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Production log

Parts of the production are also under the videos of my image distortions
March 27th – Today is when I finally started producing the actual image distortion. I did my first
one in class of a daisy where I stretched out all of the little petals on the side of it. It went pretty
smooth since I had some help from Paul when I was getting stuck.

March 28th - Easter break has started today so I wont be able to get much help if any from
people so I will need to be more independant and test things out on my own. Today is where I did
my second picture distortion and after some hiccups and some trial and error I got it to a point
where I was really happy with it.

March 29th - Today was almost the same as yesterday, I did my third picture since I want to just
take it one at a time and not rush things.

March 30th - This day was a lot more difficult for me as the picture that I was distorting had
leaf's behind it that I also wanted to move around with the puppet pins. The select tool and the
magic wond tool really weren't getting me very far here so I decided to cut each one out
individually and then merge the layers into one. I got some help from some sub reddits on how to
do this and some discord channels that I joined too.

April 1st - After testing out with a few more pictures I decided that I need to go out and take
some more. They really just weren't working with the idea that I had in my head so I had to take

April 3rd - After I took some more pictures I feel a lot more confident that I can make them work
and have an easier time in post production. I tried my Fifth picture today which was a small
yellow flower. I think this one went well as It seemed really natural in the final video and didn't
look like it had been messed around with in post which I was happy with

April 5th - I did my sixth one today which was a another flower a bit similar to the one I did a
few days before. This one had way more petals coming off it than the last one did so it was a bit
more of a challenge for me. The way I kind of got around it was pulling the petals out slowly and
together. Previously I have just pulled out one puppet pin and then pulled out other to try and
match it but I found it worked far better doing them slowly and together

April 7th - Today I did my last image. I decided to stop here since I think seven is a good place to
stop. This will makr the video around 1 mintue 20 seconds long which I think is perfect.

April 10th - After tweaking some of the images I did last I will think im happy with the overall
outcome and I will now take it into preimer to get the final version

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