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케빈신, 차미아, 조셉신

케빈신, 차미아, 조셉신 전공영어팀

2014년 중등학교교사임용후보자선정경쟁시험 예상정답

1. music
사실적 이해유형에서 세부사항을 듣고 적는 문제로써 난이도는 low intermediate이라고 볼 수 있다.
부분점수는 없을 것으로 보입니다.

2. keep one's balance/ keep a balanced life.

교수의 전체적인 조언을 유추하는 문제유형의 문제이고 난이도는 high intermediate으로 볼 수 있다.
4단어이하로 작성하여야 하고 balance라는 key word를 명사나 형용사로 사용하여야 점수를 받을 수
있을 것이다. 그러나 balance (between) 또는 compromise(between)를 동사로 사용하면 4단어 이상을
사용하여야 하고 hobby라는 내용을 쓰면 너무 한정적이기 때문에 점수를 얻는데 문제가 발생한다. 답
안에 따라 부분점수가 가능할 수도 있다.

3. cognitive development
대화문의 주제를 물어보는 generalization 문제이고 난이도는 intermediate으로 볼 수 있다. 전체적인
내용은 나이에 따른 아이의 인지발달에 관한 내용이고 부분점수는 없을 것으로 보인다.

4. like literature/love literature/favor literature/are students/are returnees.

Inference유형의 문제이고 난이도는 intermediate으로 볼 수 있다.
예시답안을 제시하기가 가장 어려웠다. 수업은 교양 문학 강좌로 보이고 강사는 학기 내에 공부할 문
학가와 작품들에 관하여 말하고 있다. 그것을 근거로 audience의 구성을 유추하는 것은 매우 어려웠
다. 단순히 생각하면 문학을 선호하는 사람들이라고 생각할 수 있기도 하고 좀 더 간단히 유추하면 학
생들이라고 볼 수도 있다. 결론적으로 출제자만이 정확한 근거를 제시할 수 있을 것이다.

5. Sound devices/Sound instruments

Talk의 요지를 물어보는 generalization유형의 문제이다. 난이도는 high intermediate으로 볼 수 있다.
내용에서 rock music발전에 가장 큰 기여를 한 것은 다양한 sound devices 또는 sound instruments
라고 말하고 있다. 부분점수는 없을 것으로 보인다.

6. relative insignificance
Generalization유형으로 글의 요지를 물어보는 문제이다. 일반영어의 경우 지문을 그대로 가져오기도
하지만 일정한 수준의 text modification을 하는 경우가 대부분이다. 부분점수는 없을 것으로 보인다.
John Lewis Gaddis: The Landscape of History: how historians map the past (Oxford University
Press: 2002) Excerpt page 5 and 6

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희소고시학원 쌤플러스 TEL 1544-0678
※본서의 무단 인용 ․ 전재 ․ 복제를 금합니다. 저자의 서면 허락 없이 이 자료의 내용의 일부 또는 전부를 무단 인용 ․ 전재 ․ 복제하면 저작권법에 의거하여 처벌을 받습니다.
케빈신, 차미아, 조셉신
케빈신, 차미아, 조셉신 전공영어팀

1. 예시답안
The current personalized news style minimizes the importance of identifying social, economic, or
political situations, but rather focuses on reporting superficial human-interest side of news stories.
While most of great literature and theatre raise audience identifications and reactions, that would
help them see the bigger picture of moral and social issues, the personalized news cover the
surface level of story and ignores the significant social issues and lessons.
The current news style tends to focus on the human-side of the news events and disregards the
value of social, economical or political views. Most of great literature and theatre encourage
audience to see the bigger pictures of moral and social issues, but the current news handles the
surface of news not demonstrating the significant social issues and lessons.
첫 번째 답변은 지문 첫 문장에서 찾으면 된다. 표현과 문장구성은 다양하게 사용하도라도 key words
는 네 단어이상 쓰지 않도록 유의한다. 3점이지만 부분점수가 어느 정도 주어질 것으로 보인다.
If there is a single most important flaw in the current news style,it is the overwhelming
tendency to downplay the big social, economic, or political picture in favor of the human
trials, tragedies, and triumphs that sit at the surface of events.
두 번째 답변은 세 번째 문단에 제시된 내용을 인용하면 된다.
Almost all great literature and theater, from the Greek dramas to the modern day, use
strong characters to promote audience identifications and reactions in order to draw people
into thinking about larger moral and social issues. News often stops at the character
development stage, however, and leaves the larger lessons and social significance, if there
is any, to the imagination of the audience.
Bennett, W. L. (2003). In Personlisation News: The politics of illusion, 5th ed. New York:

