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Source: Sport In Nepal - Teamwork makes the dream work ⚽ ⚾Basic Rules of Kho-

Kho :i. The team to win the toss has the option to choose either to chase or
run.ii. The active chaser is not allowed to turn the body more than 90 degrees from
the direction of the run.iii. The active chaser is allowed to turn back after
crossing the post line.iv. The active chaser may kick on the post and return.v. The
active chaser is allowed to go to the other side of the lane after going around the The active chaser is not allowed to touch or cross the central
lane.vii. The active chaser must tag on the back of the passive chaser and shout
KHO-KHO simultaneously.viii. The Kho must be given to the passive chaser next to
the post if s/he is touched at thy time of giving a Fake Kho.ix. The active chaser
is not allowed to give the Kho after going across the cross lane but s/
allowed to give Kho before reaching the cross lane.x. If the chaser commits a foul,
s/he should stop chasing the runner and immediately run towards the direction shown
by the referee to continue the game.xi. The passive chasers are not allowed to
obstruct the runners.xii. The runners are not given out until both feet steps
outside the playing area.xiii. There are nine players in a playing set and three
reserves in a team.xiv. The substitutes are allowed in the chasing team but runners
can be substituted before the game starts.xv. The duration of the game shalt be of
nine minutes of the first innings and two minutes rest, nine minutes of play and
five minutes of break, nine minutes of Play, two minutes rest, and nine minutes of
play (9:2:9-5-9:2:9).Kho-Kho Sitting Position:'Chaser' team takes a sitting
position within the cross lanes with opposite back in 8 squares and one player
stands near the pole. 5. Chaser team attempts to catch the running players while
passing on Kho from one player to a different.Kho-Kho Equipment:The equipment
utilized in kho kho is poles/post, strings, metallic measuring tape, lime powder,
wire nails, two watches, sorts of rings having an inner circumference of 28.25 and
31.4 cm, score shots (like a whistle, for instance), and equipment to record the
http://results.Do You Know:Kho Kho may be a popular tag game invented in
Maharashtra, India. it's played by teams of 12 nominated players out of fifteen, of
which nine enter the sector who sit on their knees (chasing team), and three extra
(defending team) who attempt to avoid being touched by members of the opposing
Team members: 12 players per side
First played: IndiaRead More: basic-skills-and-rules-of-basketballRead

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