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Table 1.

Stress level and stress management of nursing students during clinical duties after 2 years of

Question Mean Interpretation

Conflict with the healthcare team with handling the patients during clinical duties 2.11 N

The death of a patient. 2.21 N

Not enough time to complete all your nursing tasks. 3.73 P

Lack of an opportunity to talk openly with staff about problems on a clinical 2.77 F
Watching a patient suffer. 3.48 F
Feeling inadequately prepared to help with the emotional needs of patient. 3.48 F
Fear of making a mistake in caring for a patient. 4.52 P
Not knowing what a patient or patient’s family ought to be told about the patient’s 3.19 F
medical condition and treatment.
Uncertainty regarding the operation and functioning of specialized equipment. 3.14 F
Difficulty in working with a particular nurse or nurses on a clinical placement. 2.38 N
Listening or talking to a patient about his/her approaching death. 2.59 F
Disagreement concerning the treatment of a patient. 2.15 N
Feeling inadequately prepared to help with the emotional needs of a patient’s family. 2.97 F
Too many patients to handle. 2.26 N
Criticism by a healthcare team while doing checkups on patients. 2.67 F
Patient with serious cases. 3.82 F
Mixed cases of patients due to lack of rooms 3 F
Wrong procedure performed to the patient. 2.55 F
Unfamiliar healthcare setting in the hospitals 3.03 F
Finishing charting on time. 3.85 P
Overall 3 P

Stress Management

I try to do or think of some things that will make myself relax during clinical duties. 3.97 P

Reassuring patients that everything will be fine while having a conversation with them. 3.85 P
I talk with classmates or friends or disclose to my workmates in clinic. 3.45 F
I let myself calm down first and think of how to reprogram my mind to achieve peace 4.34 P
of mind.
I tried to look on the bright side of things. 4.44 P
I consider the stress regarding clinical duties to be a type of self-challenge 4.25 P
I do usual things such as watching TV, reading books, listening to music, sleeping, 4.08 P
eating or going out to temporarily forget these frustrating things.
I tell myself to persevere and to keep an optimistic and positive attitude in dealing with 4.59 HP
To have confidence in overcoming difficulties during clinical duties. 4.26 P
I create a strategy for how I'll approach whatever issues the event brings up step-by- 4.1 P
I ask people who had similar experiences for their advice. 3.9 P
Withdrawal from social life to focus on clinical duties 3.4 P
I concentrate on any potential clinical responsibilities that may result from the 3.92 P
I tell myself to never surrender. 4.42 P
I tried to make myself feel better by working, studying, etc. 3.79 P
I discuss issues with family, co-workers or friends and classmates and ask for their 3.41 F
When I encounter conflicts in my clinical duties and activities, I will first arrange and 3.88 P
I leave aside the problem first to assist my patients and works. 4.34 P
I am used to leaving aside the problem and not handling it for the time being. 3.48 F
I take some time off and get away from my working life. 3.67 P
Overall 3.47 F

Rating Scale Descriptive Rating Qualitative

5 4.51-5.00 Always Highly Positive (HP)
4 3.51-4.50 Often Positive (P)
3 2.51-3.50 Sometimes Faire (F)
2 1.51-2.50 Seldom Negative (N)
1 1.00-1.50 Never Highly Negative (HN)

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