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FACULTY OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES Semester I- Year: 2023-2024

Subject: General English 4
(Time allowance: 8 minutes)


Part 1: Introduction (3 points) – Time allowance: 03 minutes

1. Student’s introduction
2. Student’s response
Suggested questions for Teacher:

- Do you like travelling?

- Absolutely! I love travelling and exploring new places. It's always exciting to immerse
myself in different cultures, try new foods, and meet new people. I find that travelling also
broadens my perspectives and teaches me a lot about the world. I try to plan at least one trip
per year, and I always look forward to it..
- Do you like to travel alone or in a group?
- I prefer to travel with a small group of friends or family to make memories together and
share experiences.
- When you visit new places, what do you like to do?
- When I visit new places, I like to explore the local culture, try new food, and visit historic
landmarks or natural wonders.
- Would you say your country is a good place for travellers to visit?
- Yes , definitely. Vietnam is considered to be one of the best countries to travel to
because something cheaps and diverse culture. The way the people in Vietnam
welcome others with such a warm heart is tremendous to be felt.

Part 2: Presentation (4 points) – Time allowance: 03 minutes

Cue Card 1

Describe a journey that you remember well.

You should say:

 when it was

 who was with you

 how long the journey took

and explain why you remember this journey so well.

Traveling can be a thrilling experience, and we all have travel memories from the past
that we still treasure. I’m going to tell you about a flight that I clearly recall here.

I took an aircraft from my hometown to Osaka . I was very excited because it was my first
time flying to another nation. I still recall that the aircraft was operated by Japan Airways,
and that it departed from the closest international airport in my hometown. I took
an economy class flight that took around 10 hours to complete.

I made that trip in order to travel to Osaka for a conference that my business had
scheduled there. All of the staff in my department were required to attend the conference,
which focused on the most recent developments in the IT sector. Everything, including
the airfare, accommodations, and transportation, had been planned for us by the firm.

There are a few reasons why I have good memories of this trip. First of all, I was excited
because it was my first time traveling abroad. Secondly, I found the flight to be fairly
comfortable, and I relished the onboard catering and entertainment. Thirdly, I learned a
lot from the conference because it was a business trip. Last but not least, thanks to my
travels, I had the opportunity to visit Osaka following the conference, which was an
unforgettable experience.

Part 3: Two-way discussion (3 points) – Time allowance: 02 minutes

1. Do you think it’s true that travel broadens the mind?

of course by tavelling you can learn different kind of cultures and you can

compare them with your own culture and it changes your view point about life


Part 1: Introduction (3 points) – Time allowance: 03 minutes

1. Student’s introduction
2. Student’s response
Suggested questions for Teacher:
- What do you do in your spare time?
- I have always been a music lover, so whenever I have free time, I
just put on my earphones and enjoy my favorite tunes. To me,
music provides an escape from the busy life as it is both relaxing
and feel.

- How do you usually spend your weekends?

- I think it would depend on the workload. In some periods of semester, my weekends
have been no different from my weekdays. I mean I was snowed under by big
assignments, work, deadlines, so it leaves no room for relaxation... However,
sometimes, I can spend time hanging out with my friends.
- What do you usually do after work or classes?
I often surf the Internet after exhausting working hours not only for relaxing but for
updating information as well. It's not a very healthy habit, I know, but it's the only time
of the day when I'm completely free from my duties, so I don't deny myself anything.
- Do you prefer to spend your free time alone or with other people?
- It depends on my mood really. I think most people need some time on their own.
Sometimes my work is quite stressful and I spend a lot of time there with others,
so it's good to just get home and relax and read a book or something. But I get
bored if I am alone too much so I like to go out and meet friends in the evening

Part 2: Presentation (4 points) – Time allowance: 03 minutes

Cue Card 2

Talk about one of your leisure activities.

You should say:

 what it is?
 how often do you do it?
 where you do it?

and explain why you like to do it.

