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Anti theft, Corruption & Brive Policy

Theft, Corruption and Bribe is the most deadly diseases & heinous act that
destroy everything. In order to keep our factory free from Theft / Corruption, we have
developed this policy. The following instructions are to be maintained in this regard:
1. Theft, corruption and Bribe is punishable offence.
2. Theft, corruption and Bribe is absolutely prohibited by all religions.
3. Theft, Corruption and Bribe etc heinous acts are strictly prohibited in this
4. If anybody is found guilty in this regard s/he shall be brought under justice subject
to maintaining disciplinary policy & procedure.
5. If anybody can catch any person involved with Theft, Corruption etc heinous
cases than s/he shall be paid TK 100/- as reward.
6. We motivate workers so that they refrain themselves from Theft, Nepotism,
Corruption etc heinous acts.
7. We inform workers regarding the bad consequence of Theft, Corruption etc on an
Organization, Family, Society, country and people at large.
8. Everybody is hereby instructed to follow the policy for the betterment of all and


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