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Question 1


Which hormone is secreted by the gland labeled X?

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● A. Leptin

● B. Thyroxine

● C. Progesterone

● D. Melatonin

Difficulty: EASY

Choice D is correct because the gland X is the pineal gland and it produces melatonin. Choice A is incorrect because leptin is
produced by adipose tissue. Choice B is incorrect because thyroxine is produced by the thyroid gland. Choice C is incorrect
because progesterone is produced by ovaries.

Question 2

Which of the following gives the correct hierarchy of body subsystems?

● A. Tissues → cells → organs → organ systems → organism

● B. Cells → tissues → organs → organ systems → organism

● C. Tissues → cells → organ systems → organs → organism

● D. Organism → cells → tissues → organs → organ system

Difficulty: EASY

Cells are the basic structural and functional units of life. They are the fundamental building blocks of all living organisms. Tissues
are groups of specialised cells that work together to perform a specific function. Different types of tissues combine to form organs.
Organs are composed of multiple tissues that work together to carry out complex functions. Organs have specific roles within the
body. Organ systems are groups of organs that collaborate to perform broader functions necessary for the survival of the organism.
Organism refers to the complete living individual made up of various organ systems working together. Therefore Choice B is

Choices A, C and D are all in the incorrect order.

Question 3

What function is controlled by the somatic nervous system?

● A. Control of heart rate

● B. Control of skeletal muscle

● C. Reaction to pain

● D. Peristalsis in the small intestine

Difficulty: EASY

The somatic nervous system controls voluntary responses, whereas the autonomic nervous system controls involuntary responses.
Skeletal muscle coordinates movement, which is a voluntary response; Choice B is correct.

Control of heart rate, the reaction to pain and peristalsis in the small intestine are all involuntary responses and are controlled by the
autonomic nervous system; Choices A, C and D are incorrect.

Question 4

Why do multicellular organisms exhibit emergent properties?

● A. All the cells of multicellular organisms have the same function.

● B. Cells of multicellular organisms do not communicate with one another.

● C. Cells of multicellular organisms interact with one another.

● D. Cells of multicellular organisms have similar structures.

Difficulty: EASY

Choice A - Cells of multicellular organisms have different functions. They interact with one another to perform more complex
functions such as responding to the environment, movement and homeostasis.
Choice B - Cells of multicellular organisms communicate with each other. These cells communicate to coordinate the activities of
organs, tissues and other cells.

Choice C - Cells interact with one another forming complex structures and functions that any one cell type alone could not perform

Choice D - Cells have different structures based on the cell’s specialised roles.

Question 5

Which of the labels (A-D) points to the cerebellum on the diagram of the brain below?

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Difficulty: EASY

Choice A points to the cerebellum, which is the part of the brain that controls voluntary muscle movements, balance and posture.

Choice B points to the medulla oblongata which controls vital functions such as breathing, heart rate, and blood pressure. Choice
C points to the pituitary gland which is often referred to as the ‘master gland’. The pituitary gland is an endocrine gland located at
the base of the brain that regulates and controls various hormonal functions in the body. Choice D points to the cerebrum, the
largest and most developed part of the brain, responsible for higher cognitive functions, sensory perception, and voluntary motor

Question 6

Which is the correct order for a pain reflex arc?

● A. Pain stimulus → pain receptor in skin → relay neuron → motor neuron → sensory neuron → muscle movement
● B. Pain stimulus → pain receptor in skin → motor neuron → brain → sensory neuron → muscle movement

● C. Pain stimulus → sensory neuron → relay neuron→ pain receptor in skin → motor neuron → muscle movement

● D. Pain stimulus → pain receptor in skin → sensory neuron → relay neuron → motor neuron → muscle movement

Difficulty: EASY

The response to pain is involuntary and is, therefore, a reflex. Pain receptors in the skin detect pain, and the signal is transmitted
through a sensory neuron to a relay neuron in the spinal cord. Next, the signal is transmitted through the motor neuron, and this
coordinates muscle movement away from the source of pain. Choice D is correct.

Choices A and C are incorrect, as the order of the reflex arc is incorrect. Choice B is incorrect as the order is incorrect, and the
brain is not involved in reflex responses.

Question 7

[Maximum mark: 5]

The image shows a pain reflex arc.

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1. State what type of neuron is indicated by the letter X. [1]

1. State the branch of the nervous system that controls a pain reflex arc. [1]

2. Explain why it is important that a pain reflex arc is under the control of the branch of the nervous system that you
named in part (i). [2]

3. State a function other than a pain reflex that is controlled by the branch of the nervous system that you named in
part (i). [1]

Difficulty: EASY
Question 8

Which of these statements does not relate to peristalsis?