There are many activities in my free time such as cooking, drawing, skating, play videeo games but I
prefer play volleyball. Because play volleyball help us boots the height, is good for the heart and
make bones stronger. I often play volleybal at the weekends and I play together with my friends . I
play volleyball at the stadium near my school. The first time I played volleyball was in 2018.
Therefore now I can play volleyball well . We once had a match with students from another school
and we won the match. It was also the most exciting match in my life

Part 3: Two-way discussion (3 points) – Time allowance: 02 minutes

1. Is leisure time important to everyone? Why?

Absolutely. To my mind, leisure time can help us lower stress after a long day of
working or studying, which could improve your quality of life, so it’s something worth
making time for
2 Do women have more leisure time than men?
outside of work time , Women spend more time completing unpaid
work such as household chores and childcare
2. How has the way we spend free time changed over the years?
3. How does technology affect the way people spend their leisure time?

FACULTY OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES Semester I- Year: 2023-2024

Subject: General English 4
(Time allowance: 8 minutes)


Part 1: Introduction (3 points) – Time allowance: 03 minutes

1. Student’s introduction
2. Student’s response
Suggested questions for Teacher:

- What electronic devices have you bought lately?

- I bought an ipad last month. I used to take my laptop to class for note taking, but it was
too uncomfortable. Sometimes I feel like doing some sports after class and it’s
really inconvenient to carry something so heavy. Ipad is a perfect alternative, because it’s
much lighter and more portable
- What technology do you often use, computers or cell phones?
Actually I use both quite often. I use my laptop for many purposes, like taking online
courses, working on my assignments and essays, watching movies,. I use my smartphone
mostly for social purposes, like chatting with family and friends on wechat, posting photos
and short videos on social media, things like that.
- How much time do you often spend on the Internet?
- I usually spend 5 hours on the internet. 2 hours for entertainment and relaxation .3 hours for
online learning and reading local news
- What do you usually do when you are on the Internet?
- I usually use the internet for various purposes. The most important one is to help myself
relax. That's why I usually play multiplayer online games with my friends, or go on social
media like Tiktok or Facebook to see what everyone else is up to.

Part 2: Presentation (4 points) – Time allowance: 03 minutes

Cue Card 3

Describe a piece of technology that you find useful.

You should say:

 what it is

 what you can do with it

 how often you use it

and explain why you find it so.

Part 3: Two-way discussion (3 points) – Time allowance: 02 minutes

1. Do you believe that people today rely too much on technology?

2. Do you enjoy sharing personal information and photos on social media? Why? / Why not?
3. Which social-media apps you you use the most?
4. What do you think are the trends in technology today compared to when you were young?

FACULTY OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES Semester I- Year: 2023-2024

Subject: General English 4
(Time allowance: 8 minutes)


Part 1: Introduction (3 points) – Time allowance: 03 minutes

1. Student’s introduction
2. Student’s response
Suggested questions for Teacher:

- Do you like listening to music?

- Yes absulottue, I've been a passionate music enthusiast since childhood. Attending music
festivals has always been a major interest of mine. For instance, I'm fond of events like
Monsoon Music Festival, held at Hanoi. Additionally, I find joy in unwinding with music
for about an hour before bedtime. It helps me relax and energize, especially during my
motorbike rides, adding an extra boost of vitality as I groove to the tunes.
- What kind of music do you like listening to the most?
For me, I am interested in the traditional instrumental music, like pianos and guitars. It is an
impressive combination that can give you a both accient and modern feelings.

- How much time do you spend listening to music every day?

- On average, I would say that I spend around one to two hours listening to music every day.
However, this can vary depending on my schedule and mood. There are some days when I
don't have much time to listen to music, while on other days, I can spend several hours
discovering new artists or listening to my favorite playlists. Overall, I think that music plays
an essential role in my life, and it's something that I cannot imagine living without.
- Do you play any kinds of musical instruments? What are they?
- Unfortunately, I don't play any musical instruments. I have tried to learn the guitar in the
past, but I struggled with it. However, I still have a deep appreciation for the artistry and
skill required to play an instrument, and I admire musicians who are able to create beautiful
music through their talent and dedication.

