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School : SD (Sekolah Dasar)

Subject : English
Class/age : 4/5 (11 to 12 years old)
Topic : Body Parts
Time alocation : 2 jam pelajaran (2 x 30 minutes)
Teacher : Elda Novianti Simamora

A. Core Competencies
 KI-1 dan KI-2: Appreciate and practice honest, disciplined, polite, caring behavior
(mutual assistance, cooperation, tolerance, peace), responsibility, responsiveness, and
pro-activity in interacting effectively in accordance with the development of children
in the environment, family, school and community.
 KI 3: Understand and apply factual, conceptual, and procedural knowledge, based on
their curiosity about science, technology, creativity, culture, and humanity and apply
this knowledge in daily life according to their talents and interests to solve problems.
 KI 4: Reasoning and presentation are related to the development of what they learn in
school independently, acting effectively and creatively, and being able to use their

B. Based competencies and indicators

Based Competencies Indicators
3.2 Students can identify and understand the  Students listen and understand
vocabulary of body parts, from the visible to the related vocabulary
internal organs using English
 Students ask questions about and
are curious about body parts.
4.2 Students are able to name and use words or  Students can write down the
phrases that contain body parts ranging from vocabulary of body parts
those seen by the eye to internal organs using  Students can answer questions
English about body parts
 Students are able to name various
body parts in English

C. Learning Objectives
- After taking this lesson, learners are able to name and understand English and the Indonesian of various parts
of the body.
D. Materi Pembelajaran
(See materials and students worksheet file)

E. Metode Pembelajaran

1) Model Pembelajaran : Discovery learning

2) Metode : Flachcard and matching games
F. Media Pembelajaran
1. Media
 Worksheet atau lembar kerja (siswa)
 Print out pictures of the flasch cards
2. Alat/Bahan
 Penggaris, spidol, papan tulis
 Flashcards

G. Sumber Belajar
 Kamus Bahasa Inggris
 Internet/Youtube
 Relevance learning materials.
 -
 -
H. Learning Steps
1. Third meeting (2 x 30 Minutes)
Pre-Teaching Activities (10 Minutes)
● Teacher greets and greets students
● Students pray before starting the activity
● Checking student attendance as an attitude of discipline
● Connecting the material/theme/learning activities that will be carried out with students' experiences with
previous materials/themes/activities
● Asking questions that are related to the lesson to be carried out, such as:
1. Can I see your hands?
2. Ada yang tahu what is the meaning of body?
3. My hair color is black (sambal menunjuk rambut), which is your hair?
● Playing claps one : rise right hand, claps two : rise left hand.
● Delivering learning activities at the ongoing meeting
Pemberian Acuan
● Inform the subject matter that will be discussed at the meeting at that time.
Whilst Teaching ( 40 Menit )
Learning Model
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
(stimulation/ → Viewing (without or with Tools)
stimulation) Display relevant images/photos. Like:

→ Mengamati
● Learners observe the picture that presented infront od the class
→ Writing
Learners write all body parts that they can observed from the picture

→ Listen
Teachers read one of the learner work and tell them to repeat the English word of wach
body part the learner writes.
Students collect relevant information from material sheets that have been prepared by the
→ Viewing
Learners observe carefully the pictures that contain information on the body parts being
studied from the materials sheet that have been preparen by the teacher in the form of
images presented.
→ Reading activitites
The activity of reading each body member's name is guided by the teacher using the 'repeat
after me' strategy and is accompanied by kinesthetic activities such as pointing to the
mentioned body parts.
→ Question and answers
Learners ask questions about each category of body parts starting from the whole body,
parts of head, and parts of hand and teacher in possible way to guide other students to
answer his/her friend’s questions.

by being actively responded by other students so that new knowledge is obtained that can be
used as material for discussion later, on the material sheets provided carefully to develop a
thorough, honest, polite attitude, respect other people's opinions, communication skills, apply
the ability to collect information through various means. learned ways, develop study habits and
lifelong learning.
processing Teachers and students playing flachcard, teacher then give instruction and showing how to play
the game.
→ On the first attempt, teacher show the card provide with picture then students guess in

→ Second attempt, teachers guide the learners to answer in English.