● A. Longitudinal muscles and circular muscles work together.

● B. Circular muscles prevent the bolus from moving backwards.

● C. Longitudinal muscles shorten the alimentary canal.

● D. It is under the voluntary control of the enteric nervous system

Difficulty: EASY

Longitudinal and circular muscles work together to move the bolus of food along the alimentary canal (Choice A). The longitudinal
muscles contract to shorten the canal (Choice C) and circular muscles contract to narrow and push the contents forward,
preventing backwards movement (Choice B). The series of contractions of these smooth muscles is known as peristalsis. The
bolus of food stretches the walls of the alimentary canal, which stimulates stretch receptors in the walls. The response is to cause
muscles behind the bolus to contract to push it along and cause the muscles ahead of the bolus to relax, allowing the bolus to move
forward. This type of response is under involuntary control as it is not under conscious thought, therefore Choice D is not a true
statement and is, therefore, the correct answer.

Question 9

When a person is frightened, various changes in the body occur. Which of the following are involved in this fight or flight response?

I. Transmembrane receptors

II. The endocrine system

III. The autonomic nervous system

● A. I only

● B. I and II only

● C. II and III only

● D. I, II and III

Difficulty: EASY

The endocrine system (Statement II) is involved in the fight or flight response through the release of hormones from endocrine
glands, such as adrenaline (epinephrine), from the adrenal glands. Adrenaline (epinephrine) is released into the bloodstream and
travels throughout the body to target organs and tissues, preparing the body for immediate action. When adrenaline (epinephrine)
reaches its target tissues it binds to specific transmembrane receptors on the surface of cells (Statement I). This binding triggers a
cascade of intracellular events that ultimately lead to physiological changes associated with the fight or flight response, such as
increased heart rate and dilated airways. The autonomic nervous system (Statement III) plays a central role in the fight or flight
response. In a frightening situation, the nervous system is activated, leading to the release of adrenaline (epinephrine), increased
heart rate, increased blood flow to muscles, and other physiological changes that prepare the body for a rapid response. Choice D
is therefore correct.

Choices A, B and C are all incorrect as they do not include all three statements.

Question 10

Baroreceptors are sensory receptors which respond to stretching in the cardiovascular system in response to changes in blood
pressure. In what parts of the cardiovascular system are they not located?

● A. Veins

● B. Walls of the aorta

● C. Carotid arteries
● D. Wall of the right atrium

Difficulty: EASY

Baroreceptors are not located in the veins, as they carry blood around the body at low pressure, and so would not provide the brain
with accurate signals to modulate blood pressure; Choice A is correct.

Baroreceptors are in the walls of the aorta, carotid arteries and walls of the right atrium, as stretching in these parts of the
cardiovascular system sends signals to the brain to adjust blood pressure. Choices B, C and D are incorrect.

Question 11

What effect does strenuous exercise have on blood carbon dioxide concentration, which receptors detect it, and what changes does
this cause in the respiratory system?

Effect on blood carbon Receptors that detect changes in Changes to respiratory

dioxide concentration carbon dioxide concentration system

A. Decreases Chemoreceptors Intercostal muscles

contract less rapidly

B. Increases Baroreceptors Diaphragm contracts more


C. Decreases Baroreceptors Diaphragm contracts less


D. Increases Chemoreceptors Intercostal muscles

contract more rapidly

Difficulty: EASY

Respiration is a reaction that occurs in cells to release energy from the reaction between oxygen and glucose and produces carbon
dioxide and water as byproducts. When conducting strenuous exercise, respiration rates increase; therefore, blood carbon dioxide
concentration increases. Changes to blood carbon dioxide levels are detected by chemoreceptors and cause the intercostal
muscles and diaphragm to contract more rapidly to provide cells with more oxygen and also to get rid of carbon dioxide. Choice D
is correct.

Strenuous exercise does not cause the blood carbon dioxide concentration to decrease, nor does it cause the intercostal muscles
to contract less rapidly; Choice A is incorrect. Baroreceptors detect changes in the stretch of blood vessels, not carbon dioxide
concentration; Choice B is incorrect. During strenuous exercise, blood carbon dioxide concentration increases. Changes in blood
carbon dioxide levels are detected by chemoreceptors, which send signals that result in the diaphragm contracting more rapidly;
Choice C is incorrect.

