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21/11/2022, 14:20 Has family changed?

Has family changed?

I'm doing a project and I need a questionnaire for research .I would appreciate it if you can share it to

What is your name? *

Ellie Sussex

Do you think family has changed significantly from 1970 and if so why? *

Because the traditional roles have been blurred. So more women going to work and the changes in same
sex marriage has taken place.

Do you think the divorce act of 1969 has had an impact of the amount of single mothers? *



Has the role of women changed more in the past 50 years than in the past 2000 years? If so *
explain your answer.

Yes it's greatly changed. women are now expected to do everything. Work full time, run the home and be
a wife and mother. 1/63
21/11/2022, 14:20 Has family changed?

What change do you think has contributed the most to change in family *

Same-sex marriage becoming legal

Right to divorce

Women being able to work and being single mothers


On as scale of 1-10, how much do you think family has changed in in the past 50 years? *

Not much


A lot 2/63
21/11/2022, 14:20 Has family changed?

What do you think is the cause of the single biggest change in family structure over the past
50 years?

Femanisim going to the extreme.

What affect do you think that poverty has on modern family structure.

Forced mother's to have to work.

What effect do you think the cost of living crisis will have on family structure? *

It will lead to crime and poverty on an unimaginable scale

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Forms 3/63
21/11/2022, 14:20 Has family changed?

Has family changed?

I'm doing a project and I need a questionnaire for research .I would appreciate it if you can share it to

What is your name? *

Pam Fletcher

Do you think family has changed significantly from 1970 and if so why? *

Yes , families don’t seem as close . Meals where always ate together, and much more respectFor

Do you think the divorce act of 1969 has had an impact of the amount of single mothers? *



Has the role of women changed more in the past 50 years than in the past 2000 years? If so *
explain your answer.

Yes, we have more independence 4/63
21/11/2022, 14:20 Has family changed?

What change do you think has contributed the most to change in family *

Same-sex marriage becoming legal

Right to divorce

Women being able to work and being single mothers


On as scale of 1-10, how much do you think family has changed in in the past 50 years? *

Not much


A lot 5/63
21/11/2022, 14:20 Has family changed?

What do you think is the cause of the single biggest change in family structure over the past
50 years?

Single parent

What affect do you think that poverty has on modern family structure.

Both parents have to work so not the same stable home life for children

What effect do you think the cost of living crisis will have on family structure? *

More families having to have both parents work . More stress in the home

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Forms 6/63
21/11/2022, 14:20 Has family changed?

Has family changed?

I'm doing a project and I need a questionnaire for research .I would appreciate it if you can share it to

What is your name? *

Jill boxall

Do you think family has changed significantly from 1970 and if so why? *

Most definately, kids sit at the table with phones playing games or texting.

Do you think the divorce act of 1969 has had an impact of the amount of single mothers? *



Has the role of women changed more in the past 50 years than in the past 2000 years? If so *
explain your answer.

Yes, they are equal to men now 7/63
21/11/2022, 14:20 Has family changed?

What change do you think has contributed the most to change in family *

Same-sex marriage becoming legal

Right to divorce

Women being able to work and being single mothers


On as scale of 1-10, how much do you think family has changed in in the past 50 years? *

Not much


A lot 8/63
21/11/2022, 14:20 Has family changed?

What do you think is the cause of the single biggest change in family structure over the past
50 years?


What affect do you think that poverty has on modern family structure.

A lot, parents struggle ,kids struggle

What effect do you think the cost of living crisis will have on family structure? *

A lot not being able to feed children properly

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Forms 9/63
21/11/2022, 14:20 Has family changed?

Has family changed?

I'm doing a project and I need a questionnaire for research .I would appreciate it if you can share it to

What is your name? *

Annabelle Watt

Do you think family has changed significantly from 1970 and if so why? *

Yes. Dads went out to work, mums stayed at home. Now there are more 1 parent families

Do you think the divorce act of 1969 has had an impact of the amount of single mothers? *



Has the role of women changed more in the past 50 years than in the past 2000 years? If so *
explain your answer.

