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Аналітичне читання

виконала студентка групи ЯА-32

Семенова Анастасія



Джером К. Джером
Джером К. Джером (1859- 1927) - відомий англійський письменник, чиї
"Троє чоловіків у човні", "Пусті думки пустого чоловіка", "Романтичні
нотатки" та "Три Записки" та "Три чоловіки на вітрильнику" користуються
великою популярністю. Джером К. Джером відомий завдяки своїм
мистецтвом оповідання, яскравим стилем і гумором, який, як правило,
виражається в смішних ситуаціях, часто заснованих на непорозумінні. З
гумором він критикував слабкі сторони людської натури.

Розділ XIV
Ми вийшли в Соннінгу і пішли прогулятися селом. Це найбільш
казковий куточок на всій річці. Воно більше схоже на сценічне село, ніж на
село, збудоване з цегли та розчину. Кожна хата потопає в трояндах, і зараз,
на початку червня, вони виривалися назовні хмарами вишуканої пишноти.
Якщо ви зупинитеся в Соннінгу, то зупиніться в "Бику", за церквою.
"Бик", за церквою. Це справжня картина старої сільської корчми, з зеленим
квадратним двориком перед входом, де на сидіннях під деревами сидять
старі чоловіки , вечорами п'ють ель і пліткують про сільську політику,
з низькими химерними кімнатами, заґратованими вікнами , незграбними
сходами та звивистими переходами. Ми блукали милим Соннінгом близько
години, а потім, коли було вже пізно їхати далі через Редінг, ми вирішили
повернутися на один з островів Шиплайк і заночувати там. Було ще рано,
коли ми влаштувалися, і Джордж сказав, що оскільки у нас було багато часу,
то це була б чудова нагода спробувати гарну, ситну вечерю. Він сказав, що
покаже нам, що можна приготувати вище по річці , і запропонував, що з
овочів, залишків холодної яловичини та іншого мотлоху, приготувати
ірландське рагу. Ідея здавалася захопливою. Джордж назбирав дров і
розпалив багаття, а ми з Гаррісом почали чистити картоплю. Ніколи б не
подумав, що чищення картоплі буде такою складною справою. Ця робота
виявилася найбільшою справою такого роду, яку я коли-небудь робив.
Ми почали бадьоро, можна навіть сказати, боязко, але наша безтурботність
зникла до того часу, як ми закінчили чистити першу картоплину. Чим більше
ми чистили, тим більше шкірки залишалося на ній, до того часу, як ми зняли
всю шкірку і не залишилося жодної картоплини - принаймні такої, про яку
варто було б говорити. Джордж прийшов і подивився на неї - вона була
розміром з гороховий горіх. Він сказав:
"О, так не годиться! Ти їх марнуєш. Треба їх зішкребти".
Тож ми зішкребли їх, і це була важча робота, ніж чистити. Вони такої
незвичайної форми, картопля - вся в нерівностях, бородавках і заглибинах.
Ми працювали п'ять-двадцять хвилин і зробили чотири картоплини.
Потім ми вдарили. Ми сказали. що решту вечора ми повинні витратити на те,
щоб відшкрябати самих себе. Я ніколи не бачив такого, щоб чистити
картоплю за те, що хтось заважає іншому. Здавалося... важко було повірити,
що ми з Гаррісом, напівзадушені, могли відчистити чотири картоплини. Це
показує, що можна зробити економно і дбайливо.
Джордж сказав, що це абсурд - мати лише чотири картоплини в
ірландському рагу, тож ми помили ще півдюжини картоплин і поклали їх не
чистячи. Ми також поклали капусту і приблизно півсклянки гороху.
Джордж все це перемішав, а потім сказав, що , здається, є багато вільного
місця, тож ми переробили обидві діжки, і вибрали всі недоїдки і залишки, і
додали їх до рагу. Там були залишилася половина пирога зі свининою і трохи
холодного вареного і трохи холодного вареного сала, і ми додали їх туди.
Потім Джордж знайшов півбанки консервованого лосося і висипав його в
каструлю. Він сказав, що в цьому перевага ірландського рагу: не треба
викидати стільки всього. Я виловив кілька розбитих яєць, і ми вкинули їх до
каструлі. Джордж сказав, що вони загустять підливу.
Я забула інші інгредієнти, але знаю, що нічого не пропало даремно; і я
пам'ятаю. Я забув інші інгредієнти, але знаю, що нічого не було витрачено
даремно; і я пам'ятаю, що під кінець Монморансі, який виявляв велику
зацікавленість процесом, пішов з серйозним і замисленим виглядом,
з'явившись через кілька хвилин з дохлим водяним щуром у роті, якого він
очевидно, хотів представити як свій внесок у вечерю, чи з саркастичним
духом, чи з загальним бажанням допомогти, я не можу сказати.
Ми подискутували про те, чи варто брати щура до столу, чи ні. Гарріс сказав,
що він думає, що це буде добре, змішати з іншими речами, і що кожна
дрібниця , але Джордж відстоював прецедент! Він сказав, що ніколи не чув
про водяних щурів в ірландському рагу, і що краще перестрахуватися і не
ставити експериментів.
Гарріс сказав:
"Якщо ви ніколи не пробуєте щось нове, як ви можете знати, як воно смакує?
Саме такі люди, як ви стоять на чолі світового прогресу. Подумайте про
чоловіка, який вперше спробував німецьку ковбасу!".
Це був великий успіх, це ірландське рагу. Не думаю, що я коли-небудь
насолоджувався їжею більше. . У ньому було щось таке свіже і пікантне. Смак
так втомлюється від старі заїжджені речі: тут була страва з новим ароматом,
зі смаком, не схожим ні на що на світі.
А ще вона була ситна. Як казав Джордж, у ній було щось хороше. Горох
і картопля могли б бути трохи м'якшими, але ми всі мали добрі зуби, тож це
не мало великого значення, а щодо підливи, то це була просто поема - трохи
надто жирна, можливо, для слабкого шлунку, але поживна.

