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Density of Organelle

 Density of organelle is refering to the abundance of certain organelles found in a cell.

The density of an organelle in a cell is related to the specific function of the cell.

Example of cell with high density of chloroplast.

Cells Reason

Palisade To trap sunlight to synthesise carbohydrate

mesophyll cell during photosynthesis.
Examples of cell with high density of mitochondria

Cells Reason

Sperm Need energy to move through the uterus towards

cells the Fallopian tubes.

Muscle Contraction of muscle during movement need a lot

cells energy

Meristem Meristem cells in the plant shoots and roots are

Cells involved in cell division to produce new cells for
growth. It needs a lot of energy for the activities.

Examples of cell with high density of endoplasmic recticulum

Cells Reason

Cells in salivary Active in synthesing and secreting digestive

gland enzyme

Pancreatic Cells Active in synthesing and secreting hormone

and enzyme

1. Cell structure

 Amoeba sp.: plasma membrane, food vacuole, contractile vacuole, pseudopodium,

nucleus, ectoplasma, endoplasm.
 Paramecium sp.: food vacuole, posterior contractile vacuole, cytostome, gullet, oral
groove, cilia, macronucleus, micronucleus, anterior contractile vacuole.

2. Locomotion

 Amoeba sp.: Pseudopodium (false foot) helps it to move forward slowly and it is known
as amoeboid movement.
 Paramecium sp.: Hair-like cilia to beat against water. It beats its cilia backwards
diagonally (swim forward) and it rotates on its axis. It beats its cilia forward (swim

3. Feeding

 Amoeba sp.: Omnivore. Eat bacteria, plant cells, algae and other microscopic organisms.

1. Entrapment – extend pseudopodium.

2. Engulfment – engulf tiny food (phagocytosis) with its pseudopodia.
3. Digestion – food enclosed in food vacuole
4. Absorption – enzyme digests the bacteria
5. Egesting – expel indigestible material.

 Paramecium sp.: Eat bacteria, organic material and other microscopic organisms.

1. Sweeping – movement of cilia. Food moves along the oral groove into the gullet and
2. Digestion – food vacuole circulates round the cell.
3. Elimination – undigested food is eliminated at the anal pore.

4. Reproduction

 Amoeba sp.: two types of reproduction.

1. Binary Fission – nucleus divides (favourable condition) and then follows by division of
cytoplasm. Two daughter cells are formed (mitotic division).
2. Spore Formation – spores form (bad condition) and germinate into new amoeba under
favourable condition.

 Paramecium sp.: two types of reproduction.

1. Binary Fission – micronucleus undergoes mitosis (favourable condition). Macronucleus

begins to elongation and form two. Cell content divide and two daughter cells are
2. Conjugation (Sexual reproduction) – two same species parent paramecia exchange
genetic material of their micronuclei. Each parent divides and forms four daughter cells.

5. Osmoregulation

 Amoeba sp.: water moves into the cell by osmosis and prevention of bursting, it has a
contractile vacuole.
 Paramecium sp.: water moves into the cell by osmosis and prevention of bursting, it has
two contractile vacuoles.

6. Respiration

 Amoeba sp. and Paramecium sp. (both): exchange gases throughout the whole cell

7. Excretion
 Amoeba sp. and Paramecium sp. (both): waste products are ammonia and carbon
dioxide by diffusion. Solid waste in paramecium is expelled through its anal pore.

Cell Organisation (Multicellular) in Human

1. Cells: Epithelial cells, muscle cells, white blood cells, red blood cells, sperm, nerve cells.
2. Tissues: Epithelial tissue, smooth muscle tissue, connective tissue, skeletal tissue, nerve
3. Organs: Stomach, heart, kidney, lung, liver.
4. Systems: Circulatory system, respiratory system, digestive system, excretory system,
muscular system, lymphatic system, integumentary system, skeletal system, nervous
system, endocrine system, reproductive system.
5. Organisms: Human.

Internal Environment of Multicellular Organism

The internal environment of a multicellular cell is referring to the medium surrounding the cell.
It consists of blood plasma and interstitial fluid. (Also named as the extracellular fluid)


Homeostasis is the property of a system, especially a living organism, that regulates its internal
environment so as to maintain a stable, constant condition.

Factors Affecting the Internal Environment.

1. Body temperature
2. pH value of the blood
3. Sugar level of the blood
4. Blood pressure
5. Osmotic pressure of the blood
6. Concentration of the oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood
Importance of Homeostasis

Maintaining a suitable environment for all the enzyme function efficienly, and hence enable all
biochemical reactions been carried out at their maximum rate.

Regulation of body temperature

Nervous system Detect changes in body temperature

Integumentary Produces sweat when the surrounding is

system hot.

Circulatory system Transports and distributes heat evenly

through out the body

Muscular system Shivering to produce heat when the

surrounding is cool.

Cell Organisation in Plant

1. Cells: Parenchyma cells, collenchyma cells, sclerenchyma cells, epidermal cells.

2. Tissues: Epidermal tissue, meristem tissue, vascular tissue.
3. Organs: Leaf organ, flower organ, stem organ, root organ.
4. Systems: Shoot system, root system.
5. Organisms: Plant.
1. Extracellular protein is the protein that is destined for export from a cell such as
digestive enzyme that is made by pancreas cell.
2. The organelles that involved in the process are nucleus, ribosome, RER, Golgi apparatus
and mitochondria.
3. Flow chart shows how the internal membrane system of a cell packages a protein for

1. Instructions for making protein are transcribed from DNA by RNA in the nucleus.
2. RNA leaves the nucleus through nuclear pore and proceeds to a ribosome located on the
3. Ribosome synthesis the correct sequence of amino acids for synthesizing that particular
protein as instructed.
4. When protein synthesis is complete, the protein travels through the RER and is then
encapsulated in a transport vesicle.

5. The transport vesicle fuses with a Golgi apparatus, releasing the protein.


6. In the Golgi apparatus, the protein is further modified and is then shunted to the ends of
Golgi apparatus or cisternae. There, the protein waits for a secretory vesicle.


7. The secretory vesicle will carry the protein to the plasma membrane of the cell and fuses
with it. Then, the protein is released outside the cell.

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