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Mais con hielo is a delicious Filipino dessert made with sweet corn kernels and shaved ice, typically

flavored with milk and sugar. Here's a simple recipe to make it at home:


 2 cups sweet corn kernels (fresh or canned)

 1 cup evaporated milk

 1/2 cup condensed milk (adjust to taste)

 1 cup shaved ice

 Sugar (optional, to taste)

 Ice cubes (optional)

 Sweetened condensed milk (optional, for drizzling on top)


1. If you're using fresh corn, cook the corn kernels until tender. If you're using canned corn, drain
and rinse them thoroughly.

2. Once the corn is cooked and cooled down, combine it with evaporated milk and condensed milk
in a mixing bowl. Adjust the sweetness according to your preference by adding more condensed
milk or sugar if needed.

3. Prepare your serving glasses or bowls. Place a layer of shaved ice at the bottom.

4. Spoon the sweet corn mixture over the shaved ice, filling the glass or bowl.

5. If desired, add a few ice cubes on top to keep it extra cold.

6. Optionally, drizzle some sweetened condensed milk over the top for added sweetness.

7. Serve immediately and enjoy your refreshing mais con hielo!

Feel free to adjust the ingredients and proportions according to your taste preferences. Some people
like to add additional toppings such as pinipig (crispy rice flakes) or tapioca pearls for extra texture.
Enjoy experimenting with different variations!

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