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Different forms of energy sources have helped us in many ways from running our

vehicles to cooking at home or generating electricity. There are two types of energy sources-
renewable and non-renewable energy resources. The former is where the energy resources do not
get depleted and they can be used repeatedly whereas non-renewable energy resources cannot be
used again and again.

We cannot even imagine a life without the existence of fossil fuels like crude oil; coal
and natural gas. But, usage of these energy resources creates lot of problems. Global warming,
increase in prices of fossil fuels, and the threat of peak oil are major concerns around the globe
but what steps are we taking to overcome all these issues? If we stop consuming fossil fuels, we
can stop global warming and save non renewable energy resources for our future generations to
deploy. But, at the same time we need to seek an alternative to meet our requirements. We come
across these topics on television, internet, and magazines and there is a lot of debate going on
with regards to these topics. Is it possible for us to overcome the crisis? Only alternative energy
solutions can help us as well as our environment to some extent.

Industries that deal with alternative energy solutions like solar and wind power thrive
hard to save our environment. Even though modern technologies are being implemented to
extract crude oil from places. Which were not reachable earlier, it is still nor possible to meet the
growing demand. The demand for fossil fuels is increasing due to the rapid increase in
population growth. Alternative energy -solutions have lot of benefits when compared to non-
renewable energy resources. Industries have started investing their time and money in
researching as well as setting up power plants.

Certain home users hesitate to go for alternative energy solutions as initial investment
needs to be made. However, once the equipment is installed, there will be no maintenance costs
or other repetitive costs. Apart from the set up cost, energy from the sun and the wind will
always be free in any part of the country and there is no need for being dependent upon other
countries. On the other hand, the prices of renewable energy resources keep increasing and
certain countries have to dependent upon major oil producing countries. Home users who
consume alternative energy resources can cut down on their electricity bills.

Every system has its own pros and cons but the best and wise thing to do is weigh the
options that are available and choose the energy resources that offers long-term benefits. When it
comes to alternative energy solutions, setting up solar plants and building windmills is a huge
and complicated process but once they are set up, they offer endless benefits. In case of fossil
fuels, oil companies need to locate the proven reserves, dig oil wells, extract oil, and convert into
a more usable from so that it can reach the end consumer.

(Adapted from

1. The author’s bias regarding pollution is that ….

A. different forms of energy sources have helped prevent it from happening

B. industries making use of alternative energy contribute the least of it
C. energy from the sun and wind will produce the minimum level of it
D. it is alternative energy that merely offers solutions to overcome it
E. any natural source of energy cannot avoid from generating it

2. In presenting the ideas, the author starts by ….

A. describing the types of energy sources

B. referring to non-renewable energy resources
C. showing evidence of the roles of energy sources
D. stating the needs for alternative energy
E. arguing the possibility of using various forms of energy

3. The author’s attitude towards alternative energy may be best described as being ….

A. assertive
B. optimistic
C. supportive
D. pessimistic
E. sympathetic

4. The paragraph preceding the passage most likely deals with ….

A. modern technologies used for energy solutions

B. investment needs for equipment installation
C. introduction to current energy sources
D. alternative energy solutions
E. sun as an energy source

5. Which of the following is TRUE based on the text?

A. Solar plants and windmills could provide few advantages

B. A lot of money and time have been invested in energy industry since a long time
C. Peak oil is a major concern for most people all over the world.
D. People can use non-renewable energy unlimitedly.
E. Only alternative energy sources may not benefit both people and the environment.

6. The word ‘depleted’ in paragraph 1 can be replaced with ….

A. consumed
B. decreased
C. restored
D. implemented
E. attested

7. The text is meant to ….

A. describe the use of energy in some countries
B. trace the development of energy use in the world
C. point out the pros and cons of using renewable and non renewable energy
D. embraced the awareness and the importance of alternative energy usage
E. compare how government's policies managing the energy sources for people

8. The word ‘can’ in paragraph 4 is used to express ….

A. possibility
B. permission
C. ability
D. certainty
E. oblihation

9. In which paragraph does the author mention about the suggestion of looking for another
source of energy?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. 5

10. What is the main idea of the paragraph 3?

A. Solar and wind power have saved the environment

B. The population growth is the main factor in using fossil fuels as a source of energy
C. The investment of alternative energy needs to be made to save the environment
D. The modern technology cannot overcome the needs of energy.
E. Many stakeholders have begun to implement the renewable energy

Five centuries after Leonardo Da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa (1503–19), the portrait
hangs behind bulletproof glass within the Louvre Museum and draws thousands of jostling
spectators each day. It is the most famous painting in the world, and yet, when viewers manage
to see the artwork up close, they are likely to be baffled by the small subdued portrait of an
ordinary woman. Much has been said about her smile and gaze, but viewers still might wonder
what all the fuss is about. Along with the mysteries of the sitter’s identity and her enigmatic
look, the reason for the work’s popularity is one of its many conundrums. Although many
theories have attempted to pinpoint one reason for the art piece’s celebrity, the most compelling
arguments insist that there is no one explanation. The Mona Lisa’s fame is the result of many
chance circumstances combined with the painting’s inherent appeal.

