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Table 1

Profile of the Respondents

N = 50

Profile Category f %
School DAPSMECS Main 7 14.0
U1CS 43 86.0

Age 20 – 25 years old 3 6.0

26 – 30 years old 9 18.0
31 – 35 years old 11 22.0
36 – 40 years old 8 16.0
41 years old and above 19 38.0

Sex Male 9 18.0

Female 41 82.0

Civil Status Single 12 24.0

Married 36 72.0
Widowed 2 4.0

Highest Bachelor’s Degree 29 58.0

Educational Master’s Degree 19 38.0
Attainment Doctorate Degree 2 4.0

Training/ 0-4 14 28.0

Seminars 5-10 18 36.0
Attended 11-15 4 8.0
16-20 2 4.0
21 and above 12 24.0

Table 2
Strategies of Behavior Management in terms of
Rules and Regulations
n = 50

1. I use short and simple rules like cleaning up once they
are done playing. 4.98
2. I use hand gestures like putting one finger to my lips for HP
them to be able to know that I want them to be quiet. 4.90
3. I tell my pupils to respect everyone in class. 4.96 HP
4. I teach my pupils to raise their hands before speaking. 4.98 HP
5. I always remind my pupils not to cheat or copy HP
other people’s work. 4.96
6. I remind my pupils to complete/do their HP
homework after school. 4.94
7. I tell them to line up neatly and quietly. 4.92 HP
8. I always tell my pupils to be honest. 4.92 HP
9. I remind them not to walk and not run in the hallways. 4.94 HP
10. I remind them to behave when the teacher is HP
Average Weighted Mean 4.95 HP
Legend: Mean Scale Descriptive Equivalent
4.50 – 5.00 Highly Practiced (HP)
3.50 – 4.49 Practiced (P)
2.50 – 3.49 Moderately Practiced (MP)
1.50 – 2.49 Less Practiced (LP)
1.00 – 1.49 Not Practiced (NP)

Table 3
Strategies of Behavior Management in terms of
Disciplinary Interventions
n = 50

1. I tell everyone to stop playing when it’s time
to study. 4.98
2. I tell everyone that they should say sorry if HP
they hurt 4.90
others' feelings.
3. I talk to my pupils in private if the attitudes of HP
others bother 4.94
them to cool down.
4. I tell everyone that if they behave in class, I will HP
give them rewards such as candy, 4.74
pencils, stickers, etc.
5. I always say “Good job!” to my pupils if they HP
answer my 4.76
question, even if it’s wrong or right.
6. I calmly inform my pupils about their HP
misbehavior and
that if they continue to do that, there will be
7. I tell my pupils that I will extend our class hours if HP
they don't behave.
8. I communicate with parents or guardians HP
to discuss 4.96
behavioral concerns.
9. I make sure that every pupil has their class HP
10. I informed everyone that different groups would HP
assign cleaners daily to encourage 4.94
them to make sense of contributions.
Average Weighted Mean 4.86 HP
Legend: Mean Scale Descriptive Equivalent
4.50 – 5.00 Highly Practiced (HP)
3.50 – 4.49 Practiced (P)
2.50 – 3.49 Moderately Practiced (MP)
1.50 – 2.49 Less Practiced (LP)
1.00 – 1.49 Not Practiced (NP)

Table 4
Relationship between the Strategies of Behavior Management
and their Profile Variables

School Pearson Correlation .061 -.032
Sig. (2-tailed) .674 .827
Age Pearson Correlation -.046 -.032
Sig. (2-tailed) .750 .824
Sex Pearson Correlation .337 .014
Sig. (2-tailed) .017 .921
Civil Status Pearson Correlation -.063 -.002
Sig. (2-tailed) .661 .992
H.E.A Pearson Correlation -.191 -.224
Sig. (2-tailed) .183 .118
T.S.A Pearson Correlation .098 .004
Sig. (2-tailed) .498 .979

There is no significant relationship between the strategies of behavior management and the
profile variables of the respondents. This means that their strategies on behavior management
does not vary on their profile. (discuss further and give citations related to this result)

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