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영어 기본 어법/구조 개념 진단

* S(주어), V(동사), O(목적어), C(보어), 수식어구의 문장 내에서의 역할을 알고 있는지의 여부.


(1) Many tourists each year come to visit Death Valley located in California.
(2) The first big step towards developing an automatic computing machine came about in
(3) This experience will make it possible for your forgetful child to remember the things
he wants to.

→ 위의 문장들 중 하나라도 정확하게 해석이 안 되는 경우는 6등급 이하 수준의 어법/구문 강의를 반드시 병행하여
야 함. (심우철 12시간 문법 / 심우철 12시간 독해 / 이명학 일리 / 상변 AB0 / EBS 윤연주 개념TOP)


(1) The Council for Presidents of Private Universities, an organization representing 158
private universities, has urged the government to eliminate these bans to boost
competitiveness in the higher education sector.
(2) Many Americans have come to believe that the primary causes for the substantial
increase in the cost of health care is fraud and abuse within the health care industry.
(3) After five centuries from geographical discoveries, the primacy of land power was
replacing that of sea power as it had now at last become easier and faster to move
troops by land than by sea.

→ 위의 문장들이 매끄럽게 해석이 되지 않을 경우, 3~4 등급 수준의 어법/구문 강의를 병행하여야 함.

(심우철 12시간 독해 / 이명학 신텍스 / 상변 AB1 / EBS 주혜연 해석공식)


(1) If you believe education is fundamental to all people and that what we do as
individuals in our society depends on the education we receive, then ensuring that
education covers the main issues of importance is crucial.
(2) Research at Lancaster University's Department of Psychology has shown that listeners
to news reports presented in an accent with which they are not familiar retain a lot less
information than when the report is presented in good "received pronunciation (RP)".

→ 위의 문장이 매끄럽게 해석이 되고, 구조분석도 원활하게 이루어진다면, 어법/구문 강의는 선택적으로 수강을 해도
되고, 강의를 수강을 할 경우 상위권 학생들을 상대로 한 강좌를 선택해야 함. (심우철 세모구 / 이명학 신텍스)
독해 유형별 해결능력 진단

* 대의파악 유형


* 다음 글에서 필자가 주장하는 바로 가장 올바른 것은?

We’ve all met people who limit their lives in the narrowest possible terms. They are determined
to stay in a limited comfort zone. Some people avoid the opportunity to make a public
presentation because it makes them nervous. Others reject a chance to study abroad because
they don’t consider themselves adventurous. People become trapped by their own conception of
their limits, so they become angry at even being asked to step beyond them. This attitude toward
life, however, is a huge mistake. Welcome new challenges at every turn, saying yes as often as

① 새로운 기회를 받아들여라.

② 편안한 학습 환경을 만들어라.
③ 발표를 위한 준비를 철저히 해라.
④ 자신의 적성에 맞는 일을 찾아라.
⑤ 다른 사람의 평가를 겸허히 수용해라.

* 위 문제를 해결하지 못하는 학생은 기초적인 구조분석 능력이 부족하고, 어휘의 공백이 많은 학생일 가능성이 높음.
내용의 이해 이전에 기본적인 해석능력을 우선적으로 길러야 하는 학생.

* 추천강의 : 심우철의 12시간 문법 → 12시간 독해, 이명학 일리, 상변 AB0.


* 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 올바른 것은?

Caves, like the Pech Merle in southern France, are adorned with paintings of white horses with
black spots. Past studies of ancient DNA had only turned up evidence of brown and black horses
during that time. That led scientists to question whether the spotted horses were real or fantasy.
An international team analyzed DNA from fossilized bones and teeth from 31 prehistoric horses.
The samples were recovered from more than a dozen archaeological sites in Siberia, Europe and
the Iberian Peninsula. It turned out six of the horses had a genetic mutation that gave rise to a
spotted coat, suggesting that ancient artists were drawing what they were seeing. Anthropologist John
Shea said that cave artists were in tune with their surroundings since they needed to know all they
could about their prey to hunt them.
* mutation: 돌연변이
① Cave: Birthplace of Ancient Art
② Cave Painters Were Realists
③ Imagination of Cave Artists
④ Horse: An Ancient Symbol of Wealth
⑤ Evidence From DNA Couldn’t Tell the Truth

