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From my point of view. It is better prevent an illness than cure it.

Infectious illness can be prevented

by doing some actions such as giving people education or information about the disease, conduct
vacination programmes and also government should make some regulations which is can prevent
the spreading of viruses. It is better to prevent the disease than cure it when it happened.

I belive that it is better for people to prevent spreding of disease. people should keep their healty by
keep their hygiene. It is simple to keep our healty such as drink more mineral water, always wash
your hand before eating, clean your home or your places every day will improve your healtiness.
Dont forget to do any exercise regularly.

In my point of view, there is an impossibility to obtained natural resources in big portion so we need
to limitate our consumption rates. Since we cannot exploit our whole resources, we may reuse or
recycle already product and do anything to help it such as reduce the human’s growth rate, limit our
desire, think more for our offspring.

Yes, it is. I think recycling waste or unusable things will give us some benefits that will support our
lives. For example, in Singapore, by building some technologies, they recycle their waste and also
burn unrecycled waste to produce power for their country. And then the residual ash from the
burning process will be material for reclamation.

One of the most common issues is when people tend to buy famously branded products in order to
show their success. They want to be acknowledge as wealthy individuals, so everyone will salute
them. On the contrary, purchasing branded items will cause some problems, such as people's envy
for them, which will generate their devilish desire to steal the items.

From my point of view, succes cannot be judged by their whealtiness but by they can enjoy their life
with their conditions.

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