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Rhythm is created by movement complied

through the repetition of
1. Line is the path of a moving point. Lines define elements of art in a non-uniform but organized way.
the edges of shapes and forms.
7. Unity/Variety is visually pleasing agreement
2. Shape is an area enclosed by line. It is 2 among the elements in a
dimensional and can be design; it is the feeling that everything in the work
geometric or organic. of art works together and
looks like it fits.
3. Forms are 3-Dimesional. They occupy space or
give the illusion that they CHARACTERISTICS OF ARTS AND
occupy the space. CRAFTS IN LUZON

4. Color is the most expressive element of art and is HIGHLANDS

seen by the way light
reflects of a surface and also adds interest and ILOCOS REGION
reality to an artwork.
 Inabel literally means “woven” and abel is
5. Value is the lightness and darkness of a surface. Ilocano term for weave
It is often referred to  Calle Crisologo is considered as the
when shading. Value is also important in the study “intramuros of the North”
of color.  Pottery is the process of forming vessels and
other objects with clay.
6. Texture is the actual surface feel or the simulated
appearance of KALINGA
roughness, smoothness and many others.
 Tattoo is the marking or coloring of the skin.
7. Space is the distance around, between, above,  Wang-od is the last “mambabatok” or
below, and within an object. traditional Kalinga tattoo artist.
 Kadangyan is a burial cloth known in Mountain
PRINCIPLES OF ART Province, woven by female elders.
 The labba is a bowl-shaped basket made from
1. Balance refers to the visual of the elements of the rattan.
composition. It is a
sense that the painting “feels stable and feels right”. IFUGAO

2. Contrast is the difference between elements of art  Bul’ul- is a wooden sculpture that represents
in the composition, such the rice granary spirits.
that each element is made stronger in relation to the  Dinumug or Lingling-o are amulets made from
other. jade, gold, copper, bronze, stone and other
3. Emphasis is when the artist creates an area of the  Ginaspala wanes the men’s traditional attire is
composition that is called wanes.
visually dominant and commands the viewer’s

4. Pattern is the uniform repetition of any of the

elements of art or any
combination thereof.

5. Movement is the result of using the elements of

art such that they move
the viewer’s eye around and within the image.

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