Worldwide? Yes. Womens rights.access to Better education for women 10/63
21/11/2022, 14:20 Has family changed?

What change do you think has contributed the most to change in family *

Same-sex marriage becoming legal

Right to divorce

Women being able to work and being single mothers


On as scale of 1-10, how much do you think family has changed in in the past 50 years? *

Not much


A lot 11/63
21/11/2022, 14:20 Has family changed?

What do you think is the cause of the single biggest change in family structure over the past
50 years?

Access to contraception

What affect do you think that poverty has on modern family structure.

Poverty means more kids end up in care/ families break down

What effect do you think the cost of living crisis will have on family structure? *

It will put a strain on the family unit. Children will suffer if a parent has to go back to work to make ends
meet. More people will go on benefits as cost of childcare too high . A mess basically

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Forms 12/63
21/11/2022, 14:20 Has family changed?

Has family changed?

I'm doing a project and I need a questionnaire for research .I would appreciate it if you can share it to

What is your name? *

Evie Rose Sussex

Do you think family has changed significantly from 1970 and if so why? *

Yes, from Ipads and adoption, it has changed alot. People have became more open and has changed.( If
that males sence) ALOT has changed

Do you think the divorce act of 1969 has had an impact of the amount of single mothers? *



Has the role of women changed more in the past 50 years than in the past 2000 years? If so *
explain your answer.

Yes, women voting, more work choices...(etc.) 13/63
21/11/2022, 14:20 Has family changed?

What change do you think has contributed the most to change in family *

Same-sex marriage becoming legal

Right to divorce

Women being able to work and being single mothers


On as scale of 1-10, how much do you think family has changed in in the past 50 years? *

Not much


A lot 14/63
21/11/2022, 14:20 Has family changed?

What do you think is the cause of the single biggest change in family structure over the past
50 years?

I dunno

What affect do you think that poverty has on modern family structure.

Cost of living prices ig but Heinz had that free deal meal so 👍

What effect do you think the cost of living crisis will have on family structure? *

People starving and not being able to eat or be warm

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Forms 15/63
21/11/2022, 14:20 Has family changed?

Has family changed?

I'm doing a project and I need a questionnaire for research .I would appreciate it if you can share it to

What is your name? *

Amber Alexander

Do you think family has changed significantly from 1970 and if so why? *

I think the time families spend together has changed due to both commitment to work, divorce and

Do you think the divorce act of 1969 has had an impact of the amount of single mothers? *



Has the role of women changed more in the past 50 years than in the past 2000 years? If so *
explain your answer.

She is able to get a career of her own and build a life for herself rather than relying on the need to find a
man and marry. 16/63
21/11/2022, 14:20 Has family changed?

What change do you think has contributed the most to change in family *

Same-sex marriage becoming legal

Right to divorce

Women being able to work and being single mothers


On as scale of 1-10, how much do you think family has changed in in the past 50 years? *

Not much


A lot 17/63
21/11/2022, 14:20 Has family changed?

What do you think is the cause of the single biggest change in family structure over the past
50 years?


What affect do you think that poverty has on modern family structure.

It can create stress and resentment which can lead to relationship breakdowns between adults and

What effect do you think the cost of living crisis will have on family structure? *

It will lead to changes being made for everyone but those changes will depend on each individual family
and their personal circumstances. More stress about paying the bills is bound to have a negative effect
on relationships.

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Forms 18/63
21/11/2022, 14:20 Has family changed?

Has family changed?

I'm doing a project and I need a questionnaire for research .I would appreciate it if you can share it to

What is your name? *

Heather Knee

Do you think family has changed significantly from 1970 and if so why? *

Yes , I think because of technical advances people spend more time on computers etc ,Television
made an influence on life , most people kept Sunday special and went to church ,

Do you think the divorce act of 1969 has had an impact of the amount of single mothers? *



Has the role of women changed more in the past 50 years than in the past 2000 years? If so *
explain your answer.