1. 예시답안
Although there is some fluctuations in sheep population, the number of sheep population remains
generally stable over a century. Because of its size, sheep have a better homeostatic system and
physiologically less vulnerable to environmental changes. Moreover, sheep would not be affected
by birth rate changes because of its long life span.
첫 번째 문단의 내용 중에서 sheep population변화에 대한 내용을 찾아서 요약하면 된다. 문단 첫 문
장을 참조하면 될 것이다. 두 번째 문단에서 밑줄 친 부분을 활용하여 답안을 쓰면 된다. Because
sheep are larger, they have a greater capacity for homeostasis and better resist the
physiological effects of environmental change. Furthermore, the populations of sheep and
algae are differentially affected by birth rate fluctuations. Because sheep have a relatively
long lifespan, short-term fluctuations in birth rate do not greatly affect the overall
population at a given time.

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희소고시학원 쌤플러스 TEL 1544-0678
※본서의 무단 인용 ․ 전재 ․ 복제를 금합니다. 저자의 서면 허락 없이 이 자료의 내용의 일부 또는 전부를 무단 인용 ․ 전재 ․ 복제하면 저작권법에 의거하여 처벌을 받습니다.
케빈신, 차미아, 조셉신
케빈신, 차미아, 조셉신 전공영어팀

3. 예시답안
The need for income security during retirement--now an increasingly lengthy and important
segment of life for many--is an important concern for the society. Thus, the retired elders should
seek financial self-sufficiency to ensure stability for life after retirement. First, the government
should promote wide range of private pension plans. For example, corporate pensions can provide
an important role in helping support people in their retirement. Allowing the option to introduce
defined contribution plans, where benefits are based on contributions made by the employer and
investment returns earned on those contributions. Furthermore, the society should offer job
programs for the retired elders. Having a full-time or even part-time jobs gives a sense of
financial security to older people even if they get paid far less than what they used to get. It
would certainly boost their confidence during retirement period.
The health of elderly populations is a critical issue and influences outcomes in all of the other
policy areas affected by aging. Thus, the society should implement better health care system.
First, it is true that many evidence indicate that elderly people are leading longer and healthier
lives, but there are seniors who aren’t able to fully care for themselves without suffering from
serious ailments. Rather than place these individuals in expensive nursing homes, the society
should encourage drop-in centers and managed home care. The society should set aside in a
government pooled fund to pay for future healthcare system. This suggestion is valuable because
it has drawn attention to the financial burden of caring for our aging population, which will
increase sharply in coming decades.

문학 영역
14. dreams
글의 요지를 물어보는 inference유형이고 핵심의 내용은 첫 번째 문장에 서술되어 있다. 부분점수는
없을 것으로 보인다. This is the main message: if you advance in the direction of how you
imagine your life, not how convention dictates that it should be, then you will find success on a
scale undreamed through reasonable expectations.
Henry D. Thoreau, In Conclusion chapter of Walden
15, desolate
발췌한 부분은 the creator과 the being사이에서 female creature의 필요성에 대한 conflict가 다루고
있다. 마지막 문단을 읽어보면 the being이 원하는 female creature를 the narrator (the creator)는 만
들어 줄 수 없는 이유를 다음과 같이 말하고 있다: “Shall I create another like yourself, whose joint
wickedness might desolate the world?” 여기에서 답을 구하면 된다.
Mary Shelly, Frankenstein

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희소고시학원 쌤플러스 TEL 1544-0678
※본서의 무단 인용 ․ 전재 ․ 복제를 금합니다. 저자의 서면 허락 없이 이 자료의 내용의 일부 또는 전부를 무단 인용 ․ 전재 ․ 복제하면 저작권법에 의거하여 처벌을 받습니다.
케빈신, 차미아, 조셉신
케빈신, 차미아, 조셉신 전공영어팀

2. 예시답안
Main theme
This poem teaches the moral lesson of dauntless courage, ceaseless struggle and optimism of hope
and aspiration.