Part 2: Presentation (4 points) – Time allowance: 03 minutes

Cue Card 4

Describe a music concert you have seen .

You should say:

 what kind of concert it was

 where and when it took place
 who you saw it with

and explain whether you enjoyed this music concert or not.

The music concert that I am going to talk about was a rock music concert. It was a live
performance with different artists playing on the same stage. Attending this rock music
concert was an unforgettable experience for me. It was a year ago when I had the
opportunity to attend this music concert.

It was held in my city, and I had been waiting for this concert for months. The concert
was a perfect blend of music, energy, and excitement, and it is definitely one of the best
experiences of my life. Many popular rock bands and artists were performing at the
concert, including Guns N' Roses, Metallica, and Iron Maiden. These are some of my
favourite bands, and I had been eagerly waiting to see them perform live. It was great
to see my favourite bands and artists perform live, and I enjoyed every moment of
it. The concert was an amazing experience, and I thoroughly enjoyed every moment of
it. The energy of the crowd and the music was simply electrifying.

The bands played their famous hits, and the crowd sang along to every song. The sound
quality was top-notch, and the stage setup was also incredible. I also loved the light
shows that accompanied the music. The atmosphere was very lively and energetic, and it
was amazing to see so many people coming together to enjoy the same thing.
Part 3: Two-way discussion (3 points) – Time allowance: 02 minutes

1. Why are many music competitions popular in Vietnam?

2. What kind of music do people like at different ages?
3. Do parents in your country require their children to learn and to play musical instruments?
4. Why do some people like to listen to live music while others prefer CDs?

FACULTY OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES Semester I- Year: 2023-2024

Subject: General English 4
(Time allowance: 8 minutes)


Part 1: Introduction (3 points) – Time allowance: 03 minutes

1. Student’s introduction
2. Student’s response
Suggested questions for Teacher:
- What do you study?
- I’m studying economics at university. It’s a four year course, and I started it two
years ago, so I have 2 year left..
- Why do you choose that subject?
- How much time do you spend studying every day?
- On average, I often spend from 1 to 4 hours studying per day, basing on the difficulty of my
homework, upcoming exams or projects
- It important to note that effective study habits, time management skills and the quality of
study sessions are just as important as the quantity of time spent studying, Some student
might benefit more from shorted, focused study sessions, while othes may prefer longer
study periods with breaks in between. Infomation s essential for each individual to find a
study routine that works best for them
- Do you plan to get a job in the same field as your subject?

Part 2: Presentation (4 points) – Time allowance: 03 minutes

Cue Card 5

Describe an important lesson you learned in your life.

You should say:

 what it was
 when you learned it
 how you learned it

and explain why it is important and how you felt when you learned it.

An important lesson I learned in my life is the value of being genuine and true to myself, regardless of
what others think. Teamed this lesson during my high school years.

During my teenage years, I often felt pressure to fit in and be like everyone else. This pressure led me
to compromise my own values and beliefs to please others. However, over fime. I realized that being
myself and staying true to my own values was much more important than trying to impress others

I leaned this lesson by experiencing the negative consequences of trying to be someone I wasn't. I felt
unhappy and unfulfilled, and it was only when I started to embrace my individuality that I felt truly

This lesson is important because it teaches us to be authentic and true to ourselves. When we are
ourselves we are much more fulfiled and satisfied in our lives. This is a lesson that I continue to apply
in my daly it and it has helped me to become a happier and more confident person

Part 3: Two-way discussion (3 points) – Time allowance: 02 minutes

1. Do you agree that we learn best from our mistakes?

2. What’s the best way to gain experience in life?
3. Can we gain life experience from books and movies? Why/ Why not?
4. What experience do you wish you had gained? Why do you think so?

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