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Кому / Директору Департамента

Академической деятельности
To whom:
ТОО «Astana IT University»
Солтан Г./
Director of the Department of
Academic Activities
of “Astana IT University” LLP
Gulzhan Soltan

От кого / Директора Школы

From Креативной Индустрии
Ha Jin Hwang/
Director of School of Creative
Industries Ha Jin Hwang


I kindly ask you to make the change of classroom for our sessions scheduled on
Thursdays and Fridays for the instructor of SCI Mohamed Ibrahim in the discipline of change
management. The current classroom we are assigned to presents not only technical issues but
also significant learning inconveniences, which are impeding our educational progress. The
technical difficulties, coupled with the inadequate setup of the current classroom, have resulted
in frequent interruptions to our learning process. I kindly ask if it would be possible to relocate
our classes to another classroom on Thursdays and Fridays. This change would greatly assist
us in avoiding disruptions and creating a more conducive environment for effective learning.

До изменений/Before the changes:

День Время/ Дисциплинa/ Тип/ Группа/ Кабинет/ Преподаватель/
недели/ Time Subject Type Group Classroom Lecturer
Day of the


14:00- Change ITM 2205 Mohamed

Thursdays practice C1.3.318
18:50 Management ITM 2203 Ibrahim

ITM 2202

16:00- Change Mohamed

Fridays practice ITM 2204 C1.3.318
18:50 Management Ibrahim

После изменений/ After the changes:

День Время Дисциплинa/ Тип/ Группа/ Кабинет/ Преподаватель/
недели/ / Time Subject Type Group Classroom Lecturer
Day of the


14:00- Change ITM 2205 Mohamed

Thursdays practice C1.1.328
18:50 Management ITM 2203 Ibrahim

ITM 2202

16:00- Change Mohamed

Fridays practice ITM-2204 C1.2.233L
18:50 Management Ibrahim

Директор Школы
Креативной Индустрии/
Director of School
of Creative Industries Ha Jin Hwang

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