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Academia de San Lorenzo Dema-ala Inc.

Tialo, Sto. Cristo, City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan

Subject: Oral Communication
Name: ________________________________________
Teacher: Mrs. Mary Grace A. Castellon

LEARNING CONTENT: Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Communication

1.1. Differentiate between intrapersonal and interpersonal communication contexts through given
1.2. Know the applicable verbal and nonverbal cues that accompany intrapersonal and
interpersonal communication.

What is Context?
- the set of circumstances or facts that surround a particular event, situation, etc.
- In speech, it refers to three things: the person speaking, the situation/event/occasion, and
the person being spoken to.
Intrapersonal Communication is defined as a person’s communication with himself or herself.
Interpersonal Communication is communication with one or more persons.
- Intrapersonal and interpersonal communication skills are valuable skills in informal,
academic and professional contexts – or in any context for that matter.

- These skills have been classified as intelligences according to the theory of multiple
intelligences proposed by American developmental psychologist Howard Gardner.

- In Gardner’s theory he defines interpersonal intelligence as “the capacity to understand

oneself, to appreciate one’s emotions, interests, fears, and motivations or goals. He
then defines interpersonal intelligence as “the capacity to experience the intentions,
interests, desires, fears, and motivations/goals of other people.

Mrs. Mary Grace A. Castellon

Prepared by

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