Without a doubt , equality for women has changed things . Mothers going out to work has changed
family life , 19/63
21/11/2022, 14:20 Has family changed?

What change do you think has contributed the most to change in family *

Same-sex marriage becoming legal

Right to divorce

Women being able to work and being single mothers


On as scale of 1-10, how much do you think family has changed in in the past 50 years? *

Not much


A lot 20/63
21/11/2022, 14:20 Has family changed?

What do you think is the cause of the single biggest change in family structure over the past
50 years?

Not taking responsibility for marriage vows , so many splits in family and so many single mothers ,

What affect do you think that poverty has on modern family structure.

Depression , working many hours , no fun time might lose homes , breakdown of family’s ,

What effect do you think the cost of living crisis will have on family structure? *

Less time together , not eating properly , perhaps no electricity , no warmth ,

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Forms 21/63
21/11/2022, 14:20 Has family changed?

Has family changed?

I'm doing a project and I need a questionnaire for research .I would appreciate it if you can share it to

What is your name? *


Do you think family has changed significantly from 1970 and if so why? *

The need for more income and pressures for women to have both family and career

Do you think the divorce act of 1969 has had an impact of the amount of single mothers? *



Has the role of women changed more in the past 50 years than in the past 2000 years? If so *
explain your answer.

I would say yes as there is more societal pressure to be both successful and have families . The right to
vote being an enormous change but very much needed 22/63
21/11/2022, 14:20 Has family changed?

What change do you think has contributed the most to change in family *

Same-sex marriage becoming legal

Right to divorce

Women being able to work and being single mothers


On as scale of 1-10, how much do you think family has changed in in the past 50 years? *

Not much


A lot 23/63
21/11/2022, 14:20 Has family changed?

What do you think is the cause of the single biggest change in family structure over the past
50 years?

More choices society is accepting of ever changing family situations

What affect do you think that poverty has on modern family structure.

The need to have more than one income has a massive part to play

What effect do you think the cost of living crisis will have on family structure? *

Yes more pressure to work meaning grandparents older siblings will pay a role in a child’s upbringing
along side the constant pressure to “keep up with the jones’ “

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Forms 24/63
21/11/2022, 14:20 Has family changed?

Has family changed?

I'm doing a project and I need a questionnaire for research .I would appreciate it if you can share it to

What is your name? *


Do you think family has changed significantly from 1970 and if so why? *

Yes People move away from home lessening extended family. More women work outside the home,

Do you think the divorce act of 1969 has had an impact of the amount of single mothers? *



Has the role of women changed more in the past 50 years than in the past 2000 years? If so *
explain your answer.

Yes, not many people worked outside the home until more recently esp women. Women more
independent 25/63
21/11/2022, 14:20 Has family changed?

What change do you think has contributed the most to change in family *

Same-sex marriage becoming legal

Right to divorce

Women being able to work and being single mothers

Other: Birth control

On as scale of 1-10, how much do you think family has changed in in the past 50 years? *

Not much


A lot 26/63
21/11/2022, 14:20 Has family changed?

What do you think is the cause of the single biggest change in family structure over the past
50 years?

Divorce not so frowned upon. Women able to support themselves and their children

What affect do you think that poverty has on modern family structure.

Stress a factor in divorce

What effect do you think the cost of living crisis will have on family structure? *

Young people living at home for longer

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Forms 27/63
21/11/2022, 14:20 Has family changed?

Has family changed?

I'm doing a project and I need a questionnaire for research .I would appreciate it if you can share it to

What is your name? *


Do you think family has changed significantly from 1970 and if so why? *

Yes. Modern technology has impacted families and they way they interact/communicate.