Ex.1 p. 2

This is more like a word-for-word translation than a free interpretation.

It is more like a fable than a historical account.
The fabric looks more like cotton than silk.
Ann looks more like a schoolgirl than a businesswoman.
With this hairdo, she looks more like a boy than a girl.
We walked round the village for about an hour.
I stayed with my friends for the entire weekend.
I lived in the town for three years.
I am not through with the book yet; I've read only 50 pages or so.
Since everyone is present, I think it is time to start.
We are through with our work. Isn't it completed?
We've been looking for her house for more than an hour. I should give her a call.
There seems to be no end to dirty clothes. I should do the laundry.
The more we listened to him, the less we understood.
The more John looked at her, the more captivated he became.
The more I think about her decision, the less it makes sense.
The more indignant Andrew became, the louder he spoke.
The longer we waited, the more impatient we grew.
Who'll go to the baker's? There is no bread left.
I'm going to the stationer's. There is paper and pens there.
Why go shopping? We have everything we need.
We needn't hurry. There is plenty of time.
Hurry up. We have a deadline to meet.
Why not put the table near the window? There seems to be more light there.
Where will you put the bookcase? There seems to be no available space.

Ex.2 p. 2
Little did I know that looking after a child was so tiresome.
Never did I imagine that it might cost so much effort.
Surprising as it was, it might turn out to be such a trying job.
The harder he worked, the bigger wages he earned.
The less he studied, the less he knew what to do.
The more we explored, the more we liked the place.
You shouldn't be so careless.
You'll have to do everything all over again.
Too often, you treat the matter too lightly.
Regrettably, your answer is wrong.

Ex.3 p. 2
If only the weather were better! - Unfortunately, the weather doesn't seem to be
improving anytime soon.
In two days I'll finish my exams. - I can't wait to be done with my exams in just
two days.
I shan't be through with my work before the weekend, I'm afraid. - Unfortunately,
I won't be able to complete my work before the weekend.
How long will the job take? - The job should be completed in a couple of days.
We're going there on Friday. - We've planned to go there on Friday.
She may come yet. Let's wait a bit. - There's a possibility she might still come; let's
wait a bit longer.
He says it was your fault. - According to him, it was your fault.
How long shall I stay there? - You should stay there for at least a week.
Ex. 4 p. 2

In the spring, when we were returning from Kyiv, we happened to drive past a
a small town. It looked more like a village than a city, all the houses were in
were covered in flowers, the town seemed very beautiful and we couldn't help
but stop there.
there. I would never have thought that a walk in a small town could be
could be so enjoyable. We walked around the town for about three hours and
more we looked at this fabulous place, the more we admired it.
Unfortunately, we had little time left and had to hurry back to Kyiv.
C. Last year, my wife and I had to go on holiday in the winter. We
decided it was a good opportunity to renovate our apartment ourselves. After
two weeks of renovation, our apartment looked more like a warehouse of broken
furniture warehouse than an apartment. "This is no good," said my wife, "Let's
to have smth. done.

