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Área de Capacitación de Inglés


Jefes de Trabajos Prácticos: Gabriela Fraga

María Inés Martiarena
Sandra Peralta

Auxiliares Docentes: Karina Ruiz

Eliana Ruppel

Año 2022
Este material es propiedad de la Cátedra de Inglés Médico, Facultad de Ciencias Médicas de la UNLP y debe ser
usado solo con fines educativos.
Reading Text 1

The Circulatory System

The heart is an important part of the circulatory system. The heart is made up of muscle tissue which
contracts and relaxes, pumping the blood through the heart and to the body through arteries. Blood is
returned to the heart through veins.
The circulatory system is a complex network of veins and arteries which transports blood around the
body. The heart is the central part of this system. It is the muscular pump which moves the blood.
Blood vessels carry blood in different directions: arteries carry blood away from the heart to the rest
of the body and veins carry blood from the rest of the body to the heart.
Arteries have thick and muscular walls. The aorta is the body’s largest artery.
Veins have thin walls. They also have valves. The body’s longest vein is the vena cava.
Capillaries are the smallest type of blood vessels. They link arteries and veins.

1. Read the text and find the following:

 The elements that make up the circulatory system

 A definition
 A description
Now choose one option:

This text is easy to understand.
very easy

Explain why.

2. Underline the words that look similar to the Spanish version. Can you classify them in this


3. Now let’s concentrate on the title:


Look at these book covers. What would be the Spanish version of these titles on cancer?

Reading Text 1

 Now go to page 16 for more practice on noun phrases.

4. Look at the table of contents of Urologic Oncology on page 3. Chapter 3 is:

Chemotherapy in prostatic cancer

What is the focus of attention in this noun phrase?

 In pairs read, analyse and translate the rest of the chapters in the table of contents.

Reading Text 1

 Now go to page 17 for more practice on noun phrases.

Group work: On page 18 there is another table of contents from the book Imaging
Anatomy by Farhood Saremi. You need to look for some information for a test. But first, you
need to understand what each part of the book is about. Provide Spanish versions of all the
topics in parts 1 and 2 of the book.

5. Let’s read these sentences from the text The circulatory system. Can you identify any noun

The heart is an important part of the circulatory system.

Arteries have thick and muscular walls.

 Now go to pages 19 and 20 for more practice on noun phrases as part of a text.

Reading Text 2

Personal Protective Equipment for Infection Control

Personal protective equipment (PPE) refers to protective clothing, helmets, gloves,
face shields, goggles, facemasks and/or respirators or other equipment designed to
protect the wearer from injury or the spread of infection or illness.
PPE is commonly used in health care settings such as hospitals, doctor's offices and
clinical labs. When used properly, PPE acts as a barrier between infectious materials
such as viral and bacterial contaminants and your skin, mouth, nose, or eyes (mucous
membranes). The barrier has the potential to block transmission of contaminants
from blood, body fluids, or respiratory secretions. PPE may also protect patients who
are at high risk for contracting infections through a surgical procedure or who have a
medical condition, such as an immunodeficiency, from being exposed to substances
or potentially infectious material brought in by visitors and healthcare workers.
When used properly and with other infection control practices such as hand-washing,
using alcohol-based hand sanitizers, and covering coughs and sneezes, it minimizes
the spread of infection from one person to another. Effective use of PPE includes
properly removing and disposing of contaminated PPE to prevent exposing both the
wearer and other people to infection.

1. Read the text and complete these ideas in Spanish.

Este texto puede ser interesante para …
El objetivo del texto es …

2. Underline all the verbs in the present simple tense and their subjects.

3. In four parts the text gives examples, which are the examples? What categories are
they examples of?
Category Examples

- Health care settings


4. Read the sentences and write T (true) or F (false):

 Personal protective equipment protects only the wearer. ____
 Wearing PPE is enough to prevent the spread of infection. ____
 It is very important to remove PPE in a proper manner. ____
 PPE is mainly used in public hospitals. ____
 The risk for infection is lower in immunodeficient patients. ____
 Health care workers are not the only people who use PPE. ____

Reading Text 2
5. Build your own glossary: Translate each of the following nouns into Spanish.

English term/expression Spanish equivalent

alcohol-based hand sanitizer
body fluids
coughs and sneezes
doctor's office
health care settings
healthcare workers
medical condition
mucous membranes
personal protective equipment (PPE)
respiratory secretions
spread of infection
surgical procedure

6. Group Work: as part of an extension project of the School of Medicine you are making
some signboards for public hospitals. Using the question/answer format, copy the
chart and fill it in in Spanish. Remember that it has to be clear and useful!

