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Lab 5

Protozoa is classified into four subdivisions according to the
methods of locomotion.
1- (Sarcodina) The amoebae move by means of pseudopodia.
2- (Mastigophora) The flagellates typically move by long,
whiplike flagellae . Example Trypanosoma
3-(Ciliata) The ciliates are propelled by rows of cilia that
beat with a synchronized wavelike motion.
Example paramecium
4-(Sporozoa) The sporozoans lack specialized organelles of
motility Example Plasmodium
Protozoa that enter the body by ingestion have two
**morphological forms:

1- Trophozoite : the motile vegetative stage; multiplies via

binary fission; colonizes host.

2-Cyst : the inactive, non-motile, infective stage; survives

the environment due to the presence of a cyst wall. Cysts do
not multiply, however, some organisms divide within the
cyst wall.
1- The amoebae
Belong to class Sarcodina , move by means of pseudopodia.
Pseudopodia : Amoeboid movement involves endoplasm and
ectoplasm. Endoplasm is more fluid than ectoplasm which is
- When a pseudopodium forms, an extension of ectoplasm
appears and endoplasm flows into it and fountains to the
periphery where it becomes ectoplasm. Thus, a tube of
ectoplasm forms that the endoplasm flows through. The
pseudopodium anchors to the substrate and the organism
moves forward.

**Also amoeba used the pseudopoda for feeding

Reproduction in amoeba
By binary fission . After replicating its genetic material
through mitotic division, the cell divides into two equal sized
daughter cells. This leads to the formation of the two
daughter Amoebae cell having a nucleus and its own cell

2- Paramecium
Belong to class Ciliata
A Paramecium propels itself by whiplash movements of the
cilia, which are arranged in tightly spaced rows around the
outside of the body.
Paramecium reproduces both asexually and sexually.
Binary fission occurs in transverse fission in Paramecium. It
is a common method of reproduction in Paramecium which
occurs during favorable condition. A fully grown
Paramecium is divided into two daughter individuals.
Division occurs at the right angle to the longitudinal axis of
the body. Nuclear division is followed by the cytoplasmic


In Paramecium, Conjugation is a form of sexual
reproduction. It is a temporary union of two individuals of
same species for mutual exchange of genetic materials.

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