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MYP | Lund International School Enrique Gabriel Santos

School code : 2963 Swedish 2Δ (C3)

Presentation, unit 1 (Criterion C)

Unit : Norse myths MYP2 C3

Author : Ulf Nilsson

MYP criteria based rubric

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Criteria C: Speaking

0 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8

i. use a wide The student The Student The Student The Student The Student
range of does not uses a uses a basic uses a range uses a wide
vocabulary reach a limited range of of range of
standard range of vocabulary vocabulary vocabulary
described by vocabulary
any of the

ii. use a wide The student The Student The Student The Student The Student
range of does not uses a uses a basic uses a range uses a wide
grammatical reach a limited range of of range of
structures standard range of grammatical grammatical grammatical
described by grammatical structures structures structures
any of the structures with some with a few generally
descriptors withmany errors which errors which accurately
below. errors which sometimes do not
often hinder hinder hinder
communicati communicati communicati
on on on

iii. use clear The student The Student The Student The Student The Student
pronunciatio does not uses uses uses uses clear
n and reach a pronunciatio pronunciatio pronunciatio pronunciatio
intonation in standard n and n and n and n and
described by intonation intonation intonation intonation
any of the withmany with some with a few which makes
ble manner
descriptors errors which errors which errors. the
below. often hinder sometimes However, communicati
comprehensi hinder these do not on easy to
on comprehensi hinder comprehen
on comprehensi d

iv. The student The Student The Student The Student The Student
communicat does not during during during during
e all or reach a interaction, interaction, interaction, interaction,
almost all standard communicat communicat communicat communicat
the required
described by es limited es some es most es all or
any of the relevant relevant relevant almost all
clearly and
effectively descriptors information. information. information. the required
below. information
clearly and

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