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Have you ever felt like you don't know what to do with your life?

I often dream about the activities I practiced when I was 12, like swimming or soccer,
but during the pandemic I couldn't practice anything and only be in front of my
laptop, life didn't have much meaning. The problem was that I couldn't do anything I
liked, just sit and play video games, I didn't like that.

I decided to go school a chance when the pandemic ended so I could resume some
activities, but they were no longer the same, I felt fatter and lacked the physique to
run and I shivered to think that I was no longer like before and I couldn't do it well for

Now I'm not afraid to do what I like, I thought I wouldn't be able to get back to my
physical form but over time I got used to it, today I can do everything that I
previously thought I couldn't achieve.

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