People should keep the ray of hope and encouragement lit in their hearts because such positive
approach can help them in conquering the enemy and changing the things for betterment.

The poem conveys a message that life is a struggle against adversity that leads to the key to
success in human life. Without it, man cannot accomplish anything really great in this world.

Metaphorical expression
The metaphorical expression, the main represents slow but unstoppable change or betterment.
People may not notice any improvement in their condition or in the struggle for a better world,
but change is happening - it's just that they can't see it yet.

Say not the Struggle Naught Availeth by Arthur Hugh Clough (1819 – 1861)
Paraphrase in prose
Don't say that: the struggle is useless,
the labour and the wounds are in vain, the enemy doesn't weaken or fail,
and nothing ever changes.

If hope might sometimes be making a sucker of you, so what? — fear might be lying to you; it
may be that, hidden in the battlefield smoke over there
your comrades are right now chasing the last of the defeated enemy,
and your corner of the battlefield is the only place where there's still fighting.

For while the tired waves, vainly breaking,

seem to make no real advance right here,
further back, through creeks and inlets it's making,
the sea comes silently pouring in.

And it's not only through eastern windows

that the light comes in at dawn,
the sun climbs slowly up ahead [i.e. in the east]
but look! — to the west, the land is sunlit.
About the Poem
The first image is of a battlefield during a battle that we seem to be losing, or at least not
winning, but perhaps we cannot see through the smoke that our comrades are winning and only
we have made no progress. 'If hopes were dupes, fears may be liars' = maybe our hopes were
illusions but our fears may be just as unreal.
The second image is of the sea, of which we notice only 'tired waves' that make no progress,

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희소고시학원 쌤플러스 TEL 1544-0678
※본서의 무단 인용 ․ 전재 ․ 복제를 금합니다. 저자의 서면 허락 없이 이 자료의 내용의 일부 또는 전부를 무단 인용 ․ 전재 ․ 복제하면 저작권법에 의거하여 처벌을 받습니다.
케빈신, 차미아, 조셉신
케빈신, 차미아, 조셉신 전공영어팀

but elsewhere the tide is coming in, unstoppable, relentless.

The final image is of the sun at dawn, which seems to rise so slowly as we look at it through
eastern windows, but behind us the land is already bright, the day has already come

전공A 영어학 기입형

11. rhyme
12. ① the object of the omitted preposition ② the object of the verb
13. ① instrument ② theme

전공A 영어학 서술형

The underlined part of the sentence (2) qualifies as a constituent and it is an NP (a noun
phrase). If a string of words can be replaced (substituted) by (with) a suitable proform
(pronoun), it is a constituent. In (2) the underlined part can be replaced by a pronoun them
as shown in the following grammatical sentence, Call them in a week. This verifies that the
underlined part of (2) is an NP constituent.

The requirement 2 is that if the final syllable of the verb it attaches to has one consonant in
the coda position, it must have the distinctive feature [+anterior].

The requirement 3 is that if the final syllable of the verb it attaches to has clusters of two
consonants in the coda position, the first consonant must have the distinctive feature
[+sonorant] and the second consonant must have the distinctive feature [-sonorant].

7. integrative, inter-rater
8. overgeneralization
9. ① time adverbials, transition words, cohesive devices
② peer feedback (peer editing/peer correction/peer review, etc)
10. skimming, guessing, inferencing, inferring
Ÿ The conversation skips "preliminary moves toward a forthcoming request" and jumps into
"making the request" directly. It is shown when Jisu asks Kelly to buy her bread after
exchanging greetings. And Jisu uses a clarification request when she fails to understand Kelly
and asks her to clarify what she has said. (51 words)
Ÿ The conversation deviates from a common overarching sequence of interactional moves when
the order of two moves, "preliminary move toward a forthcoming request" and "making the
request" is reversed. The strategy that Jisu use is a clarification request when she does not
understand Kelly. (44 words)

