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Cell Division

Created time @September 15, 2023 8:26 AM

Unit No. Unit 1

A single cell divides into two cells

Cell Theory
All organisms are composed of
one or more cells. [Schleiden and
Schwann] 1838-39 Living things grow because cells
get bigger and the number of
The cell is the basic unit of life in
cells gets larger
all living things. [Schleiden and
Schwann] 1838-39 Two cells divide into four,
All cells are produced by the
division of preexisting cells.
[Rudolf Virchow] 1858
Cells must also divide because
old cells die and need new cells
to replace them

Cell Cycle
Regular sequence of growth and division that eukaryotic cells undergo

Prokaryotic cells undergo binary fission

Life span of a cell

Divided into three main pages

Interphase 90% - cell grows into its mature size, makes copy of DNA,
prepares for division

Mitosis 10% - one copy of the DNA distributed into each of its daughter

Cell Division 1
Cytokinesis - cytoplasm divides and organelles are distributed into the
two new cells

Sister Chromatids & Chromosomes

Somatic Cells - Any cell in the body except the gametes

Have 23 pairs of chromosomes [one from mom and one from dad] →
Homologous chromosomes / paired chromosomes

Happens during S phase of interphase

Chromosomes [X] - Each is made up of two identical sister chromatids

attached by a centromere

Created in the S phase of interphase

Mature chromosomes - chromatid, pair of chromatid [sister chromosome]

Chromosome Structure
DNA makes up genes, genes [traits] make up chromosomes, and
chromosomes make up a genome.

Chromosome - Contain genetic information

Made up DNA and proteins that carry genetic information

Genes - Segments of DNA that code for a particular protein

Location: Locus / Loci [Different bands in the chromosome] - different

locus contain different traits [height, eye color]

Centromere - Point where chromatids are joined

Chromatid - Identical parts in chromosome

Stands composed of chromatic that makes up the chromosome → sister


Chromatin - Makes up chromatid

Composed of DNA and proteins

Cell Division 2
Growth [G1 Phase]

Organelles are produced

[produces all of the structures to
carry functions]

Doubles in size

“Living its normal life”

Synthesis [S Phase]

“DNA Replication”

DNA copying [DNA is replicated

→ 23 pairs of chromosomes
duplicated to 46]

“Placing DNA on copy machine”

Growth [G2 Phase]

“Preparation” phase

Preparation for cell division

“Double checking” everything it

needs to divide [to avoid

Mitosis The copied genetic material separates and prepares to split into
two cells

Genetic material is passed

Daughter cells are genetically identical

Produces body cells [somatic cells] → cells all over the body
except sex cells [gametes]

Makes identical cells to replace what was lost

Cell Division 3
Repairs damage


“Pro” - before


Chromosomes align in the

middle [single line]


Sister Chromatids moves

away to the opposite poles


Forming new nuclei

Chromosomes uncoil to
make chromatin again


Cell Division 4

Reduction Division

Divides twice

Produces haploid gametes [half the number of chromosomes: 23]

Prophase I

“Pro” - before

Chiasma: Location

Process: Crossing over of homologous pairs

[exchanging genetic information]

Metaphase I

Chromosomes align in the middle [by homologous


Anaphase I

Each chromosome moves away to the opposite

poles by the spindle fibers

Cell Division 5
Telophase I

Two cells

Cytokinesis - splits cytoplasm

Prophase II

Nucleus becomes visible

Chromatins condense

Spindle Fibers form

Metaphase II

Chromosomes align in the middle [single line]

Anaphase i

Chromatids moves away to the opposite poles

Telophase II

Four cells forming

Cytokinesis - splits cytoplasm vs Meiosis.pdf

Cell Division 6

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