Equipo de protección personal

¿Qué es? ¿Por qué se usa? ¿Es importante

para los pacientes?

7. Group Work

How does this cartoon relate to the text

you’ve just analysed? Explain in your

Reading Text 3

The Eatwell guide

The Eatwell guide shows what kind of foods you should eat, and in what proportions, to have a healthy and balanced diet and more sustainable
food. This includes everything you eat and drink during the day.

Reading Text 3
Fruit and vegetables

Eat at least five portions of a variety of fruit and vegetables every day. This section should make up just over a
third of the food you eat each day.
Fresh, frozen, dried and tinned (in juice or water) all count, as well as unsweetened fruit juices and smoothies
(maximum 150ml, once a day). Try to have a variety.
Try to avoid adding rich sauces or butter to your vegetables and sugar or syrups to fruit. Also, make sure tinned
fruit and vegetables don’t have added salt and/or sugar.

Potatoes, bread, rice, pasta and other starchy carbohydrates

Starchy foods should make up just over a third of the food we eat. Choose wholegrain or higher fibre versions
of products like breads, rice or pasta and leave skins on potatoes.
‘Other starchy carbohydrates’ means foods such as breakfast cereals, porridge, yams and plantains.
Choose wholegrain versions where possible for more fibre, vitamins and minerals. Higher fibre versions of
white bread and pasta can help you to increase your fibre intake, if you use these as a substitute for standard
white versions of these foods.

Dairy and alternatives

Choose lower-fat and lower-sugar options where possible.
Milk, cheese, yogurt, fromage frais, quark and non-dairy alternatives are included in this group.
Try swapping whole or semi skimmed milk for 1 per cent fat milk. Low or reduced fat versions of dairy
products are widely available, including cheese.
Alternatively, buy standard products in smaller amounts and eat them less often.

Beans, pulses, fish, eggs, meat and other proteins

These foods are sources of protein, vitamins and minerals, so it’s important to include foods from this group.
Beans and pulses are good alternatives to meat as they are low in fat and high in protein, fibre, vitamins and
minerals. Aim to have 2 portions of sustainably sourced fish per week, one of which is oily.
Eat less red and processed meat such as sausages, bacon and cured meats and if you eat more than 90g try to
cut down to no more than 70g per day. Remove skin and visible fat from meat and poultry.

Oils and spreads

Some fats in our diet are essential, but we need to think about the type of fat we add to our food, because
generally we are eating too much saturated fat.
Unsaturated oils such as rapeseed, olive or sunflower oils are healthier choices than saturated fats like butter
and lard. Swapping butter for lower fat unsaturated fat spreads is a way to reduce your saturated fat intake.
All types of fat are high in energy, and so cutting down on these foods could help to control your weight.

Foods to eat less often and in small amounts

This includes food and drinks high in fat and sugar such as cakes, biscuits, chocolate, sweets, puddings,
pastries, ice cream, jam, honey, crisps, sauces, butter, cream and mayonnaise.
These foods are not needed in the diet so they should be consumed occasionally and in small amounts.

Water, lower fat milk and sugar free drinks including tea and coffee all count.
Aim to have the equivalent of 6-8 glasses of fluid a day.

The above guidance doesn't apply to children under the age of two, because they have different nutritional
needs. From the ages of two to five, children should gradually move to eating the same foods as the rest of the
family, in the proportions shown on the Eatwell guide.

Reading Text 3

Fragments from

1. Read the text and answer the following questions in Spanish.

a. ¿Cuál es el objetivo de este texto?

b. ¿Cuáles son los grupos de alimentos que se recomienda consumir en mayor cantidad y
cuáles en menor proporción?

c. ¿Qué recomienda el autor respecto de alimentos con alto contenido de grasa y/o azúcar?
¿Y respecto de la hidratación?

d. ¿Esta guía de alimentación puede ser útil para personas de cualquier edad?

e. ¿Qué consejo le daría a un amigo que necesita incorporar proteínas y lácteos?

f. Explique, según su criterio, qué importancia tiene la imagen que acompaña al texto.

2. Read the text again and complete the chart with useful information about what to eat
and how much to eat. Fill in this chart with the information that you can find in this text
about some of the food groups.

Categoría Algunos ejemplos Proporción/cantidad


3. Group work: Let´s use the information in the Eatwell guide to think about some
recommendations. Choose a particular group of people (schoolchildren, old people,
sportspeople, etc.) and prepare some recommendations for them in Spanish.