* 위의 문제가 애매하게 막히거나 지문 해석 시에 지엽적으로 독해가 되지 않는 부분이 발견되는 학생들은 특정

소재에 대한 약점이 있는 학생이고, 특히 인문/사회/철학/과학 등 추상적으로 해석되거나 본인의 배경지식이 없
는 소재에 대한 두려움을 많이 느끼는 학생임. 기본적인 해석 실력은 가지고 있다고 판단되지만, 심화독해가 이
루어지지 않는 경향이 큰 학생이므로 구문강의를 들으면서 정확한 해석을 할 수 있는 능력을 키워 나갈 필요성
이 있음.

* 추천강의 : 심우철의 12시간 독해 → 12시간 리딩스킬, 이명학 신텍스, 상변 AB1, 주혜연 해석공식

* 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 올바른 것은?

With today’s global competition, there is increasing concern about the nature and quality of
higher education. One of the main concerns focuses on higher education’s purpose―should it be
practical and graduate well-equipped students to supply a competitive workforce? Or, should it
rather explore what some critics label “romantic” notions of a liberal education with broad ideas
and values to prepare students for democratic citizenship? Many people in the modern world
think it is he who specializes who survives and thrives. However, it is not absolutely the case. For
students to be truly successful in today’s challenging global economy, higher education must
recognize and emphasize that practical and liberal education are tightly coupled, and that
students’ academic, developmental, interpersonal and experiential lives are entwined. In other
words, it is advisable that colleges provide a well-rounded education which can cultivate the
“whole student” instead of overestimating technical and vocational education.

① Using Practical Skills to Get Ahead

② Is Failure Really a Blessing in Disguise?
③ The Path Higher Education Should Follow
④ Why Liberal Education and Success Don’t Mix
⑤ Well-organized Competition: A Road to Success

* 위의 문제가 원활하게 풀리고 해석도 완벽하게 되는 학생들은 대의파악 유형의 대체적인 지문을 쉽게 소화할 수
있는 능력을 가진 학생이라고 판단됨. 필수적으로 강의를 진행할 필요성은 없지만 비교적 시간이 여유로운 상황
일 경우 상위권 학생을 위한 구문강의를 진행하면서 본인의 해석 실력을 정리하는 것도 좋은 학습방법의 하나임.

* 추천강의 : 이명학 신텍스 / 상변 EGG

* 논리독해 유형 ( 빈칸 / 순서 / 삽입 )


* Melvin bought a very fancy brown jacket yesterday. He paid for his new clothing and walked
home feeling very happy. He was especially happy because the clothing was on sale and he had
paid 50 percent off the regular price. However, Melvin's happiness didn't last long. When he got
home, he noticed that one arm of the jacket was longer than the other. The next day Melvin took
the clothing to the store and tried to get a _____________. However, the people at the store
refused to give him his money back because the clothing was on sale, and there was a sign that

① gift ② refund ③ receipt ④ coupon ⑤ discount

* Natural disasters such as volcanic eruptions, fires, floods and hurricanes happen every year,
somewhere in the world.

(A) Some tsunamis can be 30 meters high; they can hit Japan, Southeast Asia, and Central and
South America.
(B) It is a tsunami, a huge wave that can cause terrible damage and destruction.
(C) But there is another, and perhaps even more dangerous, natural disaster.
- volcanic eruption 화산 폭발

① (A) - (B) - (C) ② (A) - (C) - (B) ③ (B) - (C) - (A) ④ (C) - (A) - (B) ⑤ (C) - (B) - (A)

The DNA extracted from these bits of whale skin not only identifies the individuals in the group, but
also reveals their relationships to each other.