ex.1 p.7
1. In early June, the village transforms into a fairy-tale setting with every
house adorned in roses.
2. I'd like to put up at this quaint inn for about a week.
3. Throughout the day, we roamed the countryside, and come evening, we
enjoyed a pleasant rest.
4. It got quite late by the time we got settled and made ourselves
5. I've never come across a better way to use up all the odds and ends of food
than making a stew.
6. Select the books you require and take the rest to the library, please.
7. This edition is quite unique; the book is the size of a matchbox, yet the print
is remarkably clear.
8. We still have half a tin of potted pork; let's stir it into the stew.
9. Add more oatmeal to the porridge and thoroughly mix it with a spoon.
10.To be on the safe side, let's give him a call to ensure he hasn't forgotten
about our arrangement.
Ex.2 p.7

1. I would really like to head south in early June when everything is immersed
in flowers and wander around the city.
2. We decided to put up at a hotel in Kharkiv and stay there for a week.
3. We quickly got settled, and it turned out that we had plenty of time until the
4. When we finally got settled, we were so tired that none of us wanted to go
5. I doubt these scraps of paper will come in handy for anything.
6. I never thought that a dress could be made from these fabric remnants.
7. My room is the same size as yours, but for some reason, it seems smaller.
8. I only read half of the article, but it seems to me that it had little to do with
the issue you're interested in.
9. The train arrives in half an hour; let's roam around the city.
10. Helen tossed the salad, tasted it, and decided to add more pickles.
11. These are great meat preserves. Put half a can into the stew.
12. Add some flour to the sauce to thicken it.
13. He jokes with such an earnest and thoughtful air that it's impossible not to
14. To be on the safe side, let's not discuss this matter today.
Ex. 6 p.8
To gossip over village politics: This means to engage in casual and often informal
conversations about local political matters or happenings in the village. People
share opinions, rumors, or news related to the political events or issues within the
To try a good slap-up supper: This phrase refers to attempting or experiencing a
hearty and substantial meal, usually in a celebratory or indulgent manner. It
implies enjoying a well-prepared and satisfying dinner.
Our light-heartedness was gone: This suggests that the sense of carefree and
cheerful attitude or mood has disappeared. Something occurred or changed,
leading to a shift from a light-hearted state to a more serious or somber one.
Then we struck: This indicates that a decisive or impactful action was taken. The
word "struck" implies a sudden and forceful move, often in a planned or strategic
We should require the rest of the evening for scraping ourselves: This implies that
the speaker and others need the remaining part of the evening to clean or tidy
themselves up. The phrase "scraping ourselves" suggests a thorough cleaning or
grooming process.
We overhauled both the hampers: This means that the speaker thoroughly
examined or inspected both containers (hampers). "Overhauling" implies a
detailed and careful examination, often with the intention of organizing or
improving the contents.
All the odds and ends and the remnants: This refers to various miscellaneous
items and leftover pieces. "Odds and ends" are small, miscellaneous items, and
"remnants" are the remaining pieces of something.
Every little helped: This suggests that even small contributions or efforts were
valuable or beneficial. It emphasizes the importance of every small action or
George stood for precedent: This means that George advocated for following
established examples or precedents. He supported the idea of using past actions
or decisions as a guide for the current situation.
He would rather be on the safe side and not try experiments: This indicates a
preference for caution and avoiding risky or untested actions. The person would
choose a safe and reliable approach rather than experimenting with uncertain

Ex.7 p.8

1. казковий куточок: fairy-like setting

2. Sentence: In early June, the village transforms into a казковий куточок
with every house adorned in roses.
3. потопати у квітах: to wander around in flowers
4. Sentence: Throughout the day, we потопали у квітах, and in the evening,
we had a nice rest.
5. справжній сільський готель: a real village inn
6. Sentence: I'd like to stay in this small inn; it's a справжній сільський
7. сільські новини: village politics
8. Sentence: We gathered to gossip over сільські новини and share our
opinions on the latest happenings.
9. химерні кімнати: whimsical rooms
10.Sentence: The inn had химерні кімнати with windows adorned with iron
11.вікна з решітками: windows with grilles
12.Sentence: The inn had химерні кімнати with вікна з решітками.
13.розкішна вечеря: slap-up supper
14.Sentence: After a day of wandering, we decided to try a розкішна вечеря.
15.збирати хмиз: to scrape oneself
16.Sentence: We needed the rest of the evening for збирати хмиз and get
cleaned up.
17.безтурботність: light-heartedness
18.Sentence: The news had a sobering effect, and our безтурботність was

