access or paid journal”, but I still have same doubts in the article which could not be cleared due to online/virtual meeting.
Ma’am, I kindly requested her so many times but she always responds same and she never clear my doubts. Currently, I Have
also so many doubts during her Supervision regarding to spline interpolation and Hermite interpolation. Ma’am, I have to think
so much to mail. I am very new scholar. My words have been misinterpreted and my shortcomings have been seen for a long
time since my single article was published. I kindly request you to help me. And please Ma’am, save my future by such mails
which is creating my future to way of destroying. My future is in your hands. Ma’am Please help me, also I can not work since
last 8 months due to so many issues. My life is destroying. You are only hope to save me and my career. Thanking you(This
email is right, above has some errors )

Kind regards,

Atul Kumar

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