Sperm whales travel in social groups that cooperate to defend and protect each other, and may even
share suckling of calves. ( ① ) It is difficult to determine the membership of these groups from
sightings alone, because of the practical difficulties of observing whale behavior, most of which happens
underwater. ( ② ) To make things even more difficult, sperm whales can travel across entire oceans
and can dive to a depth of a kilometer. ( ③ ) Biologists who study whale behavior generally have to be
content with hanging around in boats, waiting for their subjects to surface. ( ④ ) But when they do
surface, in addition to taking photos which allow individual whales to be identified, biologists can zip
over in worryingly small boats and pick up the bits of skin that the whales leave behind on the surface
when they re-submerge. ( ⑤ ) This has allowed researchers to describe sperm whale social groups in
* To say that we need to curb anger and our negative thoughts and emotions does not mean that we
should deny our feelings. There is an important distinction to be made between denial and restraint.
The latter constitutes a deliberate and voluntarily adopted discipline based on an appreciation of the
benefits of doing so. This is very different from the case of someone who suppresses emotions such as
anger out of a feeling that they need to present a facade of self-control, or out of fear of what others
may think. Such behaviour is like closing a wound which is still infected. We are not talking about
rule-following. Where denial and suppression occur, there comes the danger that in doing so the
individual __________ anger and resentment. The trouble here is that at some future point they may
find they cannot contain these feelings any longer.
* facade: 표면, 겉
① fades out ② copes with ③ stores up ④ soothes ⑤ overestimates

However, when you try to tickle yourself, you are in complete control of the situation.

Why is it that if you tickle yourself, it doesn’t tickle, but if someone else tickles you, you cannot stand
it? ① If someone was tickling you and you managed to remain relaxed, it would not affect you at all.
② Of course, it would be difficult to stay relaxed, because tickling causes tension for most of us, such
as feelings of unease. ③ The tension is due to physical contact, the lack of control, and the fear of
whether it will tickle or hurt. ④ There is no need to get tense and therefore, no reaction. ⑤ You will
notice the same effect if you close your eyes, breathe calmly, and manage to relax the next time
someone tickle you.

* Now many kinds of superior coffee beans are being decaffeinated in ways that conserve strong flavor.
But the public suffers from a groundless fear of chemical decaffeination and prefers instead to buy
water-processed decaf.

(A) The solvent comes into direct contact with them, carrying the caffeine with it. The drained solvent is
then mixed with water, and the caffeine is drawn out to be sold.
(B) In the water process, however, no solvent touches the beans. After the beans are steamed, they are
soaked in water, which removes the caffeine ― along with all the soluble solids in the beans. The
solution is drained off to a separate tank, where the caffeine is drawn out from it.
(C) Every process of decaffeination, whether chemical- or water-based, starts with steaming the green
beans to loosen the bonds of caffeine. In the chemical process, a solvent circulates through the beans.
* solvent : 용매
① (A) - (C) - (B) ② (B) - (A) - (C) ③ (B) - (C) - (A) ④ (C) - (A) - (B) ⑤ (C) - (B) - (A)
* Like many errors and biases that seem irrational on the surface, auditory looming turns out, on
closer examination, to be pretty smart. Animals like rhesus monkeys have evolved the same bias. This
intentional error functions as an advance warning system, manned by the self-protection subself,
providing individuals with a margin of safety when they are confronted with potentially dangerous
approaching objects. If you spot a rhinoceros or hear an avalanche speeding toward you, auditory
looming will motivate you to jump out of the way now rather than wait until the last second. The
evolutionary benefits of immediately getting out of the way of approaching dangers were so strong that
natural selection endowed us ― and other mammals ― with brains that ____________________. Although
this kind of bias might inhibit economically rational judgment in laboratory tasks, it leads us to behave
in a deeply rational manner in the real world. Being accurate is not always smart.
* avalanche: 눈사태
① intentionally see and hear the world inaccurately
② are geared to evaluate aural information precisely
③ deliberately make rational yet ineffective decisions
④ prompt us to overlook dangers without thinking rationally
⑤ accurately detect, but irrationally ignore, approaching dangers
However, recent success in the packaged-cookie market suggests that these may not be the only, or
perhaps even the most important, reasons.
Why eat a cookie? Some reasons might be to satisfy your hunger, to increase your sugar level, or just
to have something to chew on. ( ① ) It appears that cookie-producing companies are becoming aware
of some other influences and, as a result, are delivering to the market products resulting from their
awareness. ( ② ) These relatively new product offerings are usually referred to as ‘soft’ or ‘chewy’
cookies, to distinguish them from the more typical crunchy varieties. ( ③ ) Why all the fuss over their
introduction? ( ④ ) Apparently much of their appeal has to do with childhood memories of sitting on
the back steps devouring those melt-in-your-mouth cookies that were delivered by Mom straight from
the oven, while they were still soft. ( ⑤ ) This emotional and sensory appeal of soft cookies is
apparently at least as strong as are the physical cravings that the product satisfies.