Reading Text 4


The stomach is part of the digestive system,

which is sometimes called the gastrointestinal
tract. It is a muscular, bag-like organ which lies
between the lower end of the gullet
(oesophagus) and the beginning of the small
bowel (small intestine). When food is
swallowed, it passes down the gullet and into
the stomach.

The position of the stomach

The wall of the stomach has four layers:

The inner lining (the mucosa) contains glands.
The glands produce chemicals (enzymes and acid)
which are released into the stomach and help to break down food so Structure of the stomach wall
that when it leaves the stomach it is in a semi-solid form.
Underneath the mucosa is a layer called the submucosa.
Beneath that is a layer of muscle called the muscularis.
The outer layer of the stomach is a strong membrane called the serosa.
The stomach lining also produces a substance which helps to absorb vitamin B12. This is important
for the development of red blood cells. Close to the stomach are a number of lymph nodes.

1. Skim the text and choose an appropriate title:

a. Stomach anatomy
b. Stomach physiology
c. Stomach conditions
2. Now scan it and identify the following information:
a. Substances produced in the mucosa
b. Shape of the stomach
c. Location of the muscularis
d. Exact location of the stomach
e. Another name for the digestive system

Reading Text 4
2. Look at these two sentences. How are they linked in the text?
The stomach is part of the digestive system. The digestive system is sometimes called the
gastrointestinal tract.

Now find other similar examples in the text.


3. Find the subjects of these verbs and translate the verbs into Spanish.

Subject Verb Translation

is swallowed
passes down
are released and help to
break down

4. WORD FORMATION: What words in the text are derived from the following verbs?

digest ___________________
begin ___________________
line ___________________
develop ___________________

5. NOUN PHRASES: a. Choose key noun phrases for each section.

Section 1
a. __________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________
Section 2
a. __________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________
c. __________________________________________________________
d. __________________________________________________________
e. __________________________________________________________

Reading Text 4
b. Look at this noun phrase from the text. What kind of word is called? What would be the
Spanish for it?
a layer called the submucosa
 These noun phrases are possible book titles, paper titles, subtitles or chapters of books.
Identify the –ed words and translate the whole noun phrases.

1. CAT (Computerized axial tomography)

2. Dilated left atrium
3. Candidates for specialized treatment strategies
4. A double-blind, placebo-controlled randomized trial
5. The choice between splenectomy and medical treatment in patients with advanced agnogenic
myeloid metaplasia
6. Lymphomas of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue
7. Decreased cerebrospinal fluid absorption during abdominal insufflation
8. Increased cesareans in women at no medical risk
9. Newly diagnosed advanced cancer
10. Evidence-based preventive medicine
11. Hong Kong children infected by Parainfluenza virus
12. Number of hospitalizations for depression linked with dementia risk
13. Chronic kidney disease tied to cognitive impairment
14. The impact of controlled-carbohydrate nutritional approaches on weight and health
15. Leptin levels in human and rodent: measurement of plasma leptin and ob RNA in obese and
weight reduced subjects
16. Discrepancy between self-reported and actual calorie intake and exercise in obese subjects

Reading Text 5

Part 1
The Figure below shows four of the common and characteristic shapes of bacteria: cocci (spherical),
rods, vibrio (comma shaped) and spiral.

Cocci. The organism shown (top left) is Micrococcus luteus, which forms tetrads due to regular
alternation of the plane of cell division. Micrococcus species are commonly associated with the skin.
Staphylococcus species are also common on the skin, and S. aureus causes boils or, occasionally,
more serious infections. Streptococcus species typically form chains of cells because they divide in a
single plane. Streptococcus mutans commonly grows on tooth enamel and contributes to tooth decay
(dental caries).

Rods. The organism shown (top right) is Bacillus cereus, a common inhabitant of soil but it is also
found on many food products. Bacillus species produce endospores, seen in various stages of
development in the photograph; eventually they are released when the cells lyse. B. cereus causes a
relatively mild food poisoning, especially on reheated fried rice in take-away food outlets. The spores
can resist destruction during cooking and can then germinate if the cooked food is not refrigerated.
Two toxins are formed: one is heat-stable, is produced during sporulation and causes vomiting; the
other is heat-labile, is produced during exponential growth and causes diarrhoea.

Vibrio. The organism shown (bottom left) is Vibrio

alginolyticus. It is found in marine environments. The
organisms in the photograph are clustered together in
an extracellular polysaccharide (slime) and many of
them are dividing so they are seen in pairs. The best-
known species of Vibrio is V. cholerae which causes
cholera, a severe diarrhoeal disease. It results from a
toxin produced by bacterial growth in the gut.

