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Quiz 1: Organization Of The Human Body

Assessment, Question 06
The development of specialized cells from unspecialized stem cells is a description of
which of the following basic life processes?

 Metabolise
 Movement
 Growth
 Differentiation
 Reproduction


Assessment, Question 07
Cells are able to transport materials from one region of the cell to another just as the body
is able to transport substances to different locations, or skeletal muscles (working with
your skeleton) can transport you from the sofa to the refrigerator. What basic life process
is illustrated by this description?

 Metabolism
 Growth
 Movement
 Differentiation
 Reproduction


Assessment, Question 08
Which of the following situations would represent a serious disruption of the homeostasis
of the volume and composition of body fluids?
 Eating a normal meal and drinking a glass of water
 Normal urination
 Sweating on a warm day, but drinking lemonade in the shade afterwards
 Drinking a sports drink after playing a game of basketball with friends
 Becoming dehydrated as your lifeboat drifts on the empty ocean

Becoming dehydrated as your lifeboat drifts on the empty ocean
Assessment, Question 09
The homeostasis of the body is controlled through a series of steps called a feedback
system or feedback loop. One component of such systems is a control center. Which of
the following organs would frequently serve as the control center for a feedback system
(remember, the control center evaluates the disruption to homeostasis, and it also triggers
a response)?

 Skeletal muscles
 Brain
 Nerve endings in the skin
 Blood and lymphatic fluid
 Sweat glands
Assessment, Question 28
Homeostasis is the condition in which the body maintains:

 The lowest possible energy usage.

 A relatively stable internal environment within limits.
 A static state with no deviation from preset points.
 A changing state within an unlimited range.

A relatively stable internal environment within limits.

Assessment, Question 31
All of the following are true of an organ except:
 an organ will be composed of the same tissues
 organs have specific functions and shapes
 organs make up systems
 an organ can contain epithelial tissue, muscle tissue, connective tissue and
nervous tissue

An organ will be composed of the same tissues

Assessment, Question 35
The two systems most responsible for maintaining homeostasis are the

 Respiratory and cardiovascular systems

 Muscular and skeletal systems
 Integumentary and immune systems
 Endocrine and nervous systems

Endocrine and nervous systems
Assessment, Question 37
The component of a feedback system that detects change in the external or internal
environment is

 stimulus
 effector
 receptor
 control center


Assessment, Question 38
A particular stimulus causes an increase in the levels of CO2 in the blood. A feedback
mechanism that increases respiration rate to exhale more CO2 would be
 monitored
 control center
 positive
 negative

Assessment, Question 40
A positive feedback mechanism is defined as

 a feedback mechanism that removes the original stimulus

 a feedback mechanism that reverses a change in a controlled condition
 a feedback mechanism that reinforces the change in the controlled condition
 the dominant feedback mechanism of the body

a feedback mechanism that reinforces the change in the controlled condition
Assessment, Question 47
Name the plane that divides the heart into a right and left heart

 sagittal
 coronal
 transverse
 midsagittal


Concept Check, Question 08

The interstitial fluid is called the internal environment of the body because:
 Proper functioning of body cells depends upon the precise regulation of the fluid
surrounding them.
 Proper functioning of body cells depends upon the precise regulation of the fluid
within them.
 All interstitial fluid has the same composition.
 a and b are correct

a) Proper functioning of body cells depends upon the precise regulation of the fluid
surrounding them.

Concept Check, Question 10

Which of the following is mismatched?
 Receptor – Monitors the changes in a controlled condition and sends input to a
controlled center
 Control center – Receives input from a receptor and analyzes it.
 Effector – Analyzes receptor output to determine if a controlled condition is
correctly maintained
 None of these statements is mismatched
Answer :
Effector – Analyzes receptor output to determine if a controlled condition is
correctly maintained
Testbank, Question 06
Which body fluid fills the narrow spaces between cells and tissues?
 lymph
 blood plasma
 interstitial fluid
 intracellular fluid
 vitreous body
Answer :
interstitial fluid

Testbank, Question 08
Hormonal or electrical signals are sent from the control center to the
 receptors
 stimulus
 afferent pathway
 effectors
 efferent pathway
Answer :
Testbank, Question 13
Put the cavities in order from broadest to most specific in which the lungs are located
 thoracic, ventral ,parietal pleura, visceral pleura
 ventral, visceral pleura, thoracic, parietal pleura,
 ventral, thoracic, parietal pleura, visceral pleura
 thoracic, ventral, visceral pleura, parietal pleura
Answer :
ventral, thoracic, parietal pleura, visceral pleura
Testbank, Question 16
The function of the secretions of the pleura, is to…
 separate the thoracic and abdominal cavities.
 protect the central nervous system.
 prevent infection.
 reduce friction between neighboring organs.
 carry nervous impulses.
Answer :
reduce friction between neighboring organs.

Testbank, Question 17
Cutting open the chest at the sternal marking would represent a(n)
 sagittal plane
 midsagittal plane
 transverse plane
 oblique plane
 coronal plane
Answer :
midsagittal plane
Testbank, Question 19
Cutting the body in half at the diaphragm, would create the thoracic cavity and the
abdominopelvic cavity. What plane would create these halves?

 frontal
 sagittal
 transverse
 oblique
 midsagittal
Answer :
Testbank, Question 20
When holding your arms out to the side at shoulder level, your fingers are ________ from
your midline.

 medial
 anterior
 proximal
 posterior
 lateral
Answer :

Testbank, Question 22
Choose the directional term that would make the following sentence correct. The heart is
_____ to the liver.
 inferior
 anterior
 contralateral
 superior
 superficial
Answer :

Testbank, Question 25
Which organs in the diagram are in the abdominal cavity? Select all that apply.
 liver
 stomach
 lung
 heart
 transverse colon
Answer :

Testbank, Question 52
Which cavity is lined by serous membranes. Select all that apply?
 A
 B
 C
 D
 E
Answer :
C, D, E

Testbank, Question 53
Which cavity contains the main control centers in the feedback cycle?
 (A)
 (C)
 (D)
 (E)
Answer :

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