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I am a student in Sri Padmavati Mahila Visvavidyalayam affiliated with S.

university but due to financial issues I was unable to pursue courses that were
available offline and here on Coursera I have a chance to learn a new thing but I
can't afford the courses because I am already working hard to meet my daily needs
and because of this COVID 19 my parents are not getting the salary of the month so
I will have to adjust everything on my pocket money for my bread and milk. My
parents are in their old age so I have to take care of them also even for their

As a student, I can only ask you to help me in learning new things. Therefore I
kindly request Coursera through this platform to consider my application and grant
me financial aid to complete this course. I promise that I won't take this
opportunity for granted and work hard to learn more and more to gain more knowledge

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