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Dev psych part 2

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Developmental transition between childhood and adulthood en-
tailing major physical, cognitive, and psychosocial changes.
Process by which a person attains sexual maturity and the ability
to reproduce. a period of rapid physical maturation involving
hormonal and bodily changes that occur primarily during early
Pubescence Term meaning puberty.
Adrenarche Maturing of the adrenal glands.
Maturing of the sex organs and the appearance of more obvious
pubertal changes.
An androgen secreted by the adrenal glands which plays a part in
Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) the growth of pubic, axillary, and facial hair, as well as in faster
body growth, oilier skin, and the development of body odor
Organs directly related to reproduction, which enlarge and mature
Primary sex characteristics
during adolescence.
Physiological signs of sexual maturation (such as breast develop-
Secondary sex characteristics
ment and growth of body hair) that do not involve the sex organs.
The pigmented areas surrounding the nipples, which enlarge dur-
ing puberty.
Trend that can be seen only by observing several generations,
Secular trend such as the trend toward earlier attainment of adult height and
sexual maturity, which began a century ago.
Odorous chemicals given off by men and women, which attract
Adolescent growth spurt Sharp increase in height and weight that precedes sexual maturity.
Spermarche Boy's first ejaculation.
An involuntary ejaculation of semen (commonly referred to as a
Nocturnal emission
wetdream) that happens at night in males.
Menstruation The monthly shedding of tissue from the lining of the womb.
Menarche Girl's first menstruation
Corpus callosum thickens; improves adolescents' ability to
process information Amygdala develops earlier than the prefrontal
Adolescents' brains undergo significant structural changes
cortex (involved in higher-level cognitive processes)Underdevel-
oped prefrontal cortex cannot control their passion
Circadian timing system The natural sleep-wake cycle of the brain, lasting 24 hours.
Melatonin A hormone secreted by the pineal gland, which promotes sleep.
Body image Descriptive and evaluative beliefs about one's appearance.
Anorexia nervosa Eating disorder characterized by self-starvation.
Eating disorder in which a person regularly eats huge quantities
Bulimia nervosa offood and then purges the body by laxatives, induced vomiting,
fasting, or excessive exercise.
Substance abuse Harmful use of alcohol or other drugs.
Substance dependence Physiological or psychological addiction, or both.
Piaget's final stage of cognitive development, characterized by the
Formal operations
ability to think abstractly.
More abstract than concrete operational thought Increased verbal
problem-solving ability Increased tendency to think about thought
Formal Operational Stage (age 11+ years) itself Thoughts of idealism and possibilities More logical thought
Hypothetical-deductive reasoning: involves creating a hypothesis
and deducing its implications
Hypothetical-deductive reasoning
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Ability, believed by Piaget to accompany the state of formal oper-
ations, to develop, consider, and test hypotheses.
Awareness and monitoring of one's own mental processes and
David Elkind Immature Characteristics of Adolescent Thought
1. Idealism and Criticalness 2. Argumentativeness 3. Indecisive-
Six Characteristics of Immature Adolescent Thought
ness 4. Apparent Hypocrisy 5. Self-consciousness
Elkind's term for an observer who exists only in adolescents mind
Imaginary audience and is as concerned with the adolescent's thoughts and actions
as the adolescent is.
Elkind's term for the conviction that one is special, unique, and not
Personal fable
subject to the rules that govern the rest of the world.
Declarative knowledge Acquired factual knowledge stored in long-term memory.
Procedural knowledge Acquired skills stored in long-term memory.
Conceptual knowledge Acquired interpretive understandings stored in long-term memory
First level of Kohlberg's theory of moral reasoning,in which control
Preconventional morality is external. Punishment and Obedience. Instrumental Purpose
and Exchange.
Second level of Kohlberg's theory of moral reasoning, in which
Conventional morality (or morality of conventional role conformity) standards of authority figures are internalized. Approval of others:
The Golden Rule. Social Concern and Conscience.
Third level of Kohlberg's theory of moral reasoning, in which peo-
Postconventional morality (or morality of autonomous moral prin- ple follow internally held moral principles and can decide among
ciples) conflicting moral standards. Contracts,Rights, and Democratic
Laws. Universal Ethical Principles
Belief in one's own mastery of situations, such as mastery of
academic material.
Those who are warm, involved, and encourage their adolescents
Authoritative parents to be independent while maintaining reasonable control and dis-
Those who are controlling without warmth, rigid, overly punitive,
Authoritarian parents
and discourage inquiry
Those who seem not to care about adolescent grades and make
Permissive parents
no rules, and who are relatively uninvolved with their adolescents
Active engagement Involvement in schooling.
Self-Esteem is the overall way we evaluate ourselves
According to Erikson, a coherent conception of the self, made up
on goals, values, and beliefs to which a person is solidly committed
Vocational/Career Political Religious Relationship Achievement,
It is a self-portrait composed of many pieces such as
Intellectual Sexual Cultural/Ethnic Interests Personality Physical
Erikson's fifth crisis of psychosocial development,in which an ado-
lescent seeks to develop a coherent sense of self, including the
Identity versus identity confusion
role she or he is to play in society. Also called identity versus role
In Erikson's theory, a "time-out" period that is provided by adoles-
Psychological moratorium
In Erikson's theory, the virtue attained in the fifth crisis, involving
sustained loyalty, faith, and/or a sense of belonging to loved ones.
James Marcia Four Identity Status—Crisis and Commitment
Marcia's term for states of ego development that depends on the
Identity statuses
presence or absence of crisis and commitment

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Semi-structured interviews lasting approximately 30 minutes, dur-
Identity-status interviews
ing which a person's identity status is determined.
Marcia's term for period of conscious decision making related to
identity formation
Marcia's term for personal investment in an occupation or system
of beliefs
Identity status, described by Marcia, which is characterized by a
Identity achievement
commitment to choices made following a crisis
Identity status, described by Marcia, in which a person who has
Foreclosure not spent time considering alternatives (that is, has not been in
crisis) is committed to other people's plans for his or her life.
Identity status, described by Marcia, in which a person is currently
Moratorium considering alternatives (in crisis) and seems headed for commit-
Identity status, described by Marcia, which is characterized by
absence of commitment and lack of serious consideration of alter-
Identity diffusion
natives. Individuals who haven't yet experienced a crisis or made
any commitments.
Little or no exploration of ethnic identity, no clear understanding of
issues involved
Achieved Has explored ethnic identity and understands and accepts it.
Achieved by seeing oneself as a sexual being, recognizing one's
Sexual identity sexual orientation, coming to terms with sexual stirrings, and
forming romantic or sexual attachments.
Focus of consistent sexual, romantic, and affectionate interest,
Sexual orientation
either heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual.
Heterosexual Attracted to persons of the opposite sex.
Homosexual Attracted to persons of the same sex.
Bisexual Attracted to persons of either sex
Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) Diseases spread by sexual contact.
Pattern of emotional turmoil, characteristic of a minority of adoles-
Adolescent rebellion cents, which may involve conflict with family, alienation from adult
society, reckless behavior, and rejection of adult values.
Dyadic One-to-one interaction.


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