Do you think the divorce act of 1969 has had an impact of the amount of single mothers? *



Has the role of women changed more in the past 50 years than in the past 2000 years? If so *
explain your answer.

Yes. We live in a faster paced society and a keeping up with the jones’ attitude has meant most families
need two parents earning now. 28/63
21/11/2022, 14:20 Has family changed?

What change do you think has contributed the most to change in family *

Same-sex marriage becoming legal

Right to divorce

Women being able to work and being single mothers


On as scale of 1-10, how much do you think family has changed in in the past 50 years? *

Not much


A lot 29/63
21/11/2022, 14:20 Has family changed?

What do you think is the cause of the single biggest change in family structure over the past
50 years?

Technology and pressure to provide

What affect do you think that poverty has on modern family structure.

It puts huge pressure on families

What effect do you think the cost of living crisis will have on family structure? *

It will break some relationships beyond repair

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Forms 30/63
21/11/2022, 14:20 Has family changed?

Has family changed?

I'm doing a project and I need a questionnaire for research .I would appreciate it if you can share it to

What is your name? *

Petra Faiereislova

Do you think family has changed significantly from 1970 and if so why? *

Yes,families live no much more modern way and theres more liberal opinion about living withour getting
married or having single parent family

Do you think the divorce act of 1969 has had an impact of the amount of single mothers? *



Has the role of women changed more in the past 50 years than in the past 2000 years? If so *
explain your answer.

Yes,women are more equal to the men 31/63
21/11/2022, 14:20 Has family changed?

What change do you think has contributed the most to change in family *

Same-sex marriage becoming legal

Right to divorce

Women being able to work and being single mothers


On as scale of 1-10, how much do you think family has changed in in the past 50 years? *

Not much


A lot 32/63
21/11/2022, 14:20 Has family changed?

What do you think is the cause of the single biggest change in family structure over the past
50 years?

The right ti choose,the posibilities for women to be able to work or to raise children on their own

What affect do you think that poverty has on modern family structure.

*effect xx poverty has always been here,dont know the answer

What effect do you think the cost of living crisis will have on family structure? *

If every 4th child in Spain is struggling to get something to eat, now with the prices going crazy,it will be
a big problems in upcoming years surely

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Forms 33/63
21/11/2022, 14:20 Has family changed?

Has family changed?

I'm doing a project and I need a questionnaire for research .I would appreciate it if you can share it to

What is your name? *

Alan Rhodes

Do you think family has changed significantly from 1970 and if so why? *

Yes, I think couples were forced to stay together when they no longer loved each other due to social

Do you think the divorce act of 1969 has had an impact of the amount of single mothers? *



Has the role of women changed more in the past 50 years than in the past 2000 years? If so *
explain your answer.

Yes, my mum worked as well as my dad but it was unusual in the 70’s /80’s…….Men worked, women
looked after the home. They got their “housekeeping” but women got their rights to find their own way,
unfortunately the bosses took advantage which meant both had to work to survive. 34/63
21/11/2022, 14:20 Has family changed?

What change do you think has contributed the most to change in family *

Same-sex marriage becoming legal

Right to divorce

Women being able to work and being single mothers


On as scale of 1-10, how much do you think family has changed in in the past 50 years? *

Not much


A lot 35/63
21/11/2022, 14:20 Has family changed?

What do you think is the cause of the single biggest change in family structure over the past
50 years?

Both parents working

What affect do you think that poverty has on modern family structure.

Massive, it’s so wrong.

What effect do you think the cost of living crisis will have on family structure? *

A total disaster

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Forms 36/63
21/11/2022, 14:20 Has family changed?

Has family changed?

I'm doing a project and I need a questionnaire for research .I would appreciate it if you can share it to

What is your name? *

Rob Alexander

Do you think family has changed significantly from 1970 and if so why? *

Yes, families don’t come together as a family like they used to.

Do you think the divorce act of 1969 has had an impact of the amount of single mothers? *



Has the role of women changed more in the past 50 years than in the past 2000 years? If so *
explain your answer.