Question 12

What is the role of the part of the brain labelled X in the diagram?
[Source: Adapted from Injurymap. (2019, April 24). File: human Brain.png - Wikimedia Commons. Wikimedia Commons. Retrieved
October 02, 2023 from URL Human_Brain.png. Copyright under CC BY 4.0]

● A. Responsible for long-term memory

● B. Controls emotional responses

● C. Controls posture and balance

● D. Modulates the hunger response

Difficulty: MEDIUM

X is pointing to the cerebellum, which controls involuntary muscle movements of posture and balance as well as precise voluntary
hand movements such as writing. Choice C is correct.

Long-term memory is controlled by the hippocampus and related structures in the temporal lobe; Choice A is incorrect. Emotional
responses are controlled by the limbic system, which does not contain the cerebellum; Choice B is incorrect. The hypothalamus
controls the hunger response in the brain; Choice D is incorrect.

Question 13

Which of the following statements describes the effect of epinephrine on the body?

I. Causes the sinoatrial node to increase the heart rate

II. Stimulates the liver cells to convert glucagon into glucose

III. Causes the pupils to dilate

● A. I and II only
● B. II and III only

● C. I and III only

● D. I, II and III

Difficulty: MEDIUM

Epinephrine is a peptide hormone secreted by the adrenal glands to prepare for vigorous activity. It causes the sinoatrial node
(pacemaker) to increase the heart rate (Statement I) and the pupils to dilate (Statement III). Choice C is correct.

Glucagon is a hormone released by the pancreas in response to low blood glucose levels; it converts stored glycogen into glucose.
Epinephrine initiates the conversion of glycogen into glucose; Statement II is incorrect. Choices A, B and D are incorrect as they
all include statement II.

Question 14

[Maximum mark: 5]

The image shows the adrenal glands.

[Source: Adapted from Poghosyan97. (2020, July 8). Category: adrenal glands. Wikimedia Commons. Retrieved October 09, 2023
from URL Adrenal_glands. Copyright under CC BY 4.0]

1. State the name of the hormone released from the adrenal glands that is responsible for the ‘fight or flight’
response. [1]

2. Describe how the binding of the hormone you named in part (i) to receptors at the sinoatrial node subsequently
results in increased muscle contraction. [3]

2. Suggest an effect on the body if the adrenal glands do not function properly. [1]

Difficulty: MEDIUM
Question 15

How is the movement of food through the alimentary canal controlled?

● A. The enteric nervous system relaxes the muscles in the alimentary canal, so food can easily glide through.

● B. The enteric nervous system coordinates peristalsis through the alimentary canal.

● C. The enteric nervous system powerfully contracts the lower third of the oesophagus, so food is propelled through the
alimentary canal.

● D. The somatic nervous system coordinates peristalsis through the alimentary canal.

Difficulty: MEDIUM

Peristalsis are waves of muscular contraction and relaxation in the circular and longitudinal muscles of the alimentary canal, which
propel digested food through the alimentary canal from the oesophagus to the rectum. Peristalsis is controlled by a part of the
autonomic nervous system called the enteric nervous system. Choice B is correct.

Choice A is incorrect, as food is propelled through the alimentary canal through coordinated waves of muscle contraction and
relaxation. Choice C is incorrect, as peristalsis occurs throughout most of the alimentary canal, not just in the oesophagus. Choice
D is incorrect as the somatic nervous system controls voluntary movements, and the movement of food through the alimentary
canal is mostly an autonomic process.

Question 16

How do impulses from the expiratory and inspiratory centres work together to cause rhythmic breathing?

Expiratory centre Inspiratory centre

A. Sends impulses to inhibit the inspiratory centre Sends impulses to inhibit the expiratory centre
B. Sends impulses to inhibit the inspiratory centre Sends impulses to increase rate and depth of

C. Sends impulses to increase the depth of Sends impulses to increase the rate of expiration

D. Sends impulses to stimulate expiration Sends impulses to decrease the volume of the alveoli

Difficulty: MEDIUM

The respiratory centre is located in the medulla of the hindbrain and contains two groups of interacting nerve cells: the inspiratory
and expiratory centres. The inspiratory centre sends impulses to increase the rate and depth of breathing, and the expiratory centre
sends impulses to inhibit the inspiratory centre and stimulate expiration. Choice B is correct.

The inspiratory centre does not send impulses to inhibit the expiratory centre; Choice A is incorrect. The expiratory centre does not
send impulses to increase the depth of breathing; this is the role of the inspiratory centre, and the inspiratory centre does send
impulses to increase the rate of expiration, it instead stimulates inspiration; Choice C is incorrect. Choice D is incorrect as although
the expiratory centre does send impulses to stimulate expiration, the action of the inspiratory centre would not promote the alveoli to
decrease in volume. Instead, it would increase the volume of the alveoli.

