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Tuesday sixteenth of march 2021

I had a talk with Toni and we talked about our own individual ideas and we decided to work
together and came up with a third idea as we both have worked well together in the pass and
have passions about the same things. Toni is more of a writer and director where as I prefer
post and I am not as good pre production. This decision is that the editing would all be me
giving me a clear role but the actual filming we were going to share between us.

Wednesday sevanteenth of march 2021

I went through and looked at my past project and rounded up everything I learned from the other
project, this this also to help for when writing my proposal as I have all my thoughts wrapped up
in categories of each brief. I also began to research into music videos which represent mental
health, this is to help with idea's on how I should edit the music video.

Thursday eighteenth of march 2021

I began analysing music videos I watched yesterday, also looked through a lot more and
analysed them taking out ideas of a direction I could take with the music video. Narrative or
concept I think we could combine the two types. I also contacted a couple of artists to see if any
of them would be interested in working with us and got a reply saying she would love to so we
can now start talking about whats wanted.

Friday the nineteenth of march 2021

I spoke to Paddy, our tutor about learning how to make a visual in after effects, he said it was
going take a while for us both to figure out but was possible using particles in after effects or by
using 4D cinema.

Saturday the twentieth of march 2021

I stared research towards depression, I wrote what it was and the symptoms out. I also started
researching how it is shown in the media, in tv shows such as skins and 13 reasons why and
how they have romanised mental illness.

Sunday the twenty-first of march 2021

I wrote up some of my notes towards two tv shows- thirteen reasons why and skins and
explained why the wa​y they represent mental illness and how it's harmful. I also started to look
into tumblr and how it became trendy. I also uploaded my talk with Paddy from Friday to put on
my blog.
Monday the twenty-second of march 2021
I looked on video co-piolet to look through the tutorials to give me some idea's on effects I could
practice, although not much useful for my final product idea but all Practice on After Effects is
practice which will helps out trying to figure out some of my idea's for the music video edit.

Tuesday the twenty-third of march 2021

Today I wrote about my personal experience with mental health and went in personal about why
this project is personal to me and means a lot to me, I also wrote more about the glamorisation
of mental health in the media and how we need to avoid visuals which could be triggering to put

Wednesday the twenty-forth of march 2021

I started to look into the History of editing as part of my research writing about how editing has
changed over time from film to digital. I also had a look at target audience of our music video
and genre.

twenty-fifth of March to the twenty-fifth of April

Twenty-seventh and Twenty-eighth of April

Today we got test footage of the dancing and the UV, this went really well and we got a good
footage. As last time we used UV paint it didn't show up how I wanted it to show up so this time
we lowered the exposure of the camera and also only having light from the black light flashlight
and used it this way.

The next day we filmed more test footage with the projector and started to look at production
paperwork. We also went through a run through with our dancer so we could plan ready for
actually shooting next week.

Twenty-ninth of April
I spent my day editing behind the scenes of the test footage, I made a short edit for tiktok and
imstagram reels and uploaded them, the one on reels blew up getting over a 1000 views in two
hours which I was really happy with.

Thirtieth of April
I edited a longer behind the scenes video to put on my blog to show what we did during the test
footage which records our progress.
fourth of May
first official filming day! We did this in the theatre purring the curtains round so we had a dark
box room to light up which made the dance look amazing. We filmed with the gimbal to get
moving shots following her smoothly. I also filmed behind the scenes of this to edit together and
upload so we have tracked progress. I am really happy with where I am in terms of progress
right now as I think we will be done with more then enough time.

Fifth to fifteenth of May

Over the last ten days we have been working really hard to make sure that we are filmed and
ready for the deadline on the 21st. We have managed to get almost everything filmed, even
when having issues such as when filming the powder paint scene we accidentally didn't buy a
bed sheet big enough to fill the back drop so we adapted the scene to her covering herself with
the powder paint. I began editing on the fourteenth, the computers in the morning along with the
SD cards and hard drive didn't want to let me transfer the footage and organise it so that took a
lot longer then I thought it would taking up the morning but from one pm I had finally got it
sorted. I edited the first minute starting off with the base then colour grading. I have then carried
on editing today to get another minute and a half done hoping to edit the last 30 seconds
tomorrow to ge tht efirst draft done.

Sixteenth of May
Even with our final filming day being on Tuesday (a little behind schedule) I have now finished
the first draft and uploaded it up to youtube, I have also created a page called 'Edit Progression'
which is under production as another way of tracking my progress with the edit.

Eighteenth of May
We filmed out last scene making us now completely done with filming and on schedule. The edit
draft two was finished and uploaded to put on to my edit progression page.

Twenty-first of May
Deadline day! I've finished the edit and refined it, now ready. Paddy is happy with it and I don't
know anything else that I could of done to it. I am pleased with the final outcome. I still need to
send it to the artist but I am sure she'll be happy with it. Started writing my written evaluation for
my job.

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