Ρειντ 11

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Alarm: If an alarm is sounded in the devil dens, there’s an essentially limitless number of
nearby troops. During a fight, reinforcements arrive every 1d4 rounds. Roll 1d8 to determine the

4. Reinforcements
6. Security Patrol (2-4 bearded devils)
7. 8. Optio Squad (4-6 bearded devils, including
6-7 optio)
9. 10. Primus Squad (4-6 bearded devils + 1 horned
8 devil)
11. In addition, each time reinforcements appear there is a 1 in 6 chance that the security
response will escalate. When the security response escalates, roll twice for the current and all future
reinforcements. Continue checking for additional escalations, the effects of which stack.
12. DOCK OF FALLEN CITIES CONTROL ROOM: An oval-shaped chamber with a
sunken floor. In the center of the chamber illusion spells create a projection of the Dock of Fallen
Cities (including, at the moment, Elturel) that floats in mid-air. There’s a ring of strange
mechanisms – dials, switches, levers, and the like – around the perimeter of the sunken oval.
13. Bel’s Forgemark: The equipment is marked with Bel’s forgemark, indicating that it was built
at Bel’s Forge (Hex H2).
14. Status Readings: A character can attempt to understand the dizzying array of readouts with
an Intelligence (Arcana) check.
15. DC 15: The character discover the true nature of the Companion (a prison containing and
harnessing the power of a planetar).
16. DC 20: There’s a release mechanism that can free the planetar, but the readouts indicate that
it requires the insertion of nine adamantine “lockout” rods.
17. DC 24: Monitors indicate that a huge charge of negative energy was released by the
Companion when Elturel was brought to Hell. However, it appears the release of that energy caused
an equal and opposite charge to be passed into the planetar within the Companion (where it is
dissipating, but only very slowly).
18. DC 28: The negative energy was an etheric charge that was built up in Elturel’s buildings,
streets, and even people as a result of being bathed in the Companion’s light. The negative energy
release occurred when the “polarity” of the Companion was flipped and was the actual mechanism
by which Elturel was brought to Avernus. It seems likely that the only way to return Elturel to the
Material Plane is a similar energy release.
19. Controls: A DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana) check indicates controls for releasing the chains
holding Elturel, but they are “pact-locked.” As long as Bellandi’s pact remains in effect, Elturel
cannot be released until the pact is nullified or destroyed.
20. ENGINE ROOM: The engine room is a large complex with three levels arranged around a
central chamber that extends up through all three levels.
21. Central Chamber: Suspended in the middle of the engine room is an iron, bell-shaped
contraption painted black (Large object, AC 19, damage threshold 10, 45 hit points, immunity to
poison and psychic damage). A DC 20 Intelligence (Arcana) check reveals that the bell is
responsible for keeping the fortress aloft and level with the ground.
22. Bottom Level: There is a maintenance hatch allowing access to the cistern beneath the
engine room which holds necrotic-infused soul fuel. (See Entrances, above.)

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