Try to hand the card to the students let them play but still watch and guide them.


activities Learners then doing the exercise 2 and 3 with teacher guidance.
Students and teachers together discuss answers to questions that have been done by students.
Note: During the learning process, the teacher observes students' attitudes in learning which include attitudes:
nationalism, discipline, self-confidence, honest behavior, toughness in facing responsibility problems, curiosity,
care for the environment.
Kegiatan Penutup (10 Menit)
● Schedule project/product/portfolio/performance materials or assignments that must be studied at the next
meeting outside school hours or at home.
● Praying to close the lesson and greets the students goodbye,
Checking student work that has been completed is immediately checked
● Students who finish doing the performance assignment correctly are given initials and are given a
serial number for the fastest rank to collect.
● Give awards for subject matter to learners who have good performance and cooperation.

I. Penilaian Hasil Pembelajaran

1. Penilaian Pengetahuan

Tabel Penilaian Aspek Pengetahuan

Aspek yang
No Kriteria Skor 1-5 Skor 1-4
Sangat memahami 5 4

Memahami 4 3
1 Cukup memahami 3 2
Kurang memahami 2 1
Hampir tidak
Tidak memahami 1

tata bahasa sangat tepat 5 4

tata bahasa tepat 4 3

Pilihan Tata tata bahasa cukup tepat 3 2
tata bahasa
2 1
kurang tepat tata bahasa
tata bahasa hampir tidak tepat
tidak tepat

a. Rubrik untuk Penilaian Unjuk Kerja

Melakukan Tidak jelas Beberapa kegiatan jelas Semua kegiatan
Observasi pelaksanaannya dan terperinci jelas dan terperinci
Fungsi social tidak Fungsi social kurang Fungsi social
tercapai, ungkapan dan tercapai, ungkapan dan tercapai, ungkapan
unsur kebahasaan tidak unsure kebahasaan kurang dan unsure
tepat tepat kebahasaan tepat
Tidak lancar, topik Lancar, topik jelas, dan Sangat lancar, topic
kurang jelas, dan tidak menggunakan slide jelas, menggunakan
menggunakan slide presentasi tetapi kurang slide presentasi
presentasi menarik yang menarik
Lancar mencapai
Kurang lancar, fungsi fungsi sosial,
Membaca teks, fungsi
social tercapai, struktur struktur lengkap
social kurang tercapai,
Melakukan dan unsure kebahasaan dan unsur
ungkapan dan unsur
Monolog tepat dan kalimat kebahasaan sesuai,
kebahasaan kurang
berkembang, serta ada kalimat
tepat, serta tidak lancar
transisi berkembang, serta
ada transisi
MAHIR mendapat skor 3
MEMUASKAN mendapat skor 2
TERBATAS mendapat skor 1

b. Penilaian Kemampuan Berbicara (Speaking Skill)

N Aspek yang Skor 1-
Kriteria Skor 1-4
o Dinilai 5
Hampir sempurna 5 4
Ada beberapa kesalahan, tetapi tidak
4 3
mengganggu makna
Ada beberapa kesalahan dan
3 2
Pengucapan mengganggu makna
(pronounciation) Banyak kesalahan
dan mengganggu Hampir semua 2 1
makna salah dan
Terlalu banyak mengganggu
kesalahan dan makna 1
mengganggu makna
Hampir sempurna 5 4
Ada beberapa kesalahan, tetapi tidak
4 3
mengganggu makna
Ada beberapa kesalahan dan
3 2
Intonasi mengganggu makna
(intonation) Banyak kesalahan
dan mengganggu Hampir semua 2 1
makna salah dan
Terlalu banyak mengganggu
kesalahan dan makna 1
mengganggu makna
Sangat lancar 5 4

Lancar 4 3
3 Cukup lancar 3 2
Kurang lancar 2 1
Sangat tidak
Tidak lancar 1

Sangat tepat 5 4

Tepat 4 3
Ketepatan Makna
4 Cukup tepat 3 2
Kurang tepat 2 1
Hampir tidak
Tidak tepat 1

Skor Penilaian
No. Huruf Rentang angka
1. Sangat Baik (A) 86-100
2. Baik (B) 71-85
3. Cukup (C) 56-70
4. Kurang (D) ≤ 55


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