Ρειντ 10

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1. W1 – Bridge. The ship is primarily controlled from here.

There are a variety of consoles,

including a central control station for piloting the fortress.
2. W2 – Alarm Console. This console monitors the internal security systems and reports on
triggered alarms.
3. W3 – Backup Control Systems. This room is usually empty; it’s used if the primary control
interfaces in area W1 are damaged. There’s a hatch hidden in the floor here which leads to service
tunnels that can be access from (among other places) the Engine Room.
4. W4 – Damage Control. Damage reports from across the fortress are routed here and
response crews and repair teams are dispatched.
5. W5 – Zariel’s Ready Room. A compartment Zariel uses for her personal work and for
briefing (or dressing down) senior officers.
6. W6 – Safe. The safe is made from a three-foot block of infernal iron and stuck to the deck
with sovereign glue. It uses a three-digit combination lock and requires three knock spells to open.
If the combination is attempted unsuccessfully three times, it triggers an alarm in W2.
7. W7 – Divination Stations. The equipment in this room uses a variety of divination effects to
monitor the area around the flying fortress.
8. W8 – Entrance. The stairs here go up and are primarily used by the officers corps (although
reports form the Upper Perch also come this way).
9. W9 – Navigation Charts. Tables here have navigation charts of the immediate area laid out
with the current location of the flying fortress indicated.
10. W10 – Commissary. A variety of food appropriate for devils is available here, including a
number of rare delicacies.
11. W11 – Signal Desks. Behind each door is a closet with a miniature console and chair bolted
to the floor. These consoles have keys and function like Infernal typewriters. An imp stationed at
each console types orders from superiors on small slips of paper before delivering them to their
intended recipients. Rigged above each desk is a long, slender horn through which bridge officers
can dictate orders.
12. W12 – Imp Access. Three circular hatches on the floor connect to the imp signal tubes (some
leading to interior locations; others to the Imp Roosts and, from there, to the exterior signal vents).
13. W13 – Entrance. The stairs here go down, providing primary access to the lower decks.
14. DEVIL DENS: The barracks of the bearded devils of the 7/5. The devils’ “bunks” are
actually exuded foam “nests” with a spongy interior and a hard, shell-like exterior. The devils leave
their heads exposed while sleeping, and then break out of the nest when rising. During the next rest
period they’ll crawl into the remnants of the previous night’s nest and exude a fresh foam, creating
over time a strange and alien structure. These nests are often infested with maggots (which the
devils find comforting), who can feed on the foam. (This also results in the dens being filled with
large, red-black biting flies.)
15. In addition to the dens themselves, there are a number of storerooms, common rooms, bog-
rooms, and the like.

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