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SoEasy Bug report - Atharva

Date: 01-04-24

SoEasy App (IOS):

1. OTP not getting entered automatically.

- Only the first digit is entered automatically, while the other three digits have to be entered manually.

2. The IOS keyboard is hiding the whole OTP box.

- The OTP box is hidden if we open the keyboard to enter the OTP. And it is very difficult to align both
3. Text is not properly aligned.
-Text is not properly aligned for “Create Community, My Community and Manage Community” when you
click on the Green finger logo on the home page.

4. Scrolling is not working properly on the “Account” page.

- When you click on the “Account” section I was not able to scroll down completely. It only scrolls half the
page. (Check reference video on WhatsApp)

5. The screen is not aligned properly in the “Account” section (Using iPhone 11)

6. There is no option to delete the profile picture.

- Once a profile picture is uploaded the app only allows you to change it and not delete and keep nothing.

7. Personal and Business QR.

There should be SoEasy logo and and user name displayed on the QR page instead of just a QR on a plain
white page.
8. Payment History
-The Payment History button is still not clickable, even if there are no payments made the payment page
should open and display “No Payment” rather than not open the page.

9. Something went wrong error

- Something went wrong error was shown on the Create Community page if I entered my email.
The error should be displayed differently if the email is the issue.

(Informed already to Akshay and Nishant)

10. The home indicator Line collapses with the “Invite button”
11. The back button arrow not working properly in the Notification bar.
After 4-5 attempts I was able to use the back button

12. My profile picture is shown in front of Akshay Khabale name.

13. “Popular Communi…” is shown instead of the whole word.
We can easily decrease the font size to fit the whole text. (Same for other events, community and chats)


I was unable to send even a single message, and even though there is space in the title box, why is the
name “Team Genesis not shown fully?? Only Team G… is displayed!

Error: Something went wrong.

15. New contacts are not getting updated again when I try to invite new contacts.

16. There were no notifications to the invitee on the respected phone (Both Android and iPhone)


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