Spiral. The organism shown (bottom right) is a

species of Rhodospirillum, one of the purple non-
sulphur bacteria. Typically, these bacteria grow in
shallow anaerobic organic-rich pools, obtaining
energy from light reactions but using organic substances such as acetate for cellular synthesis.
[Organisms of this type are termed photoheterotrophs]. Rhodospirillum swims in a corkscrew manner,
by means of its polar flagella. Other spiral-shaped bacteria include the spirochaetes, such as
Treponema pallidum which causes syphilis. However, spirochaetes have a different type of motility
from that of the common spiral bacteria.

1. Before reading.

 What items of information about bacteria do you expect to find in this text? Make a list:

Example: Clasificación de bacterias

 Now read the text and check if the items in your list appear in it.

Reading Text 5

2. Look at the underlined words in the text. What do they refer back to?

Streptococcus species /cells they

______________________ one
______________________ the other
______________________ them
______________________ these bacteria
______________________ its
______________________ that

3. Read the text again and complete this chart:

Bacterias según sus formas

A. Cocos (esféricos) B. ______________________

Ej. 1: _________________________________ Ej. ___________________________________

Características:__________________________ Características: se encuentra en _____________

Ej. 2: _________________________________ ______________________________________

Caract.:produce infecciones o _______________ Produce _______________________________

Ej. 3: _________________________________

Caract.:crece ___________________________

C. ______________________ D. ______________________

Ej. 1: _________________________________ Ej. 1: _________________________________

Características: Vive _____________________ Características: Crece_____________________

Ej. 2: _________________________________ ______________________________________

Caract.: _______________________________ Nada _________________________________

Ej. 2: _________________________________

Caract.: _______________________________

4. Find a sentence in the text with the same information of these sentences:

a. We usually associate Micrococcus species with the skin.

b. You can also find it on food products.
If the information is similar, what’s the difference between them?
Find more examples in the text. How would you translate them into Spanish?

Reading Text 5

5. Answer these questions.

a. ¿Qué tienen en común los micrococos y los estafilococos?

b. Explique cómo y por qué nos podemos intoxicar con las esporas del Bacillus cereus.

c. ¿Cómo se produce el cólera?


d. ¿De dónde obtiene la energía el Rhodospirillum?


Part 1
The Gram Reaction
The Gram reaction is named after the Danish physician, Christian Gram, who developed this staining
technique in 1884. It involves a series of simple steps.
1. Bacterial cells are dried onto a glass slide and stained with crystal violet, then washed briefly in
2. Iodine solution is added so that the iodine forms a complex with crystal violet in the cells.
3. Alcohol or acetone is added to solubilise the crystal violet - iodine complex.
4. The cells are counterstained with safranin, then rinsed and dried for microscopy.
The method separates bacteria into two types. Gram-positive cells retain the crystal violet-iodine
complex and thus appear purple (shown for Bacillus cereus in the left-hand image below). Gram-
negative cells are decolourised by the alcohol or acetone treatment, but are then stained with safranin
so they appear pink (shown for Pseudomonas aeruginosa in the right-hand image below). Thus, the
essential difference between Gram-positive and Gram-negative cells is their ability to retain the
crystal violet-iodine complex when treated with a solvent.

This difference in staining reflects a fundamental difference in the organisation of the bacterial cell
wall or "cell envelope".

Reading Text 5

1. Read about the Gram Reaction and complete with information from it.

La reacción de Gram es .........................................................................................................................

Fue desarrollada por ...............................................................................................................................

Separa las ................................................................... de .............................................................

tratándolas con .............................., ....................................y................................... . Las primeras

............................................................................................................... mientras que las segundas

.................................................................................................................. Esto se debe a .....................


2. Use the steps in the text to write instructions to perform a Gram stain. Your instructions will
be on the laboratory walls for your partners to read when working at the lab.

a. Seque las bacterias en un portaobjetos de vidrio y ............................................................................

b. .............................................................................................................................................................

c. .............................................................................................................................................................

d. .............................................................................................................................................................

Noun Phrases - Group 1
 Provide Spanish versions of the following possible titles of books on various medical topics.

1. Acute MI (myocardial infarction)

2. The gastrointestinal circulation
3. Concomitant diuretic therapy
4. CHF (Congestive heart failure)
5. COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease)
6. Sleisenger and Fortran’s gastrointestinal and liver diseases
7. Massive pulmonary embolism
8. Red blood cell transfusions
9. Medical privacy and electronic medical records
10. Obesity and cardiac function
11. Mesenteric venous thrombosis
12. Biliary and gastrointestinal fistula
13. Minimally invasive neurosurgery
14. Intraoperative and laparoscopic ultrasonography

Noun Phrases - Group 2
 Provide Spanish versions of the following chapters taken from various books.