Ex.12 p.9
Ex.11 p.10
Ex.13 p.11

peel — scrape
New potatoes are nice to the taste, but I hate peeling them.
I've boiled potatoes in their jackets, will you scrape them?
steady — firm
The chair was not steady because one of its legs was broken.
The oak-tree stood firm in the earth.
Mr. Convoy was a steady customer at the bookshop.
His decision was firm.
crack — break
The cup cracked, but the pieces still held together.
The ice cracked and then broke under his feet.
Brittle things break easily.
taste — flavour
The peach has a peculiarly fine flavour.
The fruit looked tempting, but it turned out to have an unpleasant taste.
I like the lemon flavour of the sweets.

Ex.14 p.12
1. пліткувати - to gossip
2. заводити годинник - to wind up the clock
3. змотувати вовну в клубок - to wind wool into a ball
4. зачепити щось ліктем - to elbow something
5. працювати не зупиняючись - to work non-stop
6. зробити внесок у щось - to make a contribution to something
7. дух часу - the spirit of the time
8. гірчити - to be bitter
9. обвести навколо пальця (надурити) - to twist around one's finger (to deceive)
10. потрапити в халепу - to get into trouble
11. бути причетним до чогось - to be involved in something
12. смаки різняться - tastes differ
13. зі смаком - with taste

Ex. 15 p. 12
Ex. 16 p. 13

1. Ill-natured idle talk is called "gossip."

2. The outer skin of fruit and vegetables is called "peel."
3. Giving money to a common cause is called "making a contribution."
4. The sense peculiar to the tongue is called "taste."
5. A person who is fond of talking about other people's affairs is called a
6. A person who is regular in life and industrious is called "steady" or
7. A person who manages to make others do whatever he likes is called
"persuasive" or "influential."
8. A room in a state of disorder is called "messy" or "in disarray."
9. With a shaky table, one might "fix" or "stabilize" it.
10.To ensure enough salt in the soup, one would "taste" it.
11.If porridge gets burnt, one might have to "clean" or "scrub" the saucepan.
12.Before applying to an institute for admission, one must "prepare" or
"gather necessary documents."
13.If you wash a cut-glass vase in boiling water, it is sure to "crack" or "break."
14.If all is well, you feel "content" or "satisfied." If things go from bad to
worse, you might feel "frustrated" or "disheartened."
Ex.20 p.14

Stand in front of me; you'll see better then; there will be nothing in the way
of your view.
Frankly speaking, I don't see anything in that idea.
She is always in trouble with her son. He can't resist bad influence.
I can never talk easily with him; we seem to have nothing in common.
A stitch in time saves nine. (proverb)
A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. (proverb)
There were not many people at the meeting, about 10 or 12 in number, I
should think.
Our preparation had to be made in secret, which required caution.
We are in sight of land now and will soon be in port.
The matter in itself is not important; in fact, I was going to take no notice
of it, but he had acted in such a way that I must take it into consideration.
In any case, it can't affect you.
I shall take these plates away now and bring the pudding in.
Come to our village in a month or so. You'll see then how beautiful it is in
early June, all the houses smothered with roses and not a cloud in the sky.

Ex.21 p.14
1. It's hard to find such a teacher, one in a thousand.
2. I was right in the center of the crowd and couldn't approach you.
3. If I were you, I would wait; it's in your interest.
4. "Who received the mail today? One newspaper is missing," asked the
5. The bus conductor helped the elderly lady to get on.
6. Jim opened the door and let the wet dog in.
7. You're in a bad mood today, aren't you? - Yes, I feel unwell. I'll probably
stay at home and read.
8. John helped his wife take off her coat and seated her in the chair near the
9. Don't you know that you're not supposed to write the test with a pencil?
10.We got off the train and went in search of the hotel.
11.Speak in a whisper. It seems she has fallen asleep.
12.George cut a piece of bread, spread butter on it, and began to eat.
13.This student is confident in his knowledge and boasts about it.
14.The paint doesn't come off the coat; I can't scrape it off.
15.Do you know how his success is with the book he's writing? - I haven't seen
him in a long time; I don't get along with him. - Why? It seems to me that
you're too critical. He's quite a decent person, although he has some flaws.

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