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Task-based report

Team members’ roles and contribution

Team name:

Task description:

Team members The task Why did you choose this


Ahmed Khaled I made checklist, made quizzes, padlet and put a

YouTube video in PowerPoint, I made an exit
ticket, and I made 8 slides in PowerPoint
because the rest of the team, one of them is a
chatterbox that only responds before the dead
line, and the other is late in his work.

Abdala Ahmed Bill opened an hour before the end time and
salm started working in a short time and designed 4

mohamed He opened the slides, designed with me, and

ahmed salm thought and exchanged ideas on how to make

Describe your task including:

● How do you share your resources and connect among team members?
by using teams meating and whatsapp
● What are your trusted resources?
pdf of (standards of instructional design)
● How could you evaluate the media you gathered, what is the standard of
9/10 as we Use appropriate colors ,High quality pictures , good font and
nice template .
-to make the ppt that we received followers the standards of instructional
● How did you collect, and organize the media?
collect it from the PPT and organize it according to standards of
instructional design
● What evidence did you collect to support your work?
Useing appropriate colors ,High quality pictures , good font , clear words
and nice template
Useing appropriate colors ,High quality pictures , good font , clear words
and nice template
● What are the technologies tools you have used in a presentation,
communicate with other members or in share, and organize media?
we share canva link to work with each other and teams meating to

The benefits you got from the task

Mention the benefits of doing this task (knowledge, skills, values).

From your perspective, what is the most enjoyable part of this task?

From your point of view, what was the most part you have satisfied with?

The challenges and how you overcome them.

Name the challenges or conflicts you have faced while accomplishing the task.
How could you overcome these challenges (describe them in detail)?

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