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The modern axiomatic

Undefined terms
Initial postulates
Initial postulates and theorems
Axiomatic system
• It is a set of structures composed of undefined terms, defined terms,
postulates and theorems.

Undefined terms
Defined terms

Undefined terms
• These are terms that cannot be defined because they can only be
described or illustrated.
• The three undefined terms are POINTS, LINES and PLANE.
A point is the basic unit of geometry. It has no dimension (length, width
or thickness), even though we represent a point with a dot. It is named
using capital letters. The points below are name point E and point G.
Collinear Points – points that lie on the same line
Example: Point M and point G are collinear points.

Coplanar points– when points and/or lines lie on the same plane
Example: Point A, point B and point C are coplanar points.
• A line is a series of points that extends without end in two directions.
It has no thickness but its length extends in one dimension and goes
on forever in both directions.

The line above can be named as: Line SY, Line YS, or Line n
he symbol for line SY is SY
• A plane has no thickness but extends indefinitely in all directions. It is
usually represented by a shape that looks like a table top or wall. For
any three non-collinear points, there is only one plane that contains
all three points. A plane can be named by using the three non-
collinear points of the plane. The plane below is named plane CHN.
Defined Terms
• Defined terms are terms defined using undefined terms and other
defined terms.
• A line segment is a part of a line between two endpoints and
including the endpoints. (Line segment is defined using the undefined
term “line”)
• Ray is a part of a line that has a fixed starting point but no end point.
It can extend infinitely in one direction. (Ray is defined using the
undefined terms “line” and “point”)

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