Yes, woman are not oppressed or classed as lower than men 37/63
21/11/2022, 14:20 Has family changed?

What change do you think has contributed the most to change in family *

Same-sex marriage becoming legal

Right to divorce

Women being able to work and being single mothers

Electronics. Family don’t come together for entertainment. Everything is designed for the individual ,

On as scale of 1-10, how much do you think family has changed in in the past 50 years? *

Not much


A lot 38/63
21/11/2022, 14:20 Has family changed?

What do you think is the cause of the single biggest change in family structure over the past
50 years?

Social media

What affect do you think that poverty has on modern family structure.

It increased class separation

What effect do you think the cost of living crisis will have on family structure? *

It will make people more concerned about increasing their family due to cost to support them

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Forms 39/63
21/11/2022, 14:20 Has family changed?

Has family changed?

I'm doing a project and I need a questionnaire for research .I would appreciate it if you can share it to

What is your name? *

Trish Sussex

Do you think family has changed significantly from 1970 and if so why? *

Yes. The extended family used to live closerer and socialise more together. Today families are farther
from each other, often because of better employment oportunities.

Do you think the divorce act of 1969 has had an impact of the amount of single mothers? *



Has the role of women changed more in the past 50 years than in the past 2000 years? If so *
explain your answer.

Yes indeed. Hostorically women's roles were clearly defined as lowly, home makers, child rearers and
carers for elderly relatives. In the last 50 years women have gained rights to vote, higher education
leading to better jobs, and eventally, equal pay to men. 40/63
21/11/2022, 14:20 Has family changed?

What change do you think has contributed the most to change in family *

Same-sex marriage becoming legal

Right to divorce

Women being able to work and being single mothers


On as scale of 1-10, how much do you think family has changed in in the past 50 years? *

Not much


A lot 41/63
21/11/2022, 14:20 Has family changed?

What do you think is the cause of the single biggest change in family structure over the past
50 years?

TV and the glorification of wealth and status

What affect do you think that poverty has on modern family structure.

Decline in physical and mental health. Loss of hope and breakdown of family values

What effect do you think the cost of living crisis will have on family structure? *

How much it affects a family will depend on how closely the family was living within their means and
whether they had savings or debts.

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Forms 42/63
21/11/2022, 14:20 Has family changed?

Has family changed?

I'm doing a project and I need a questionnaire for research .I would appreciate it if you can share it to

What is your name? *


Do you think family has changed significantly from 1970 and if so why? *


Do you think the divorce act of 1969 has had an impact of the amount of single mothers? *



Has the role of women changed more in the past 50 years than in the past 2000 years? If so *
explain your answer.

Yes, the woman used to be knows to do the chores and only the chores. Now they are expected to work
and also do the chores 43/63
21/11/2022, 14:20 Has family changed?

What change do you think has contributed the most to change in family *

Same-sex marriage becoming legal

Right to divorce

Women being able to work and being single mothers


On as scale of 1-10, how much do you think family has changed in in the past 50 years? *

Not much


A lot 44/63
21/11/2022, 14:20 Has family changed?

What do you think is the cause of the single biggest change in family structure over the past
50 years?

Work environment

What affect do you think that poverty has on modern family structure.

A great affect

What effect do you think the cost of living crisis will have on family structure? *

A great affect, as the family struggle more

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Forms 45/63
21/11/2022, 14:20 Has family changed?

Has family changed?

I'm doing a project and I need a questionnaire for research .I would appreciate it if you can share it to

What is your name? *


Do you think family has changed significantly from 1970 and if so why? *


Do you think the divorce act of 1969 has had an impact of the amount of single mothers? *



Has the role of women changed more in the past 50 years than in the past 2000 years? If so *
explain your answer.

Yes woman now have more rights. 46/63
21/11/2022, 14:20 Has family changed?