* One of the toughest parts of isolation is a lack of an expressive exit. With anger, you can get mad at
someone and yell. With sadness, you can cry. But isolation feels like being in a room with no way out.

(A) For people who cannot push themselves, however, support groups are a good cure for isolation. They
offer the opportunity for connection in a safe and controlled way.
(B) And the longer you get stuck there, the harder it becomes to share the pain and sorrow. In
isolation, hope disappears, despair rules, and you can no longer see a life beyond the invisible walls
that imprison you.
(C) Some people find it helpful to work gently at driving themselves back into the world. In one case, a
woman reported that after four miserable forced lunches with friends, she suddenly enjoyed the fifth
one as she found herself laughing at a joke.

① (A) - (B) - (C) ② (A) - (C) - (B) ③ (B) - (C) - (A) ④ (C) - (A) - (B) ⑤ (C) - (B) - (A)
* 1단계 문제가 해결되지 않는 학생은 기본적인 해석 실력이 많이 부족한 학생이거나 기본적인 추론능력이 현저히 떨
어지는 것으로 판단됨. 기본적인 수능어휘의 보충도 필요하며, 내용을 추론하는 능력을 키워 나가기 이전에 해석 능력
을 끌어 올리는 것에 비중을 두고 학습을 진행해야 함. 강의가 필수적으로 뒷받침 되어야 하는 학생임.

1단계 추천강의 : 심우철의 12시간 문법 → 12시간 독해, 이명학 일리, 상변 AB0, 윤연주 개념TOP
1단계 추천교재 : 상기 제시된 강의의 기본서

* 2단계 문제가 해결되지 않거나 완벽하게 글의 맥락을 뽑아내기가 어려운 학생들은 전체적인 대의파악은 가능하지만
아직 해석능력이 완전하지 못하고 논리상의 글의 전개방식 및 정답의 근거를 도출하는 것에 부족함이 있는 학생으로
판단됨. 기본적인 구문강의와 연계교재를 병행해서 정확하고 빠르게 해석하는 능력을 향상시킬 필요가 있으며, 기출문
제 분석을 통한 문제접근방식 및 문제해결능력(근거도출능력)을 향상시킬 필요가 있음.

2단계 추천강의 : 심우철의 12시간 독해 / 심우철의 12시간 리딩스킬 / 이명학의 신텍스 / 이명학의 리로직
/ 상변 EGG
2단계 추천교재 : 상기 제시된 강의의 기본서 / EBS 연계교재 / 마더텅 수능기출 / 기출의 고백

* 3단계 문제를 큰 어려움 없이 해결 가능한 학생은 해석실력 및 논리적 근거 도출 실력이 갖춰진 학생으로 판단됨.
강의를 필수적으로 진행할 필요는 없으나 수능심화강의로 문제접근 및 문제해결능력을 강화시키는 것도 좋은 방법이라
고 판단됨. 기본적인 해석은 다 이루어지는 단계이므로 구문강의보다는 논리독해/사고력 강의를 듣는 것이 올바른 학
습법이라고 생각되고, 고난도 논리독해 문제집을 병행하는 것도 좋은 학습법이라고 생각됨. 연계교재와 기출분석도 반
드시 병행되어야 할 부분이므로 강의와 무리없이 병행 가능할 것으로 판단됨.

3단계 추천강의 : 심우철의 빈칸에 미치다 / 이명학의 리로직 or 강대영어 / 상변 SRSC

3단계 추천교재 : 상기 제시된 강의의 기본서 / EBS 연계교재 / 마더텅 수능기출 / 하이퍼 빈칸추론 / E-solution

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