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( Science & Remedies )

Velpari Natesan

Please Write in your notepad
1. How are you feeling right now ?
2. Expectation from this session ?
3. What is your father name ?
4. How active you are ?

Velpari Natesan
1. You have a major deadline approaching and lots of work to finish.
a. I usually find things to distract myself until the last minute and then finish just in time in nail biting moment.
b. I work on things here and there but still find myself rushing to finish at the last minute.
c. I set a schedule, work a little each day, and actually end up finishing early.

2. How do you feel about deadlines?

a. What's a deadline? Seriously, I just tend to ignore them.
b. They are annoying and I always feel like I'm struggling to get things done in time.
c. I enjoy them. They help me stay focused and on track.

3. Do you have a tough time getting started, particularly with things that you don't enjoy doing?
a. Yes! I sometimes spend hours just planning to get started.
b. Sometimes. Or I will start something and then stall out before I finish.
c. Never. The soon I get started, the sooner I'll be done.
4. How do you react when something is difficult or if you are not sure how to do it?
a. I usually just avoid doing it altogether.
b. I'll put it off until the last minute.
c. I'll do some research or ask for help and then get started. I'd rather tackle the difficult projects right away.

5. What approach do you use for staying on track?

a. I like to just wing it and I never make plans.
b. I hate feeling constrained by schedules so I like to leave things open.
c. I make to-do lists for each project and set deadlines for each step.

6. How often do you find yourself feeling stressed out because you waited until the last
minute to finish a project / assignment / task?
a. Almost every day. I feel like I'm always behind on something.
b. Sometimes, especially if I'm dealing with a big project.
c. Rarely. I tend to stay on top of things because I hate dealing with last-minute stress and anxiety.
7. Which option sounds most like you?
a. “Why do today what I can put off until tomorrow"
b. "It's easier to keep up than to catch up."
c. "The best way to get something done is to begin."

8. How often do you wait until the last moment to pay bills?
a. All the time. Most of my payments are actually a couple of days late. Oops!
b. Sometimes I forget and barely make my payments on time.
c. Never. I carefully track all of my payments and utilize any automatic payment options that are available to help me stay
on track.

9. How often do you think about improving your time management skills?
a. Frequently, but it just seems like a lot of work.
b. There are times I think I could probably do better.
c. Rarely. I'm a time management maven.

10. What's your favorite way to waste time at work?

a. I think I spend more time playing online games, checking my email, and playing on Facebook than I spend working.
b. Sometimes I wander into another cubicle to chat with a co-worker for a few minutes.
c. I sometimes switch to working on other work-related tasks just so I can stay on top of things.



Indolence – Indolentia => without pain or without taking trouble

pro => forward and cras => till next day

Velpari Natesan
Procrastination with

- the action of delaying or postponing something. Reasons VP

From the Role Models
Lack of Belief – I won’t be doing effectively
Focus on present gain than future gain
Depression / Anxiety
Discomfort Intolerance
Lack of motivation
Low self-confidence
Fear of failure
Lack of understanding
Trouble concentrating
Low energy levels
Is procrastination a mental illness? Poor organization skills
Chronic Procrastination
Velpari Natesan


Science of Procrastination
Limbic vs Pre-Frontal Cortex

Velpari Natesan
Types of CUE
Procrastinators VP

The Thrill-Seeker

The Avoider

The Indecisive

The Perfectionist

The Busy

Velpari Natesan
The Thrill-Seeker Constantly set deadlines Announcing Rewards Cultivate Self Discipline

The Avoider Break dreadful in to bits Find a Buddy Self Reflect Cultivate Self Motivation

The Indecisive Apply Decision Making Split the tasks Breathing Exercises Cultivate self-confidence

The Perfectionist Do Realistic than ideal Smaller to-do list One mistake / day Cultivate Self Acceptance

The Busy Timer based activities Smaller to do list Percentage Game Cultivate Saying No
How to Beat CUE
Procrastination quickly? VP

1. Postpone the Procrastination

2. Break in to Small Chunks
3. Begin with Zeigarnik effect
4. Be Kind to Yourself
5. Tune into Why – 3H

Velpari Natesan
1. Avoided
Pro Activity
10 Step | Explanation | Plan
2. Name It with

Remedies 3. Give yourself a PUSH

4. Develop FANATIC Skill

5. WIN the morning

6. Become a GREAT problem solver

7. Kick Start 54321 (The Name)

8. Brain-Dump Journal

9. Role Model Decision Making

10. Record the achievements

Velpari Natesan


Utilize the Blessing Time

Velpari Natesan
1. What is the push YOU need to give yourself ?

2. How will YOU win the morning ?

3. What is the biggest learning in this session for YOU?

Velpari Natesan

Parked vehicle cannot be steered
- Velpari Natesan –
Creating Unlimited Excellence

NLP Coach & Trainer | Psychologist | EAT | Hypnotherapist CUE

Mob : 8220011427 VP
Email :

NLP Workshops,
Life Coaching,
Group Coaching,
FIVE FINGERS Corporate Trainings,
Human Excellence & Psychotherapy Centre
Fairlands, Salem.

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