What change do you think has contributed the most to change in family *

Same-sex marriage becoming legal

Right to divorce

Women being able to work and being single mothers


On as scale of 1-10, how much do you think family has changed in in the past 50 years? *

Not much


A lot 47/63
21/11/2022, 14:20 Has family changed?

What do you think is the cause of the single biggest change in family structure over the past
50 years?

Single parenting

What affect do you think that poverty has on modern family structure.

More families learning about being self sufficient

What effect do you think the cost of living crisis will have on family structure? *

Stress in the household.

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Forms 48/63
21/11/2022, 14:20 Has family changed?

Has family changed?

I'm doing a project and I need a questionnaire for research .I would appreciate it if you can share it to

What is your name? *

Amanda Deboo

Do you think family has changed significantly from 1970 and if so why? *

More blended families ... With divorce etc

Do you think the divorce act of 1969 has had an impact of the amount of single mothers? *



Has the role of women changed more in the past 50 years than in the past 2000 years? If so *
explain your answer.

Definately .. women now classed equal to men ...also have more job opportunities than in past ... 49/63
21/11/2022, 14:20 Has family changed?

What change do you think has contributed the most to change in family *

Same-sex marriage becoming legal

Right to divorce

Women being able to work and being single mothers


On as scale of 1-10, how much do you think family has changed in in the past 50 years? *

Not much


A lot 50/63
21/11/2022, 14:20 Has family changed?

What do you think is the cause of the single biggest change in family structure over the past
50 years?

Divorce ... More not getting married ... Lbgt rights

What affect do you think that poverty has on modern family structure.

More and more people with little wage increase ..using food banks bills going up families don't get
chance to spend cash on leisure etc

What effect do you think the cost of living crisis will have on family structure? *

More and more families living below living wage limit .. people will change ideas about having family
buying houses etc

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Forms 51/63
21/11/2022, 14:20 Has family changed?

Has family changed?

I'm doing a project and I need a questionnaire for research .I would appreciate it if you can share it to

What is your name? *


Do you think family has changed significantly from 1970 and if so why? *

Yes , mobiles and computers

Do you think the divorce act of 1969 has had an impact of the amount of single mothers? *



Has the role of women changed more in the past 50 years than in the past 2000 years? If so *
explain your answer.

Must ladies work now 52/63
21/11/2022, 14:20 Has family changed?

What change do you think has contributed the most to change in family *

Same-sex marriage becoming legal

Right to divorce

Women being able to work and being single mothers


On as scale of 1-10, how much do you think family has changed in in the past 50 years? *

Not much


A lot 53/63
21/11/2022, 14:20 Has family changed?

What do you think is the cause of the single biggest change in family structure over the past
50 years?

Families don't sit around the table any more

What affect do you think that poverty has on modern family structure.

No one should have to miss a meal or be cold

What effect do you think the cost of living crisis will have on family structure? *

Grandparents may have to help out more , like in the 60's and 70's

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Forms 54/63
21/11/2022, 14:20 Has family changed?

Has family changed?

I'm doing a project and I need a questionnaire for research .I would appreciate it if you can share it to

What is your name? *

Sara Hemdan

Do you think family has changed significantly from 1970 and if so why? *

1970s was the " Love snd Peace" era and relationships were more free and family break ups became
more common. The welfare state however enabled families to get housing and benefits which could
have helped stability.. i don't think families have changed significantly since 1970s

Do you think the divorce act of 1969 has had an impact of the amount of single mothers? *



Has the role of women changed more in the past 50 years than in the past 2000 years? If so *
explain your answer.

I would have yo do a history degree to know that. In some eras women were highly rated, think of Helen
of Troy! 55/63
21/11/2022, 14:20 Has family changed?

What change do you think has contributed the most to change in family *

Same-sex marriage becoming legal

Right to divorce

Women being able to work and being single mothers


On as scale of 1-10, how much do you think family has changed in in the past 50 years? *

Not much


A lot 56/63
21/11/2022, 14:20 Has family changed?