Question 17

[Maximum mark: 16]

1. Outline the role of the cerebellum in movement. [3]

2. Outline how the hypothalamus uses signals from the nervous system and bloodstream to maintain homeostasis. You
should include examples of homeostatic responses in your answer.[5]

3. Describe how the respiratory centre detects and responds to strenuous exercise. [7]

Difficulty: MEDIUM
Question 18

[Maximum mark: 5]

The autonomic nervous system helps regulate the control of heart rate. Below is a diagram of the human brain.
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1. State the name of the part of the brain that is involved in the control of heart rate. [1]

2. Baroreceptors and chemoreceptors play an important role in this control. Compare and contrast how these two types of
receptors help with the regulation of heart rate. [4]

Difficulty: MEDIUM
Question 19

[Maximum mark: 16]

1. Outline how treading on a drawing pin can bring about the reflex of lifting the foot.[4]

2. Describe how the cerebellum exerts overall control over the voluntary movements of the body. [4]

3. Explain how melatonin plays a part in the control of circadian rhythms. [7]
Difficulty: MEDIUM
Question 20

What is an example of an emergent property?

● A. A unicellular organism uses active transport to absorb nutrients.

● B. A retinal cell detecting changes in light intensity.

● C. The endocrine and nervous system working cooperatively to respond to the environment.
● D. A single muscle cell contracting.

Difficulty: MEDIUM

Emergent properties are properties that arise from the interaction between component parts in a complex system. Choice A is
incorrect as it only describes a function of active transport. Choice B is incorrect as a retinal cell detecting light is a basic function of
that cell and does not involve the interaction of multiple cells and no new property has emerged. Choice D is incorrect because a
muscle cell contracting does not involve component parts and no new property emerges.

Question 21

[Maximum mark: 4]

Hormones can be used as medical treatments in some situations.

1. Name the hormone that can be used to treat jet lag and state its effect on the body. [2]

2. Outline two uses of hormones in IVF. [2]

Difficulty: MEDIUM
Question 22

[Maximum mark: 16]

1. Explain how peristalsis moves food along the digestive tract [3]

2. Outline the role of enzymes located in the small intestine. [4]

3. Describe the digestion of lipids and absorption of the products in the small intestine. [8]

Difficulty: MEDIUM
Question 23

The graph shows the circadian rhythm in body temperature of an individual under their normal light-dark cycle and after exposure to
a 1-hour pulse of 1000-lux light at their typical bedtime.
[Source: Adapted from Coiffard, B., Diallo, A.B., Mezouar, S., Leone, M., & Mege, J.-L. (2021). A Tangled Threesome: Circadian
Rhythm, Body Temperature Variations, and the Immune System. Biology 2021, 10, 65. Retrieved March 2, 2022, from Copyright under CC BY 4.0; Cho, C.H., Moon, J.H., Yoon, H.K. et al. (2016). Molecular
circadian rhythm shift due to bright light exposure before bedtime is related to subthreshold bipolarity. Sci Rep 6, 31846 (2016).
Retrieved March 2, 2022, from Copyright under CC BY 4.0]

Which statement correctly describes the event responsible for the change in the rhythm of body temperature after exposure to light?

● A. The secretion of melatonin from the thyroid gland was elevated by light exposure.

● B. The secretion of melatonin from the pineal gland was suppressed by light exposure.

● C. The secretion of thyroxin from the thyroid gland was elevated by light exposure.

● D. The secretion of thyroxin from the pineal gland was suppressed by light exposure.

Difficulty: HARD

The graph shows the time of day on the horizontal axis and body temperature on the vertical axis. The black line indicates the body
temperature rhythm of an individual following their normal light-dark cycle, and the dashed line indicates the body temperature
rhythm of that same individual after exposure to a pulse of 1000-lux light at their typical bedtime. The body temperature rhythm after
exposure to light has the same shape as that before exposure, but the peak of this rhythm is shifted later in the day relative to the
individual’s typical body temperature.

The hormone melatonin regulates an individual’s circadian rhythm and sleep-wake cycle. Melatonin is released by the pineal gland,
not the thyroid gland (Choice A), at night to control circadian cycles. If the circadian cycle is shifted to later in the day, it is likely that
the exposure to light suppressed the release of melatonin from the pineal gland.

Thyroxin is secreted by the thyroid gland, not the pineal gland (Choice D) and regulates metabolic rate and body temperature, not
the sleep cycle (Choice C).

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