There is no doubt that the Mona Lisa is a very good painting. It was highly regarded even
as Leonardo worked on it. Giorgio Vasari later extolled Leonardo’s ability to closely imitate
nature. Indeed, the Mona Lisa is a very realistic portrait. The subject’s softly sculptural face
shows Leonardo’s skillful handling of sfumato, an artistic technique that uses subtle gradations
of light and shadow to model form, and shows his understanding of the skull beneath the skin.
The delicately painted veil, the finely wrought tresses, and the careful rendering of folded fabric
reveal Leonardo’s studied observations and inexhaustible patience. Leonardo painted a complex
figure that is very much like a complicated human.

Many scholars, however, point out that the excellent quality of the Mona Lisa was not
enough by itself to make the painting a celebrity. External events also contributed to the
artwork’s fame. That the painting’s home is the Louvre, one of the world’s most-visited
museums, is a fortuitous circumstance that has added to the work’s stature. The painting became
part of the royal collection, and, for centuries after, the portrait was secluded in French palaces
until the Revolution claimed the royal collection as the property of the people. The Mona
Lisa was installed in the Louvre Museum at the turn of the 19th century. As patronage of
the Louvre grew, so too did recognition of the painting.

The identity of the portrait’s sitter soon became more intriguing. Although many scholars
believe that the painting depicts Lisa Gherardini, wife of the Florentine merchant Francesco del
Giocondo, no records of such a commission from Francesco exist, and the sitter has never been
conclusively identified. The unknown identity has thus lent the figure to whatever
characterization people wanted to make of her. and draw speculation.

The writers of the 19th century aroused interest in the Mona Lisa, but the theft of the
painting in 1911 and the ensuing media frenzy brought it worldwide attention. The Mona
Lisa was certainly more famous after the heist.

A tour of the painting to the United States in 1963 and to Japan in 1974 elevated it to
celebrity status. What’s more, as travel has become increasingly affordable since the late 20th
century, more and more individuals have been able to visit Paris and pay their respects in person,
contributing to the unyielding crowds of today.

11. What is the tone of the text?

A. analytical
B. assertive
C. doubtful
D. amazed
E. colloquial

12. Why does the author write the passage?

A. Because there is a widespread misconception about the Mona Lisa
B. Because the author is intrigued about the Mona Lisa's fame
C. Because people are still questioning the reason behind its popularity
D. Because the painting recently attracts the world's attention once again
E. Because there is a theory debunking the Mona Lisa's stardom
13. Which of the following is not the reason for the Mona Lisa’s popularity?

A. the enigma about the woman's identity

B. the quality of the painting itself
C. the recent theft of the artwork
D. the Louvre Museum
E. the painting's tour in the 20th century

14. What is most likely to be Giorgio Vasari's identity?

A. A novel writer
B. A critique
C. A friend of Da Vinci
D. A scholar
E. An art collector

15. What does “media frenzy” in paragraph 5 probably mean?

A. an uncontrolled behavior of the media

B. a wild obsession towards media's validation
C. an extreme interest towards a public figure
D. a severe addiction to social media
E. an intense press coverage of an issue

16. The word conundrums in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ….

A. anxieties
B. riddles
C. difficulties
D. clarities
E. distinctions

17. In which paragraph does the author discuss about the assumption on who is the woman in
the Mona Lisa painting?

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. 5

18. The word intriguing in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to ….

A. fascinating
B. empowering
C. conspiring
D. surprising
E. convincing

19. In relation to paragraph 1, paragraph 2 ….

A. tells about tools used in the stated portray in paragraph 1

B. describes the artist of painting explained in paragraph 1
C. states the technical aspects of the value in the portray discussed in paragraph 1
D. provides more explanation about the museum presented in paragraph 1
E. clarifies the mystery of the portray stated in paragraph 1

20. Which of the following best states the topic of the text?

A. Mona Lisa
B. The history of Mona Lisa painting
C. The artist who made Mona Lisa painting
D. The struggles to make Mona Lisa painting
E. The mystery of famous Mona Lisa painting

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