1. Pathology of the gastrointestinal tract

2. Surgical management of renal trauma
3. Endoscopy of the upper gastrointestinal tract
4. Occlusion of the superior mesenteric artery
5. Definitions of sepsis and multiple organ failure
6. Pathogenic mechanisms of septic shock
7. Subjects with refractory, end-stage heart failure
8. Protein profile in cerebrospinal fluid
9. Postoperative strictures of the bile duct
10. Metallic stent in malignant biliary obstruction
11. The benefits of endoscopic nasobiliary drainage without sphincterotomy for acute cholangitis
12. Prognosis and survival in patients with gastrointestinal tract carcinoid tumors
13. Discharge criteria and complications after ambulatory surgery
14. Bioaerosols and innate immune responses in airway diseases
15. The long-term clinical management of the transplant patient
16. Critical periods in childhood for the development of obesity
17. Nocturnal hypoxia and sleep apnoea in asymptomatic men
18. Ventricular mass in hypertensive and normotensive obese subjects

Noun Phrases - Group 2

Group work – Noun phrases

Noun Phrases in context
A. Read these short texts and answer the questions using noun phrases in Spanish.

1. High blood pressure (HBP) or hypertension means high pressure (tension) in the arteries. High
blood pressure does not mean excessive emotional tension. It is clearly a major public health problem.

 ¿Qué significa el término hipertensión? _______________________________________________

 ¿Qué es lo que no significa el mismo término?__________________________________________

2. Rhinitis is a very common condition and has many different causes. Basically, rhinitis may be
defined as inflammation of the inner lining of the nose.
Post-nasal drip is mucus accumulation in the back of the nose and throat leading to, or giving the
sensation of, mucus dripping downward from the back of the nose. One of the most common
characteristics of chronic rhinitis is post-nasal drip. It can be caused by excessive or thick secretions,
or impairment in the normal clearance of mucus from the nose and throat. It may lead to chronic sore
throat or chronic cough.

 ¿Cómo podemos definir la rinitis?

 ¿Qué es el goteo post nasal?
 ¿Cuál es su relación con la rinitis?
 ¿Qué lo puede originar?

3. While the patient's history and physical examination are the essential elements of a medical
diagnosis, the ability to see inside the body can be a powerful tool. Ultrasound is an imaging technique
that provides that ability to medical practitioners.
Surgeons and emergency physicians use ultrasound at the bedside to assess abdominal pain or other

 ¿Cuál es la base de un diagnóstico médico? ___________________________________________

 ¿Quiénes usan el ultrasonido?______________________________________________________
 ¿Qué pueden evaluar con él?_______________________________________________________

4. Basal-cell carcinoma is the most common type of skin cancer. It rarely metastasizes or kills.
However, because it can cause significant destruction and disfigurement by invading surrounding
tissues, it is still considered malignant. In 80 percent of all cases, basal-cell cancers are found on the
head and neck. There appears to be an increase in the incidence of basal-cell cancer of the trunk
(torso) in recent years.

Noun Phrases in context

 ¿Cuál es el tipo más común de cáncer de piel?

 ¿Qué puede producir?
 ¿Qué ha habido en los años recientes?
 ¿En qué porcentaje aparece en cabeza y cuello?

B. Read and complete the blanks with the right noun phrases.

1. Signs and symptoms: Patients present with a shiny, pearly nodule. However, superficial basal-cell
cancer can present as a red patch like eczema. Infiltrative or morpheaform basal-cell cancers can
present as scar tissue. It is difficult to make diagnosis without using tactile sensation and a skin
biopsy. It is often difficult to distinguish basal-cell cancer from acne scar, actinic elastosis, and recent
cryodestruction inflammation.

Si es: Se presenta como:

1. General _______________________________________________
2. __________________ _______________________________________________
3. __________________ _______________________________________________

Para el tercer tipo se usan ______________________________________ como técnicas


Es difícil distinguir esta enfermedad del _________________________________________________

2. Congestive heart failure (CHF) is a condition in which the heart's function as a pump is inadequate
to meet the body's needs.
The diagnosis of congestive heart failure is based on knowledge of the individual's medical history, a
careful physical examination, and some laboratory tests.
The treatment of congestive heart failure can include lifestyle modifications, medications, heart
transplant, and mechanical therapies.

CHF es la sigla en inglés para

Su diagnóstico se basa en
El tratamiento puede consistir en


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