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희소고시학원 쌤플러스 TEL 1544-0678
※본서의 무단 인용 ․ 전재 ․ 복제를 금합니다. 저자의 서면 허락 없이 이 자료의 내용의 일부 또는 전부를 무단 인용 ․ 전재 ․ 복제하면 저작권법에 의거하여 처벌을 받습니다.
케빈신, 차미아, 조셉신
케빈신, 차미아, 조셉신 전공영어팀

Ÿ Textbook B is the most suitable textbook for Mr. Park first because it is highly evaluated on
the criterion of "role-play based on real-life situations". This will allow his students rehearse
tasks outside the classroom and thus promote students’ language use. Second, its focus is more
on meaning than language itself as it is poorly evaluated on the criterion of "pattern drill
activities" but highly on group projects. (68 words)
Ÿ The textbook that I would recommend for Mr. Park is Textbook B. First, it is in line with Mr.
Park's communicative language teaching approach with its emphasis on group projects, which
require students to communicate actively to complete projects. That way, they will have
numerous opportunities to negotiate meaning through interaction. Second, it enable his students
to rehearse tasks outside the classroom because it is highly evaluated on "role-play based on
real-life situation. (73 words)
Ÿ The given structured input activity focuses on the lexical preference principle. It helps students
process the target form for meaning because basically the use of the same lexical items
prompts students to arrive at the same meaning, but with a different tense by asking them to
pay attention to the target grammatical item, ‘-ed’ rather than the lexical meaning of the
sentences. (54 words)
Ÿ It focuses on the lexical preference principle. It helps students correctly process the target for
meaning because other than the same lexical items that each pair sentence possess, the only
parameter that differentiates the past and the present is its target grammatical item, -ed . (44

Ÿ It is the lexical preference principle that the teaching procedure in <B> focuses on. It helps
students correctly process the target form because it encourages students to pay attention to
the form-meaning relationship. (33 words)
Ÿ The principle that the teaching procedure focuses on is the lexical preference principle. It
promotes students' consciousness to the target form because each pair fundamentally conveys
the same information but different tenses with its use of -ed . (37 words)

One strong point of the lesson is that it promotes meaningful learning by activating students'
schematic knowledge through the use of interesting multimedia materials. (facilitates top-down
processing by making the input more meaningful through the use of interesting multimedia
material.) (One strong point of the lesson is that it lowers students' inhibition (affective filter)
since the teacher was kind and patient to create a warm and accepting atmosphere.) Its weakness,
however, is that it uses an inappropriate grouping strategy for group activities when it groups the
students with the same ability. As a consequence, the lower-level students had a hard time
completing the task. To help these lower-level students, the teacher could first give more clear
directions on what they are expected to do on the task. For example, she could provide them a
modelling of the task to assist their understanding for the directions. Second, she could make the
activities more level-appropriate by providing them sub-tasks (pedagogical task or
level-differentiated worksheet.) It will help them make their progress in completing the task step
by step.

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굿쌤 TEL 02)814-9011
※본서의 무단 인용 ․ 전재 ․ 복제를 금합니다. 저자의 서면 허락 없이 이 자료의 내용의 일부 또는 전부를 무단 인용 ․ 전재 ․ 복제하면 저작권법에 의거하여 처벌을 받습니다.
케빈신, 차미아, 조셉신
케빈신, 차미아, 조셉신 전공영어팀

Ÿ For example, she could make suggest some ideas of her own for the advice on personal health.
Ÿ For example, she could make the extra cues for language help (ideas for the task) available on
the worksheet for lower-students' references.
Ÿ For example, she could incorporate some pedagogical tasks such as a role-play into the
activities for lower-level students.
Ÿ To make up for the weakness of the lesson, it is recommended that the teacher utilize
level-differentiated worksheet and mixed-ability grouping. First of all, since low-level students
had hard time completing the given task, some cue expressions or guidelines on the low-level
worksheet could aid their learning process. Second, the teacher could mix the low-level
students with high-level ones in the same group so that more advanced students can provide
the low-level ones with linguistic help and meaning negotiation for completing the task.

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굿쌤 TEL 02)814-9011
※본서의 무단 인용 ․ 전재 ․ 복제를 금합니다. 저자의 서면 허락 없이 이 자료의 내용의 일부 또는 전부를 무단 인용 ․ 전재 ․ 복제하면 저작권법에 의거하여 처벌을 받습니다.

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