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Name: Ryza Mae D. Barrameda

Year & Section: 1Psy-5

Activity #2

1. Why psychology students need and should study research?

- Psychology is a branch of science that studies human mind
and human behavior. Thus, this program will need factual evidences in
order to prove a discoveries, theories, and experiments. In order to get the
factual evidences, it will need a research where you will discover extensive
backgrounds about what you are looking for. Aside from that, psychology
students should study research as it can help them to understand the
experiences of other people. Thorough research can bring them growth,
knowledge, and wisdom that they can apply when they become

2. What is the importance of research in your everyday life

- As we all know, research is the extensive way to learn about
something. In our daily life we do different things for different situations. With
the use of research, we can strengthen our skills in decision making. Aside
from that, research just have this power to give us knowledge. With that
knowledge, we can achieve different things that is far from our comfort zone.

3. What made research relevance to Psychologist?

- Psychologist usually work on discovering things that is
needed in their field. As a professional, they need an evidence and support
to make their premise plausible. Using research, they can also learned
different studies about the human behavior that is a psychologist field.
Research can be their backbone in assessing different people. To sum it all,
the knowledge in a scientific research is what made research relevant to

4. What is the difference between qualitative research and quantitative

research? Give example for each.
- The difference between the two is that qualitative- from the
word itself “quality”, tends to focus on the quality of experience of the
people. One of the example of this is the ethnographic research where the
researches joins their target group of people (ex. Aetas) Meanwhile, the
quantitative research focus on the quantity or the numeric. The qualitative
approach uses a few numbers of respondents while the quantitative
approach uses a large number of respondents. All in all, qualitative research
tends to be in the humanistic approach while the quantitative research tends
to get the majority of the population.

5. Among the different types of research which do you think for you is
the best and easy to conduct and why?
- For me, the best and easy type of research to conduct is the
qualitative research. It focuses on the experience of the people which I find
interesting to do. Although it will need for us to travel and spend time with
the people that will serve as our respondents, it will be very enjoyable as
we can learn different things in person. Aside from that, as it focus on the
quality, we will just be focusing on a small number of population. Also, the
qualitative research is the most beneficial for us psychology students. With
that, I can get many benefits for choosing this approach.

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