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Research Genre 3: Position Essay Invention 1302

What do you need to What evidence do

How do you What do you want What do you already What else do you know to engage in you think is Where can you
feel about this others to know know about this want to know the discussion about credible to debate look to find out
Topic topic? about this topic? topic? about this topic? this issue? this topic? more information?

Gun I have support I want others to I already know the I want to know if I need to be I need statistics I can look at the
Laws towards be aware of all the positive effects gun gun laws have knowledgeable and that back up the Texas A&M
in the stronger gun effects gun laws laws have. I already different effects informed about gun fact that gun laws International
Unite laws. I feel have. Based off of know the negative based off of laws and its effects have a positive University library
that this is a all the information effects gun laws where they are in order to engage effect on the database to find
very provided to them I have. I also already located in the in a discussion community. I need out more
important want them to know the other country. For about the issue. I good solid information about
topic formulate their scholars thoughts example if the need to know the evidence to not the topic. I can
especially in own thought and and opinions about same law was results these laws just establish my look at the peer
this country. opinions about the topic. passed on the have and explain credibility as an reviewed sources I
how they feel West coast and the reasoning why author but also to already have and
about the topic. East coast does it these laws are give credit to the look at their
yield the same effective and scholar that wrote references to find
results. Obviously working. the source and out more
the results will conducted the information.
not be identical study.
but are they at
least similar or
closely related.

What one
thing led
you to What other thing What other thing led What other thing What other thing led What other thing What other thing
believe your led you to believe you to believe your led you to believe you to believe your led you to believe led you to believe
Stance 1 stance? your stance? stance? your stance? stance? your stance? your stance?

All states Stricter gun Stricter gun laws Stricter gun laws Stricter gun laws Stricter gun laws Stricter gun laws Stricter gun laws
in the laws have lead to fewer lead to fewer lead to fewer lead to fewer lead to fewer lead to a better
United many deaths. The rate homicides. The rate suicides. The rate robberies. The rate mass shootings. perception of
States benefits of deaths goes of homicides goes of suicides goes of robberies goes The rate of mass safety. People feel
associated down when down when these down when down when these shootings goes safer when these
with them. these laws are laws are passed. these laws are laws are passed. down when these laws are passed.
gun law passed. passed. laws are passed.

What other What other

What one thing What other thing thing led you to thing led you What other thing led What other thing What other thing
Stance led you to believe led you to believe believe your to believe you to believe your led you to believe led you to believe
2 your stance? your stance? stance? your stance? stance? your stance? your stance?

Community- The evidence The evidence that These These These community- These community- Stricter gun laws
building that “[a]lthough “[a] scientific community- community- building programs building programs help reduce
programs in stricter gun laws review of building building are especially are helping to violence and
conjunction were associated programs in 264 programs are programs helping the less reduce crime. crime. The rates of
with stricter
with lower death cities showed that helping to are also fortunate and are Through these crime and
gun laws
rates in all every additional reduce improving giving them programs the rate violence are going
will help
reduce gun communities, nonprofit violence. the lives of opportunities. of crime is going down because of
violence these gun laws community- Through these the people. These programs are down. these laws.
while also did not equalize building programs programs, the Through giving people Through these
improving the per 100 000 rate of violence these opportunities, so programs and
the lives of consequences on residents were is going down. programs that explains why through the
the people, a relative scale, associated with a the lives of the rates of crime passing of these
so and 9% reduction in people are and violence is strict gun laws
disadvantaged homicide and a improving going down. violence and
programs is communities 6% reduction in and getting crime rates are
beneficial remained violence” led me better. going down.
for the disproportionally to believe my
community. impacted” led stance.
me to believe my

What one thing What other thing What other thing led What other thing What other thing led What other thing What other thing
Stance led you to believe led you to believe you to believe your led you to believe you to believe your led you to believe led you to believe
3 your stance? your stance? stance? your stance? stance? your stance? your stance?

Strict The evidence The evidence in Restrictive states Restrictive states Restrictive states Permissive states Permissive states
gun in the sources the sources have shown a showed a lower showed a lower showed a higher showed a higher
laws are leads me to leads me to reduction in gun percentage of percentage of percentage of percentage of
an believe that believe that violence. When homicides suicides compared crime. When violence. When
strict gun laws strict gun laws comparing the compared to to permissive comparing the comparing the
way of
result in less result in less restrictive states permissive states. When restrictive states restrictive states
with violence. crime. Through with the permissive states. When comparing the with the with the
violence Through the the passing of states, there is a comparing the restrictive states permissive states, permissive states,
and passing of strict gun laws, noticeable restrictive states with the permissive there is a there is a
crime. strict gun laws, there is less difference in gun with the states, there is a noticeable noticeable
there is less crime. violence rates. permissive noticeable difference in difference in
violence. states, there is a difference in crime rates. violence rates.
noticeable suicide rates.
difference in
homicide rates.

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