What do you think is the cause of the single biggest change in family structure over the past
50 years?

Families need 2 incomes to make ends meet and this means much less family time and divorce being
more accepted has led to Blended Families

What affect do you think that poverty has on modern family structure.

There is poverty in nearly all nations but in western cultures, in particular UK couples can be better off
financially liv8ng apart as the benefit system helps single parents more than struggl8ng couples!

What effect do you think the cost of living crisis will have on family structure? *

Both parents will have to work although childcare costs could put a question on that. Family days out
and other entertainment will be axed . The family structure coukd be altered in that the parent earning
the highest wage may have to work and this coukd be different from the one working at present..

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Forms 57/63
21/11/2022, 14:20 Has family changed?

Has family changed?

I'm doing a project and I need a questionnaire for research .I would appreciate it if you can share it to

What is your name? *

Susan hayden

Do you think family has changed significantly from 1970 and if so why? *

Yes most definitely. There’s no respect anymore.

Do you think the divorce act of 1969 has had an impact of the amount of single mothers? *



Has the role of women changed more in the past 50 years than in the past 2000 years? If so *
explain your answer.

Definitely because women are more equal now 58/63
21/11/2022, 14:20 Has family changed?

What change do you think has contributed the most to change in family *

Same-sex marriage becoming legal

Right to divorce

Women being able to work and being single mothers


On as scale of 1-10, how much do you think family has changed in in the past 50 years? *

Not much


A lot 59/63
21/11/2022, 14:20 Has family changed?

What do you think is the cause of the single biggest change in family structure over the past
50 years?

Work & single parent family’s

What affect do you think that poverty has on modern family structure.

I’ll health

What effect do you think the cost of living crisis will have on family structure? *

Struggles divorce debt alcolism drugs

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Forms 60/63
21/11/2022, 14:20 Has family changed?

Has family changed?

I'm doing a project and I need a questionnaire for research .I would appreciate it if you can share it to

What is your name? *

Tony Blundell

Do you think family has changed significantly from 1970 and if so why? *

Yes,I think the family as an entity has changed a lot since the 1970's.Roles within the family have
become much less delineated along gender lines,Men are far more likely now to at least take a share in
child rearing & care,cooking,cleaning,& most other tasks around the home that enable a well-functioning
family unit.Women are now far more likely to work,& have careers & interests outside the home

Do you think the divorce act of 1969 has had an impact of the amount of single mothers? *



Has the role of women changed more in the past 50 years than in the past 2000 years? If so *
explain your answer.

Traditionally over the last 200 years & before,women's sphere of influence was mostly centred around
home & hearth,whereas in the last 50 years,their opportunities to become involved in life in most areas
have become at least on a par with men.Women are no longer looked on as subservient to men,& have
the opportunity to compete on an equal footing with men in all areas of work,politics & opinions. 61/63
21/11/2022, 14:20 Has family changed?

What change do you think has contributed the most to change in family *

Same-sex marriage becoming legal

Right to divorce

Women being able to work and being single mothers

Women realising that they no longer had to put up & shut up,& the gradual removal of barriers during
the last 50 years to their advancement

On as scale of 1-10, how much do you think family has changed in in the past 50 years? *

Not much


A lot 62/63
21/11/2022, 14:20 Has family changed?

What do you think is the cause of the single biggest change in family structure over the past
50 years?

Economics is a big factor-many families now need 2 incomes to achieve the standard of living that they
aspire to

What affect do you think that poverty has on modern family structure.

Quite disruptive-poverty depresses family life & causes tensions which can upset or break otherwise
strong family groups

What effect do you think the cost of living crisis will have on family structure? *

Again,quite a disruptive effect-lack of money & the increasing pressure to maintain basic standards
within the family group can only cause increasing distress,& will eventually lead to some family units
disintegrating if the crisis is prolonged

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Forms 63/63

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