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I will answer this honestly because I think I’m in that situation, taking away the life of an individual can
never be forgotten, especially if it is a parent, I can’t even do to pinch the oxygen line making it possible
for my dad to die or smother him with a pillow, like who will even do that? Only those who don’t have a
heart can do that and also thinking about our situation I can’t also do nothing. therefore, as much as the
substantial settlement from the life insurance policy will expire before midnight, it is not right to kill my
father. Also, as much as my father’s business is not going well and he has worked hard for it as a family
business, it is my responsibility to continue taking care of it to the end of his life in the right way because
it is his legacy. So I chose to tell my dad the problem and let him suggest a solution and go by what he
says, considering everything I will talk to my dad and also my mother because she is part of the family I
will tell them to share their opinion on this because I know that they know the weakness and strength
of the business, they know what is the best so I will take their advice and do it if I know that It will be a
good outcome because as I’ve said they know what is the BEST. I know that it would be worth it
because I might save our business or should say I will do my best to save it also I would continue caring
for my father as he may be so ill and look for another income source to support our family. Risking the
life of my loved ones is not worth it, inhuman, and very wrong. There is nothing ever to justify a
homicide and life is more important than anything else.

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